HealthHealthy Eating

Than the mango is useful

Many people like to eat some exotic fruit. And it's not surprising, because not every city has shops that these fruits are ready to sell. As a matter of fact, today's mango is not some strange and misunderstood fruit for Russians, as everyone has known about it for a long time. His taste is more familiar to us due to all kinds of juices, yogurt and other flavored products, but not everyone can buy it himself. And about how useful mango is, the more they know not all.

A bit of history

India is recognized as the birthplace of this wonderful fruit. The fact is that people used it for food for a thousand years before the beginning of our era: it was eaten by both the poor and the rich. People then knew what a mango is.

This fruit grows in the tropical latitude, from there the ripened fruits and are exported all over the world. Mango belongs to the family of sumac. Its fruits can have different colors: from dark-smoky to light-peach. The fruit itself is soft and sweet, contains a lot of juice, and its weight can reach one kilogram (the smallest, as a rule, weigh about two hundred grams). It is customary to use it in raw form with the addition of lemon juice. Lemon is needed in order to make the taste even more piquant. From a mango can be prepared a good jam. There are also many salads in which it can be used.

Unfortunately, unripe mango fruits are most often supplied to Russia. This can be explained by the fact that it is really difficult to deliver them so far. Having bought in the store solid fruits that do not correspond to what you saw in the picture, do not worry, but just put them for a couple of days in a warm place. In just a few days, the mango will be ready for use.

Is mango good?

Fruits that do not bring any benefit to the body (at least from those that are sold in our stores) is not so much. Is mango good? Of course, the benefits of this fruit a lot. It is not necessary to doubt this.

This fruit contains a large amount of vitamin B, as well as potassium, iron and organic acids, which can favorably influence the digestion process. Doctors of India often used it in medicine, because they knew perfectly well what a mango is useful for. Today, many nutritionists see it as dietitians who include it in many diets intended for those who decided to get fit.

In fact, mangoes, in the first place, need to be valued for being in excess of beta-carotene and carotenoids. It has been scientifically proven that mangoes by their content surpass even carrots, which many consider the richest by them. Without these substances, our body loses immunity, becomes vulnerable to a variety of different diseases. Wounds without them heal for a long time, and their eyesight deteriorates badly.

What mangoes are useful for should know and suffer from stomach problems. Mango juice, enveloping the walls of this organ, soothes them and protects them from all sorts of irritations. It helps to normalize also the work of the liver and kidneys, which are so necessary for the body to be cleansed of all kinds of toxins and toxins.

Mango contains a lot of potassium, which means that it can be recommended to people who are experiencing pressure problems. Potassium quickly removes it, and at the same time strengthens the walls of the vessels. By the way, three medium mango fruits contain as much potassium as a person needs per day.

Talking about what is useful mango, it is worth mentioning and antioxidants, which is rich in this fruit. They do not allow us to grow old, nor do they allow cancerous tumors to appear.

Finally, I want to add that this fruit can help calm nerves, drive away insomnia, and simply replenish the supply of vitamins. Also it is worth repeating once again that the mango is really very tasty.

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