HealthHealthy Eating

Food rich in protein: -a useful food for nursing mothers and children

Food rich in protein is useful for most people. But its presence in sufficient doses in nutrition of young women - nursing mothers and small children is especially important.

Since the birth begin to lay the foundations of proper nutrition. A child with mother's milk receives useful substances necessary for its full development and growth. The most important role in this process is played by food rich in proteins.

To begin with, we will understand the feeding of a nursing mother. Naturally, it must be diverse, with enough protein and carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, less need for fats. Proteins are not only a building material and a source of useful substances. Food rich in protein promotes weight loss, which is often sought after by women. Insufficient amount of protein in the body significantly reduces the rate of fat burning in it. It is the protein that is an essential element that helps maintain a high metabolic rate. He is indispensable and with physical exertion, which the young mother has plenty.

Recent scientific studies have also revealed the undeniable fact that a woman's protein intake is sufficient to prevent breast cancer.

So what kind of food is rich in proteins? First of all, these are eggs, fish, lean meat, legumes, poultry, sour-milk and dairy products. This is only part of what the nursing mother should use every day, because in this critical period she eats for two: for herself and her baby.

It should be noted that food rich in protein is also an additional source of zinc and iron, which the baby can absorb by eating mother's milk.

The baby is growing, and closer to half a year some of the food begins to digest itself. From its diet should not disappear rich in protein foods. A special place in the nutrition of babies is occupied by chicken or quail eggs. However, one should be extremely cautious here, because, despite their useful qualities, these products are strong allergens. The yolk of the egg is safer, it is more easily and fully absorbed and in addition contains a complex of vitamins, such as, A, D, E, B1, B2, B6, and minerals. The egg is the source of the most complete protein, in which the amino acids so necessary for the growing organism are in huge quantities.

Another important product of baby food with a high content of high-grade animal protein is meat. There are a lot of B vitamins, potassium salts, magnesium and phosphorus, a good assimilated iron. Significantly reduce the usefulness of this product fats and tendons. Therefore for a children's table it is necessary to select low-fat varieties of veal, pork, beef, chicken and rabbit. In the diet of children older than 2-3 years can be used pork after the removal of fat, because it contains a lot of vitamins B. You can cook and dishes from by-products.

Many children love sausages. However, the "meat" contained in them after processing, adding spices, fat and other has nothing to do with the wholesome protein. Therefore, the corresponding products on the children's table should be the exception rather than the rule. Children after 2 years can sometimes give a variety of cooked sausage (like "Doctor's"), beef sausages, sausages, but only after you yourself are convinced of the good quality of sausage products.

Children should be included in the nutrition of fish (if there is no allergic reaction, of course), which is rich in high-quality protein, well digested and digestible. The exception is its very fatty varieties, for example, eel, Caspian lamprey. Fish is very useful for a growing body, here and vitamins A and D, minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iodine, iron. Smoked and salted fish products have almost no value, except for energy. The only thing that can sometimes be included in a child's diet is a soaked fillet of herring, and then exclusively for the purpose of exciting the appetite. It is best to feed young children fit low-fat malokostnye varieties of fish: hake, sea bass, cod, pike perch.

By and large, food rich in protein is useful for all categories of the population, but especially young women and children need it. Take care of your health and your loved ones from the very beginning, so that later you do not have to reap the fruits of excessive carelessness and carelessness.

Health to your families!

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