HealthHealthy Eating

How to feed a nursing mother? Tea for nursing mothers. Hypoallergenic products for nursing mothers

If after the birth of the baby the woman thinks only about how to saturate the child, then the relatives usually have another question: " How to feed a nursing mother?" Many people have formed erroneous ideas about what can and can not be eaten during the lactation period. As a result, some women follow strict diets, which is not only not useful, but also extremely harmful. So, what to feed a nursing mother? What foods should be present in the diet, and which ones should be discarded? Is it possible for the nursing mother to have apples, citrus fruits, coffee, mushrooms? About all this and many other things we will tell in the article.

Mechanism of milk formation

The main rule - to take a natural variety of food with a minimum content of dyes and preservatives. In the society, the myth is spread that it is necessary to eat during lactation for two, because the amount of milk directly depends on the volume of food absorbed. In fact, this is a great error. Breastfeeding is a natural process! Mother Nature has ensured that, regardless of the environmental factors, the breast milk contained all the substances necessary for the baby. After all, children were nourished both in times of slavery and in times of war. The amount of milk depends only on how well the child captures the breast and the number of attachments.

Every day, lactation requires about seven hundred calories. If the menu after delivery is adequate and balanced, then this process consumes five hundred calories from the food, and the remaining two hundred come from the fat stores. The body during pregnancy accumulates fat reserves specifically for the production of breast milk. If a woman eats poorly, this stock is spent on the principle of "all to the front." That is, in the milk, nutrients come not from food, but from the body's own tissues. Therefore, even if the list of food for a nursing mother is not varied, the composition of breast milk will still be better than any artificial mixture. In case of a meager diet, the content of vitamins and fat in milk decreases slightly, and the amount of proteins does not change at all. But this, of course, does not mean that one can starve or eat the same every day. We talked about forced situations, but in general it is desirable that the diet be varied.

Restrictions on food

The intestine of the newborn is not yet mature enough to delay the incoming allergens with milk, so they enter the bloodstream. Because of this, only hypoallergenic products for the nursing mother are allowed. It should limit the consumption of citrus, soy, red vegetables, honey, seafood, nuts, chicken eggs, coffee, grapes, mushrooms, chocolate, cow's milk, cocoa. This does not mean that you can not eat them. It is possible, but to enter the diet should be gradually, in small quantities. If the child has no allergic reaction to the injected product (there is no peeling or redness of the skin, changes in stool, increased gas production), then you can increase the amount consumed. And if the reaction has appeared, it is required to exclude the product from food.

What can not be?

It is necessary to completely abandon alcohol and exotic food. In addition, products not recommended for lactating mothers are all those that contain preservatives, food additives (saccharin, glutamate, nitrates, cyclamates, aspirin), artificial dyes.

Do not overdo it and exclude a particular product from the diet completely, even if the child has an allergy to it. When an allergen is introduced into a child's body through breast milk, the child develops tolerance (food tolerance), which makes it possible in the future to prevent the appearance of a reaction.

Nutrition in the first days after childbirth

Food should be easily digestible so that the digestive system is not highly active for its processing. What can you eat? Lactating mothers on the first day after childbirth are allowed to crackers or white bread (not too fresh), dairy products (sour milk, kefir, cottage cheese, in a small amount - butter and sour cream). For breakfast you can eat curd or milk porridge, for lunch - vegetable soup. From drinks natural juices, jelly, compote are allowed.

From the second day it is advisable to introduce meat into the diet. This is the most important source of high-grade protein, which is extremely necessary for the normal functioning of the baby. Meat can be consumed in the form of steam or ordinary cutlets, meatballs, in a boiled form. Often, family members who are worried about what to feed a nursing mother believe in various unverified sources of information, and as a result they form a wrong diet for a woman. For example, there is an opinion that mummy in the postpartum period should give up meat food, because it is allegedly difficult to digest. It's a delusion. Specialists have proved that consumption of meat products improves the general condition of a woman after childbirth and allows to restore a lost mass.

With the normal operation of the intestine, starting from the third day after the birth, you can eat everything that you are used to. The list of foods for the nursing mother should not include only garlic and onions, because these vegetables can give the milk an unpleasant aftertaste and smell.

Healthy foods

Specialists in breastfeeding recommend to eat during the lactation period:

  • Vegetables: zucchini, tomatoes, white cabbage and cauliflower, eggplant, pumpkin, turnips, green salad, young beans, carrots, table beets;
  • Fruit: pears, apricots, plums, apples, pomegranates;
  • Berries: cherry, red and black currant, chokeberry, sweet cherry, raspberry, gooseberry.

