
How to improve vision with myopia: nothing is impossible

Today, when problems with eyesight exist in almost thirty percent of the world's population, the question of how to improve vision with short-sightedness excites many. Of course, there are cardinal methods in the form of operations. Or deviation from the norm can be compensated with the help of lenses or glasses. But if you know how to improve your eyesight at home, is not it better to try to use it? Perhaps the result will justify the time and effort spent. Why, realizing that physical exercises can improve their figure, endurance, well-being, people do not want to get the skills of how to improve vision with short-sightedness, using the same methods, but for the eyes. Probably, the reason lies in the fact that this organ is perceived by man, as some very complex device that can not be tuned.

However, it is not. There are a number of exercises with which you can not only keep your eyesight, but also improve it. And if at the same time make certain adjustments to your behavior, diet and limit alcohol, the results obtained in the end can even surprise a person who is sick with myopia. However, when studying the possibilities how to improve vision with myopia, it should be understood that the process of bringing to the eye is quite labor-intensive and long-lasting. Typically, doctors recommend using nine simple exercises. For those who want to learn how to improve vision with myopia, they are given below.

The first is frequent blinking for a minute. Exercise is recommended to repeat several times with small interruptions. Second - a strong squint to five seconds (8 times), in between the eyes are kept open. The third is the concentration of the look on the finger of the outstretched hand, followed by its slow approach to the face (6 times). Fourth - pressing three fingers on the upper eyelid for 1-2 seconds (3-4 times with each hand on the corresponding eye). The fifth exercise is conducted 8-10 times, its essence is to move the skin of the superciliary arches using muscles. At the same time, you can help your fingers, and keep your eyelids closed. The sixth exercise is done 8-10 times. To do this, three fingers are placed evenly from the outer corner of the eye to the inner corner and make the same movements as in the previous exercise. At the seventh, the eyes are moved slowly from the ceiling to the floor and vice versa. The head can not be moved, the number of repetitions is 8-12 times. The eighth exercise is done up to six times (at least four). In this case, uniform, unhurried movements with eyes around the circle are made first into one and then to the other side. The ninth task must be done from ten to twelve times. In this case, the hand is withdrawn to the right side, it is brought into a semi-bent position. Then the finger starts moving slowly from right to left. At this time, it is necessary to observe with concentrated eyes the eyes, fixing the head in one place.

In the end, we can say that if people start to wonder: "How to improve vision?" - myopia ceases to be something permanent and inevitable. The main thing is to take the first step, overcome yourself and begin to systematically train your eyes.

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