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Coriander: useful properties and contraindications. Coriander (coriander): application

The beneficial effect of coriander on the human body was known even in the ancient world. All parts of the plant are useful - root, leaves, fruits. A rich chemical composition contributes to the relief of well-being in anemia, rheumatism and arthritis. Improves the general condition of the stomach and intestines, lowers the level of cholesterol, coriander. Useful properties and contraindications have a plant. Before using decoction or infusion of coriander, it is best to consult a doctor.

What is coriander?

This is a spicy herb, which is otherwise referred to as coriander or Chinese parsley. Fresh greenery of the plant is used in salads, second courses, giving them a specific flavor. Cilantro begins flowering in June-July. Fruits can be harvested in August-September. Its globular seeds have a brown tint. Coriander is used in marinades, sauces, fills, alcoholic beverages. The fruit of the plant is added to the baking, which gives it an expressive smell.

Coriander - plant Annual. In addition to a specific odor, coriander is often used as a medicinal plant. Already in ancient Egypt, coriander was appreciated for its useful properties. And in Greece, the plant was called "bug" because of its unusual flavor.

Currently, coriander is popular in Indian, Mexican cuisine, in the North Caucasus, Europe, America, Russia, Morocco.

You can dry the coriander throughout the summer. Useful properties and contraindications exist for each medicinal plant. So that the dried coriander does not lose its therapeutic effect, it is better to store it in a glass container.

Beneficial effect of plants

Coriander is considered a soft spice, so it is not suitable for treatment, but for the prevention of diseases. It is used to cleanse the kidneys. The diuretic effect of the herb promotes the excretion of stones, reducing edema.

Coriander improves the work of the liver, contributes to the appearance of appetite. It removes accumulated slag and toxins. Bactericidal properties of the plant increase the protective properties of the body, improve resistance to infectious diseases.

Coriander strengthens heart, brain activity. It strengthens the gum, prevents the occurrence of stomatitis. Coriander has a choleretic and analgesic effect, helps fight colds. It is able to disinfect the airways, reduces high blood pressure.

Do not abuse this plant. Poisoning can cause coriander. Useful properties and contraindications to cilantro should be considered when preventing diseases. In large doses, the herb can cause vomiting, sleep disturbance, memory impairment. Therefore, the maximum dose of green coriander per day - 35 g, the fruit - no more than 4 g.


Each medicinal plant has its own contraindications. Coriander is forbidden to be taken during pregnancy. Greenery of a plant should not be used by people with such diseases as:

  • asthma;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • Hyperacid gastritis;
  • Thrombophlebitis;
  • Ischemic disease;
  • Myocardial infarction;
  • thrombosis;
  • cholecystitis.

Chemical composition of coriander

Greens and coriander seeds contain magnesium, keratin, pectin, iron, phosphorus, calcium, tannins, manganese, vitamins P, C, B1, B2, B4, B9, E. Dodecenal - a natural antibiotic that is part of coriander, is effective in infectious Diseases of the intestine, salmonellosis.

Essential oil of coriander has antiparasitic, antiviral, bactericidal action. It contains geraniol, linalool, borneol, dipentene, cineole, fellandren. Due to the composition, the oil of the plant has a laxative, diuretic, antihelminthic effect. It promotes the regeneration of the skin, simulates the digestive tract.

Coriander extract

For the treatment of colds, measles, scrofula, cough, hemorrhoids, eczema, nervous disorders, use coriander. Recipes Extract Are reduced to the infusion of plant seeds on vodka. In a proportion of 1:10, the fruits are poured with vodka or alcohol. Insist extract follows a week in a dark place. After straining it is taken 3 times a day for 1 teaspoonful.

Not only on vodka can be prepared tincture. Red wine will also enhance the medicinal qualities of the plant. To do this, use 100 grams of seeds and 1 liter of wine. Keep the tincture in a dark place. After a week drain, take 100 g (1 glass) 2-3 times a day.

The extract is useful in depressed, depressed states. Improves sleep, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the gums.

Decoction of coriander

Promotes life expectancy and improves the potency of coriander. Useful properties and contraindications to plants can not always improve the condition in diabetes mellitus. Therefore, before using a decoction of coriander, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

To reduce insulin, folk medicine recommends such a recipe: crushed dry leaves (100 g) pour a glass (200 g) of boiling water. For every day, it is best to prepare a fresh broth. Within 3 minutes, boil the leaves on fire, take three times a day.

Coriander from diabetes Can be prepared in the form of gruel. Dry leaves (10 g) pour a glass (200 g) of cold water. Boil for 5 minutes. Blend the mixture in a blender and store in a refrigerator. Kasha should be taken with food. Ready mix should be consumed during the day for 3 hours.

Decoction of seeds treats sore throat, sanitizes the oral cavity, facilitates the course of diseases of the stomach and duodenum. It alleviates abdominal pain, is used to treat colic, flatulence, constipation. To prepare the broth, take a teaspoon of coriander seeds (previously shredded). Pour a glass of boiling water. After cooling, the broth is ready. Take it for 50 g for half an hour before meals (up to 4 times a day).

Tea from the leaves of the plant is advised to drink to pregnant women 1-2 weeks before the birth. It will help reduce the uterus, strengthen the labor. Will help prevent the subsequent inflammatory process.

Compresses from decoction of coriander improve the skin condition with eczema, dermatitis. Wounds can be treated with gruel from a crushed plant.

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