
What bonuses does a non-existent page in Odnoklassniki

There are many stories and legends about the fact that there is a non-existent page in Odnoklassniki. Fortunately, some myths managed to dispel. First of all, we can say with confidence that there are many such pages. But why and how they are created, no one knows yet. Let's try to understand this question.


To find similar pages in networks is easy enough, for this purpose it is necessary to enter in an address line with web site ID which at all is not present in the nature. Let's try to find out what the nonexistent page in Odnoklassniki was created for.

One of the answers to the insanity is simple. In this social project there is a tab "My achievements", in it there is a certain point. He identifies a special task worth five hundred OK. This mission is called "Rare find", and in order to fulfill it, a non-existent page in "Odnoklassniki" should be "caught". Also there are other awards, for which at the auction you can buy yourself quite good bonuses and incentives.

Links to similar pages

What does a nonexistent page look like in Odnoklassniki? Link - Walking along it, you can see the inscription that this address is not on the site. But also under this message can be useful information. In our case, this is a reminder of the Great Patriotic War, as well as the fact that seventy years have passed since the victory.

In addition, you can go to an interesting group or page in "Classmates". Entering random combinations, you can get to the page of an interesting person. If the above information did not help, then to the question of where there is a non-existent page in Odnoklassniki, there is another answer. To search for it, enter any number after ".ru /". Thus, you are sure to meet the described phenomenon.

What does this give us?

For such a find you get points that can then be changed for certain services from the site. Find on the "Classmates" non-existent page, and get a lot of exciting bonuses. And most importantly, you will get an icon in the missions. Also you get special glasses that can be exchanged at auctions.

More about prizes

On the site "Odnoklassniki" there is an opportunity to earn a special functionality of the project. Developers launched a special auction for regular visitors of social networks, where you can buy yourself "invisible" with the help of points for seven or five days. Also it is possible to put the maximum rating under any video or photo you like.

How to quickly and effectively wind up your glasses

To obtain such a bonus currency, you must perform simple tasks that are in the "More" tab, in the "Achievements" item. Clicking on this function, you will see the whole list of missions, after which you can get special scores. The number of them depends on the complexity of the job. To get the "True fan" medal it is necessary to subscribe to the news of any pop star or movie in "Odnoklassniki". You must apply for at least five verified pages, and if you unsubscribe from them, the medal will not be lost anywhere. Mission "Rare find" is very easy.

To receive a regalia, you need to go to the address marked "No existing page in" Classmates ". Copy this link and paste into the address bar to enter in your browser: The last digit can be changed to any character. In this case, when you click on the link, you will see information that this page is not on "Classmates".

To receive the medal "As honey is smeared" is very simple. To do this, it is necessary that friends often visit your page. The medal "Come, do not be shy" is similar in complexity to the previous one. "Leo Tolstoy" is a regalia, for which a certain time is allocated. You need to change your status for seven days in a row.

From the start

To search for nonexistent pages in Odnoklassniki became even faster, and you did not have to re-open the site every time, this social network can be installed as a home page on your browser. To do this, make some settings. The order of operations may vary depending on the browser that is currently used.

The most common browsers, except for Internet Explorer, which is installed in Windows by default, are the following: Opera, Mozilla Firefox and Chrome. In order to start the settings of the latter, you should click on the icon, which has three horizontal bars. This is where the "Parameters" item is located in the special drop-down menu. In the "Basic" section we select the function "Initial group", we indicate in the special field the address of the social network "Odnoklassniki". Now you do not have to every time before you enter your favorite site, search it through search engines.

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