Computers, Computer games
What perks to rock on IS-3. Aggressive tactics
Among the huge number of games devoted to the themes of the Great Patriotic War or World War II, in particular, the World of Tanks stands out. In it, we finally were able to take the place of the whole crew of the military tank and valiantly fulfill its role.
Each has its own role
The branch of Soviet tanks in the World of Tanks is represented almost all the technique of those times, ranging from incredibly powerful self-propelled artillery systems and ending with light tanks of the BT-7 type, which played the role of a scout rather than a combat vehicle. Each of the representatives of military equipment carried out its narrow task: the artillery poured the enemy with powerful high-explosive shells, turning the battlefield into a real nightmare, heavy tanks pounding the central defense, medium machines and anti-tank installations were used to support heavy, as well as to protect the flanks or swift attacks.
The Soviet destroyer
Surely all players are familiar with one of the best Soviet attack tanks. IS-3 in the World of Tanks truly inspires respect and fear to its enemies. Thanks to its excellent design, this tank feels great in attacking the flanks. His reservation is very high, and the corners are so sharp that even a short distance will not be able to break through it. High speed and maneuverability make it an excellent machine for attacks on the flank, and a powerful weapon can hit even armored targets. True, it does not do without minuses. The gun, although it does high damage and differs in its penetrability, long enough reduces, and its accuracy leaves much to be desired, why use this tank for long-range shootings is extremely problematic.
Weak sides
The IS-3 tank should not be used for frontal attack against powerful enemy PT-SAU. In this case, his armor can not withstand the shots. The sides are also poorly protected. If not for the high maneuverability of the tank, it would be completely useless in the game. It is also important what perks to pump on the IS-3 need first, and what - after. This also determines the effectiveness of the tank. It is worth noting that the heavy branch of Soviet tanks in the World of Tanks does not end with the famous IS-3. However, even in international championships and tournaments, it is most often used.
Skills and abilities of the commander
We will not consider the general skills of the crew and go straight to the commander, since his skills are one of the most important for a tank of this type. Of all the available skills, the most effective are "Expert" and "Mentor". Just pay attention to them, if you do not know what perks to pump. On the IS-3, the Perks "Sixth Sense" and "Eagle's Eye" look absolutely useless. "Master of all trades" - quite an interesting skill, but in real combat comes in handy not so often to pump in it the precious experience points. Although, if you play very aggressively, then it makes sense to pay your attention to it. Let's analyze the skill "Expert". It allows you to see what critical damage a particular technique has received.
If you play aggressively, and for IS-3 it is almost necessary, it is easy to track the damage to enemy tanks, to understand when it is better to retreat, and when the enemy has damaged ammunition or a gun. "Mentor" is necessary to you only if you plan to develop the crew of this car densely, because immediately this skill will not manifest itself in any way, but it will allow you to develop other soldiers faster.
Driver-mechanic skills
Immediately discard the "Virtuoso", "Master of the ram", "Cleanliness and order". In general, forget about the ram, especially heavy tanks. IS-3 does not weigh much, and, therefore, from the ram, it will lose a large number of lives. If you do not know what perks to pump on the IS-3 driver-mechanics, then first pay your attention to the "Off-road King", thanks to him you will not lose a lot of speed when driving through swamps, forests and fields, which is very important for the attack tank . Also, we often have to shoot on the move, so that "Smooth move" will do just fine for our combat vehicle.
Gunner skills
"Evil", "Master Weapon" immediately go to the last plan. In general, although it is necessary to raise the survivability of our tank, but from the same "Master" we will feel very little use, but we will sacrifice much more useful skills and abilities. The first thing we do is take the "Sniper", which will have a good effect on the effectiveness of our shooting. Particularly good effect is felt if you shoot sub-caliber projectiles. Also looks very nice "The smooth turn of the tower." We will have to twist it quite often, so that a smooth turn will help us keep more accurate information.
Charging skills
What perks to rock on the IS-3 for charging? This comrade is able to provide us with good increases, if we put the experience points correctly, and become practically useless if we make a mistake. Immediately remove the "Intuition". Yes, the skill is very good in itself, but we are unlikely to often change the type of projectile, when playing for the IS-3. The "Desperate" skill looks much more interesting, but works only if your equipment has less than 10% of lives. For IS-3, this is usually fatal, and the tank itself is not distinguished by such a huge amount of strength to maximize its realization. It is much better to invest immediately in "Non-contact combat laying". It is very unpleasant to go to the hangar, having received just one accurate shot, and therefore the most vulnerable place in any tank needs to be closed, and here the IS-3 is no exception.
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