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The regime of the child's day at the age of 1 year

When troubles with the newborn are left behind, a new time begins - active study of the world around and stabilization of the child's day regimen. Not only for parents it is convenient and profitable to study the child's regular schedule of daily activities, the regularity is also very important for the baby: the digestive system improves, the stomach is accustomed to digest food in strictly prescribed time, the child is less capricious, his desires become more understandable for adults. The stable regime of the child's day provides him peace of mind and the absence of stressful situations. In addition, accustoming to the routine of the day will allow the child to pass the adaptation period in the kindergarten with the least problems. After all, the frequent problem of the kindergarten is the inability of children to live according to the schedule of their group's day, unwillingness to sleep during a quiet hour, lack of appetite during breakfast, lunch or snack. The child runs the risk of remaining hungry, as it does not want to eat when other children are eating in the group. The child remains and without a day's sleep, since he does not want to sleep in those hours when the other children gain strength in their beds. It is also unlikely to benefit the baby.

The regime of the child's day in the year is no longer the same as in the period of the newborn. The baby moves more, is more awake, studying his environment, the situation. Sleep to one-year age, usually reduced to 2-3 times during the day.

How correctly to make a mode of day of the child? 1 year of life should draw a line under the stage of stabilizing the work of all systems of a growing organism.

The mode of the child's day is a correctly arranged sequence of feeding, walking, communicating, the daily toilet of the child. Planning a schedule of crumbs, do not forget that we have a growing personality in the stage of its formation. Therefore, the daily routine must take into account the individual needs and interests of the baby.

The stage of schooling for the child's day regimen is purely individual. Some very independent and conscious crumbs are able to work out a certain schedule of daily activities by six or seven months. Crumbs themselves begin to ask to eat at the same hour every day, fall asleep at the same time. Parents have little to adjust their own baby.

If by the age of 8 months the regime of the child's day has not yet stabilized, the process of training should begin.

The routine of the one-year-old baby can look like this:

  • 7 am - lifting and feeding.
  • From 7 to 10 am - active games, gymnastics of the kid.
  • 10 am - feeding.
  • From 10-30 to 12 noon - daytime sleep
  • From 12 pm to 2 pm - walk with the baby.
  • 14 hours - feeding, lunch.
  • From 14:30 to 15:00 - the time of games.
  • From 15 o'clock in the afternoon until 5 pm - daytime sleep.
  • From 17 hours to 18-30 - walks in the fresh air.
  • From 18-30 to 19 pm - dinner time.
  • From 19 o'clock till 21 o'clock in the evening - home game employment.
  • From 21 o'clock till 21-30 - water procedures, bathing and the subsequent second supper
  • From 21-30 - putting the child to sleep at night.

This daily routine can vary, proceeding from concrete situations and inclinations of children, for example, instead of games to go on walk or on the contrary. In addition, there is no clear compliance with the minutes. Therefore, the time in the mode of the child's day is approximate.

Do not underestimate the role of the stable regime of the child's day, it allows parents to plan their affairs according to the daily routine, which greatly facilitates many household chores. Knowing the time when the child wants to sleep will make it easy to plan trips for the city, to relatives, going to visit or simply letting you know when your mom has a free minute that she can spend on vacation.

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