Yes, do not be surprised! Of course, more recently, beans, apricots and pears, not to mention cabbage and fresh cucumbers, were under the strictest ban, in the emergency, so to speak. But do you need to get used to ordinary food? Necessary! That's why all these products need to be gradually added to the diet, of course, with an eye on the condition of the baby. This does not mean that Mom will sit down and eat half a kilogram of raspberries or a kilo of apricots. In everything you need to know the measure, the menu should be balanced. In order to provide adequate nutrition, 180-200 grams of meat or fish per day, 100-150 grams of cottage cheese or 500-700 milliliters of milk, 15-20 grams of butter, 200-300 grams of fruit, 20-30 grams of sour cream or cream, 20-30 grams of cheese, 10-15 grams of vegetable oil, one egg, 500-600 grams of vegetables, 40 grams of cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, etc.), not more than 500 grams of bread. How to feed a nursing mother? Yes, almost everyone! She can eat even sauerkraut. But it is important to observe the diet during the day. About it now and tell.


Products with HB (breastfeeding) are not always well absorbed, because at that time all systems and organs function in a special rhythm. Eat should be five to six times a day for twenty to thirty minutes before feeding. Such a gap is necessary to make the reflex of the milk return work, and the baby has received it in sufficient quantity. Before the morning of the first feeding (at six o'clock in the morning) you can not eat, but before the second (at nine o'clock in the morning) you must definitely have breakfast. Before the third (at one o'clock in the afternoon), eat the second breakfast, before the fourth (at four o'clock in the afternoon) have dinner, before the fifth (at seven o'clock in the evening), surf: eat a few fruits and other easily digestible foods with carbohydrates, drink tea, before the sixth (at ten Hours of the evening).

Yes, do not be surprised, the schedule will be somewhat shifted down (late lunch, late dinner). The food regime should be built in such a way that the breakfast (first) is 1/3 of the total diet, lunch is slightly more than 1/3, and breakfast (the second), afternoon snack and dinner (all together) is slightly less than 1 / 3. To eat should not be hastily, not on the run, but at the table, measuredly, so that the food is well assimilated.


In the diet of each person, carbohydrates occupy a large proportion, since they replenish all the energy costs of the body. Fifty-seventy percent of the caloric content of the menu per day falls on these organic substances. It is proved that there is a direct relationship between the amount of carbohydrates consumed by the mother and the increase in the weight of the child. If the substances enter the body in excess, the baby will gain weight above the norm, and vice versa.

Suitable foods for a nursing mother with a carbohydrate content are vegetables, cereals, fruit, bread made from wholemeal bread (for example, bread "Health" with an admixture of bran). Once again it is necessary to say about raw fruits and vegetables. For a child, they are absolutely safe, and all the notions of their harm are simply unfounded. The more berries, fruits, vegetables in the diet (we listed them above), the richer the mineral substances and vitamins milk.

Separately, we should dispel stereotypes about apples. For some reason, many believe that these fruits in the lactation period are categorically contraindicated. For those who still doubt whether it is possible for the nursing mother to have apples, let us say loud again: of course, you can! The main thing is not to overdo with their quantity in the menu and know the measure. It is better to eat green fruits, they contain more microelements, vitamins and iron. But you can eat red, only pre-clean them from the peel - it contains pigment, which can act as an allergen.


For an organism fats mean not less, than carbohydrates, after all they are included in structure of all fabrics. Products for nursing mothers should contain vegetable fats (olive, sunflower, cottonseed, soybean, corn, hemp oil , etc.) and animal origin (ghee, butter). If the fat is not received for a long time, the health of both the child and the mother will worsen. But an overabundance of these substances adversely affects the body: conditions are created for the appearance of anemia, the resistance to infections decreases, the assimilation of calcium salts deteriorates. To prevent excessive intake of fat, you need to limit the consumption of walnuts - they increase the fat content of milk. It is best to use the fat that is found in dairy products (sour cream, cream, butter) and the milk itself, as well as in vegetable oils.

Organic compounds contained in mutton, beef and pork fat, margarine, are absorbed worse, they will not be of use to the nursing mother and child. In a daily ration it is necessary to include fifty grams of fat, the rest amount in the body comes with other foods.


In addition to the basic substances that act as a source of plastic material and energy, there must be compounds in the food necessary to sustain life. It's vitamins. They are not synthesized by cells, so they are irreplaceable. The most important biological role of vitamins is that they are included in the composition of hormones and enzymes - biological catalysts, acting as the most powerful regulators of metabolic processes. To date, dozens of vitamins are known, but not all are vitally needed for life.

