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Prospective planning in the senior group: highlights

In the conditions of studying and introducing the curriculum into preschool education, it is necessary to draw the attention of teachers to the long-term planning in the senior group and the organization of the educational process from the standpoint of modern scientific approaches: activity, cultural, historical, personal. The child gets acquainted with the surrounding reality through participation in a variety of activities (cognitive practical, communication, playful, artistic, labor and elementary learning activities). The preliminary selection by the teachers of the main topics ensures the systematic and culturally appropriate organization of the educational process. The implementation of the theme takes place in a complex of different types of children's activities, providing for the interaction of an adult and a child from the position of partnership.

The tasks of the DOW in drawing up plans

The primary goal of preschool institutions is to build a planning system for the organization of the educational process, which includes:

  1. Development of the curriculum of the institution of preschool education, approved by the head of the institution.
  2. Schedules of specially organized activities (ie, classes) of pupils in educational areas.
  3. Prospective planning in the senior group, which is the teacher. In it, in addition to a specially organized one, non-regulated activities (play and other activities in the daily routine) may be reflected, the implementation of educational services in excess of the content of educational areas (circles).

What is the plan and planning

The plan is a pre-planned system of activities that provides for the order, sequence and timing of the work.

Planning is a time-consuming and creative process that requires the teacher to have a thorough knowledge of the curriculum, its didactic principles, age opportunities and characteristics of the pupils, and the requirements for the organization of the educational process. The thematic perspective planning (the senior group) should provide the final and intermediate goals and objectives, the means and ways to achieve results.

Approaches to planning:

  1. Integration of the content of educational areas and the integration of types of children's activities.
  2. The thematic perspective planning in the senior group includes the organization of different types of activities subordinated to one topic and integrating all educational areas.
  3. Use in the planning of the project method, which allows to realize the goals within a certain topic.
  4. Wide use of scientifically based methods, information and educational technologies.
  5. Implementation of the regional component.

Structure of the daily work plan

Prospective planning in the senior group includes the following sections:

  1. Annual objectives of the establishment of preschool education for the academic year.
  2. Scientific and methodological support, sources of planning (if this is the senior group, "Prospective Planning", Vasilieva MA, Gerbova VV, Komarova TS (ed.) - the most suitable material for use).
  3. List of children by subgroup.
  4. The cyclogram.
  5. Interaction with the family.
  6. Individual work with children.
  7. Specially organized activities.

Also, prospective planning in the senior group can include other sections, for example, hardening and motor activity.

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