Health, Alternative Medicine
Sabelnik marsh: application in oncology, reviews, instructions
Among the many medicinal plants the curative saber is remarkable for its curative properties. Application in oncology confirms the unique strength of the herb. A humble plant has several names - deco, marshes, fenilist. And in the people he was called gently and tenderly - Russian ginseng.
Description of the plant
Sabelnik swamp, a photo of which can be seen below, is one of the most widespread and available plants in nature. Healing grass fills the lowlands of rivers and marshy places. Perennial plant belongs to the family of Rosaceae. In height, it often reaches 1 meter. The stem has a brownish-red color and grows from a woody creeping rhizome. Amazing leaves, consisting of 5 parts, differs sabelnik marsh. The photo shows their complex shape. On top of the color of the leaf is dark green, and from below the shade is silvery, grayish.
Healing properties. Reviews
There is a belief that the official name of the grass comes from the word "saber". After all, the plant, like the above-named gun, cuts off many diseases that destroy human health.
For medicinal purposes, the entire sabelnik is used. After all, the stem, leaves, and root have healing properties. However, the most valuable is the rhizome, if we talk about sabelnik marsh. Feedback on the application entirely confirm this. It is this part that contains many useful substances. These are microelements, tannin components, vitamin C.
To date, not enough studied grass sabelnik swamp. The application is, according to the assumptions of pharmacists, not in full. However, many reviews characterize the plant as an excellent antitumor agent, as a unique preventive herb in the fight against oncology.
Widely used by the saber due to its medicinal properties:
- Hemostatic;
- Astringent;
- Analgesic (analgesic);
- Anti-inflammatory;
- Diaphoretic;
- Wound-healing.
Sufficiently wide found sabelnik marsh application in medicine. Tea from this herb very favorably affects immunity. It is noticed that the plant helps in the fight against many ailments. Let's touch on some of them:
- Rheumatism, radiculitis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis;
- Gastrointestinal diseases, including bleeding, and even stomach cancer;
- Cold, sore throat, flu;
- Mastitis, tumors (including malignant) of the mammary glands;
- hemorrhoids;
- jaundice;
- tuberculosis;
- hypotension;
- Thrombophlebitis;
- Cholecystitis;
- Neuralgic pain;
- diarrhea;
- Hepatosis.
So, for the treatment of a wide variety of ailments, the swamp saber is used. Testimonials about the application characterize the herb as a great way to get rid of toothache. Extracts, infused with alcohol, slow down the inflammatory processes in the joints, help with the deposition of salts. In the form of compress grass is applied to purulent wounds.
Grass against cancer
It was noted that the peoples of the north who drink a drink from the ground part of the plant are least susceptible to oncological diseases. This fact interested scientists. Studies have shown that the chemical composition of grass contains tar, tannins, organic acids. The leaves are rich in carotene, ascorbic acid, contain flavonoids, saponins, quercetin and kaempferol, gums, essential oil, mucus. They are the source of a whole range of minerals.
Due to this composition, the sabelnik found a swamp application in oncology. He successfully treats tumor diseases of the bone system, blood (leukemia, lymphogranulomatosis). He is no less in demand with the diseases of the glands of internal secretions. The use for the treatment of prostate tumors, thyroid gland, mammary glands guarantees good results.
In this case, you should know that the aforementioned ailments require a long-term use of such a unique herb, as a swamp saber. Application in oncology plants can drag on for years. This duration is quite acceptable, since the grass does not cause toxic effects in the body.
Infusion against leukemia
Repeatedly you can face cases in which the treatment of the tincture of a saber from many diseases is described. But the most surprising is getting rid of leukemia, and even a neglected form. To do this, it is recommended to drink three liters of a saber infusion. Every day take a dining room or a teaspoon three times a day. Be sure to drink infusion on an empty stomach, you can drink with water.
No less effective is the decoction from the stems of an amazing herb called "swamp saber". Instructions for use are as follows:
- To make the infusion, take the crushed stems of the plant in the amount of 1-2 st. L. Pour the component with steep boiling water (1 glass).
- The broth should be placed in a thermos and left in this form for the whole night.
- The next morning the unique medicine is completely ready. Take recommended 3 to 5 times a day. One-time dose - 1-2 tbsp. Spoons.
Tincture of lymphogranulomatosis
For this disease, alcoholic tincture of the swamp saber is recommended. The use of this drug gives quite effective results.
In the dark glass should be placed dry roots of the plant (100 g). The component is filled with 0.5 liters of vodka. Tightly closing the container, it is left for 8 days. Periodically, the infusion is recommended to be shaken. Before use, the mixture is filtered. Three times a day you need to drink infusion of 30 drops. It is best to use it before meals, washed down with water (0.5 cups).
