Spiritual development, Astrology
Constellation of Aries: the Golden Fleece of the Zodiac
Aries is the first of the signs of the zodiac. It is due to the fact that in ancient times the place of the point of the spring equinox was exactly the constellation of Aries. It consists of eighty-two stars, the brightest of which are Gamal and Sheraton, and also the double star Mesartchim. They line up in an arc similar to the swirling horns of a ram.
About how the constellation of Aries appeared, tells the ancient Greek legend of Gell and Freaks, from which their evil stepmother tried to get rid. They fled from her on a flying sheep with golden hair, but the girl slipped from this "vehicle" and drowned in the sea. Phrix brought the ram to Zeus, the patron of the travelers, and the gold skins became a gift to the king, from whom the young man found shelter. The king hung a golden fleece in a grove dedicated to the warlike god Ares and guarded by the dragon. Then this fleece became the goal of the Argonauts' journey, and the sheep, ostensibly, was turned by the Olympic gods into a constellation.
On the twenty-first of March the Sun enters the constellation of Aries and leaves it on the twentieth of April. In this period, people are born whose defining traits are activity, inexhaustible enthusiasm, impulsiveness, emotionality, ambition, self-confidence and leadership qualities. These are very temperamental, original and even extravagant personalities. They are resolute, mobile and active. More like to act immediately, under the influence of a minute desire, than to think about the consequences of their actions and assess their appropriateness. The first sign of the zodiac is a sign of self-affirmation and self-realization. Aries aspire to be the first in everything!
The constellation of Aries gives frenzied energy, strong will and great creative potential. But there are also negative qualities: aggressiveness, lack of restraint and inability to bring things to the end. This Aries requires an assistant who would complete their numerous but ill-conceived plans, while simultaneously directing the irrepressible energy inherent in the representatives of the sign to a peaceful channel (so that it does not become destructive for everyone around).
Aries are very romantic, and their feelings are inherent in almost childlike sincerity. They easily fall in love and achieve the object of their passion with their inherent pressure. In relationships they strive to rule, but do not tolerate boredom and stagnation. Compatibility of Aries with people born under the signs of Leo, Sagittarius and Gemini is the highest: they are well understood and complementary. Somewhat more difficult is the interaction of sign representatives with Virgo, Libra and Taurus, who are the embodiment of persistent methodical work. It is these individuals who are able to realize the designs of Aries in the best possible way. But temperamental "sheep" such partners often seem too slow and boring. It is quite difficult for them to communicate with Cancers, Scorpions and Pisces, because representatives of watermarks differ in the subtlety of feelings and usually suffer from excessive pressure from Aries, and they, in turn, can not understand these self-absorbed "bores." And two representatives of this enchanting sign will almost never be able to get along in one territory.
The most suitable stones for Aries are diamond and ruby. These stones since ancient times are considered precious and widely used in jewelry, while they are impressively beautiful.
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