In nutrition of the nursing mother, the most important are:

1. Vitamin A is a compound that dissolves well in fats. The need for vitamin A in breastfeeding is two and a half milligrams a day. In large quantities, it is contained in fish oil (in a hundred grams of the product nineteen milligrams of vitamin A) and beef liver (in a hundred grams - fifteen milligrams). Also, products that can be fed to a nursing mother to increase the intake of this organic compound include butter and milk (especially in autumn and summer, when animals receive a lot of carotene - provitamin A). Carotene in large quantities is also found in red pepper, carrots, tomatoes and apricots. But in vegetable oils, this element is almost absent.

2. Vitamin B1. In a day the need for it is 5 milligrams. The main sources are cereals and bread products. But keep in mind that, in general, vitamin B1 is not contained inside the grain, but in the outer layer, therefore, in the production of premium flour, polished rice and other refined products, most of it is lost. Therefore, it is recommended to choose bread products made from bran and wholemeal. A lot of vitamin B1 is found in peas, oats and buckwheat, wheat bread made from first and second grades of flour, beans, veal, yeast, pork, beef.

2. Vitamin B2 (riboflavin). With a lack of this substance, the child slows down growth, cracks and ulcers form in the corners of the mouth, the mucous eyes become inflamed, and the skin flakes. The daily need of a nursing woman in riboflavin is 3.5 milligrams. Good sources are cottage cheese, eggs, meat, milk, cheese, liver. Most of this substance is contained in yeast.

3. Vitamin C. The daily requirement is 100-200 milligrams. You can get the substance from many fruits, berries and vegetables: red pepper, tomatoes, cabbage, spinach, black currant, red dogrose, mandarins, apples, peaches, lemons. In winter, as a source of vitamin C, you can use potatoes, sauerkraut (one hundred grams of this snack contains twenty milligrams of vitamin C).

4. Vitamin PP (niacin). With his deficiency develops pellagra (inflammation of the skin). With food daily, 10-15 milligrams of this substance should be fed into the body of the nursing mother. Such a need can be met by consuming proteins. The main sources of niacin are fish, meat, potatoes, eggs, rye and wheat bread, oat and buckwheat groats, beans, yeast, cabbage.

Mineral salts

The woman's body during breastfeeding requires regular supply of potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, sodium, chlorine with mineral salts. They are considered to be macronutrients, since the body needs quite large quantities. Also, to maintain health, iron, manganese, iodine, zinc, chromium, fluoride are essential elements, the required volume of which is measured in milligrams or even fractions thereof.

The most important component for a nursing mother is calcium. The child must receive it during the growth period, because it forms the mineral base of the skeleton. With a lack of calcium, cramps can occur in the baby. This macro-element in breast milk is contained in sufficient quantities, but if in addition the nursing mother will not receive it with food, then partially calcium will be expended from the body's own reserves. To avoid this, you need to eat cottage cheese, sardines, yoghurts, greens, cauliflower, cheese, beans, green figs, and also drink carrot juice. In the lactation period, two grams of calcium are required daily.

The most important of the trace elements is iron. In a day, the body of a nursing mother it is required in an amount of 15-20 milligrams. The source of iron - fish and meat, cereals (muesli).


The role of water in the human body is difficult to overestimate. And in the period of breastfeeding the need for it is even greater. But do not drink more than you want, otherwise lactation can increase. A day should consume up to two liters of fluid, while the daily urine output should be one and a half liters. Do not drink after the last feeding (at night), this will lead to an increase in milk production, and since the break between evening and morning feeding is as long as six hours, the woman will have an additional burden on the heart.

Tea for nursing mothers with fennel content is very useful. This component has been used since ancient times to stimulate lactation. On sale in recent years there are many products with the presence of fennel. We advise you to try tea for nursing mothers from the company "Babushkino Lukoshko". Also popular is the Austrian tea "Natal".

Food for nursing mothers. Recipes

As already mentioned above, meat plays an important role in the diet. You can eat it in baked, cooked, stewed. Feel free to eat chicken, turkey, beef, pork (not too fat), rabbit meat and so on. How to boil meat, for sure I know everything. A few people are aware of how to properly bake it. Let's talk about how to bake the meat in the oven.

Take a small piece of fillet (five hundred grams), wash, then dry with a towel. Rub the meat with salt. Use bay leaf, soy sauce, vinegar, black pepper and the like is not recommended. Wrap the fillets in foil, put in a bowl and place in a preheated oven. The time and temperature of baking will depend on the type of meat. In any case, five minutes before the readiness, unfold the foil to give a piece of brown. Done! You can eat meat with garnish or use for sandwiches.

Soups are a necessary meal for nursing mothers. Recipes for specific dishes will not be given, because there are a lot of them. Look in any cookbook and choose the one suitable for yourself, based on taste preferences. The only thing that is worth noting is - exclude in the first month from the diet okroshku, borsch and soups that contain beans, peas and other legumes. But chicken broths with noodles, cereals, vegetable soups - this is exactly what you need in the lactation period. Health to you and your children!

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