Rectal cancer
With such an ailment, it is advisable to combine a swampy saber with a Caucasian hellebore. Treatment is performed with enemas. Although effective, is a tool in which only the swamp saber is used.
Instructions for use:
- In warm water (500 ml) it is necessary to add tinctures of a saber (50 drops) and a hellebore caucasian (5 drops).
- The patient is placed on his right side. The medicine is introduced for 20 minutes.
- Such procedures should be performed after complete emptying of the intestine. It is effective enough to repeat enemas 2-3 times a day.
- The course of treatment lasts three weeks. After that, you need to rest for seven days and then continue with the treatment.
Stomach cancer
And for this disease is effective sweeper saber. Application (decoction or tincture) is made before meals for half an hour.
For cooking, you need a crushed root of the plant (1 tablespoon). Ingredient should be poured with boiled hot water (1 glass), for 15 minutes, hold the infusion on a water bath, remove from heat, cool at room temperature 45 minutes. Strain the broth, rinse thoroughly. The broth is diluted with boiled water, so that the liquid is 0.2 liters. Take three times a day for 1 tbsp. Spoon.
Sufficiently effective in stomach cancer is the following collection:
- Inflorescence of the bodyguard - 50 g;
- Root aira - 10 g;
- Buds of poplar black - 5 g;
- The inflorescence of a cobweb is 50g;
- Root of the swamp bait - 5 g.
This collection will take 2 tbsp. Spoons. Brew a mixture of boiling water in an amount of 0.5 liters. Insist until morning. Dissolve the solution. To drink a panacea follows three doses during the day. The remedy is consumed 15 minutes before meals.
Universal tincture against cancer ailments
Many phytotherapists recommend treating various diseases with a saber. The plant is able to help with mastopathy, and in the fight against breast cancer, and joint diseases. Nature has provided man with an amazing panacea for any disease. The name of this panacea is the swamp saber. The application (the photo of the plant is located above) reaches its widest span. Now they produce various phyto-tea with the content of sabelnik.
There are also many different national recipes that can protect the human body from deadly ailments. One of the universal tinctures phytotherapeutists consider the following. In the jar you should place the roots of the saber. They must fill the tank halfway. Ingredients pour vodka. Ten days the solution should be infused in the dark. Do not forget to periodically shake the remedy. At the end of the recommended period of infusion, strain. It is used once a night. The dose of infusion is 1 tbsp. a spoon.
What do patients say?
It is natural for every person to doubt the effectiveness of the remedy. Especially if it is a question of such serious ailments, as oncological diseases. That's why it is necessary to find out, before starting to use a swamp saber, reviews about the application.
Initially, we will touch on a doctor who advised patients who have encountered a terrible diagnosis to apply alcoholic tincture of a saber. The doctor explained that the healing process is long, sometimes delayed for a whole year. Carefully observing the dynamics of their patients, the doctor emphasizes that the first days of taking tinctures are always accompanied by exacerbation of the ailment. But with mild stages of the disease, on the third day the patient feels better.
Just marvel at how marshal a swan is. Testimonials on the application constantly indicate a miraculous cure for cancer diseases. In this case, often to the "magic" grass, those patients who are already inoperable tumors turn. Official medicine does not apply them anymore. And only a modest, fairly simple-looking plant helps such "hopeless" patients.
The combination of a sabelnik with a hemlock really works wonders. Faced with the reviews of patients who have completed three courses of treatment with the above mentioned herbs, you never cease to be surprised. We even described cases when myoma and mastopathy receded completely, and the women were completely cured, which greatly discouraged the doctors.
Contraindications for use
It is not recommended to be treated with a swampy swamp for bradycardia and hypotension. As with any drug or plant, individual hypersensitivity to the herb should be considered. It is very important to realize that treatment with this plant often begins with an aggravation of the disease. It's worth it to be ready.
It is not desirable to receive a swamp of swamp pregnant women. It should be excluded from eating during breastfeeding. Children who have not reached the age of 12, also need to refrain from using the plant.
Ancient people believed that incurable ailments do not exist. Perhaps they were right. One should only think about a modest, but surprisingly healing plant, whose name is "swamp saber". The use of such a herb in oncology gives a chance to cure even those patients from whom official medicine turned away. Therefore, if an accident happens, do not despair! Call for help the healing nature. She will certainly respond! Nature never leaves anyone in trouble. She made sure that every person could always find a panacea for every illness. Find your unique medicine, and then you can overcome even the most serious illness!
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