Health, Alternative Medicine
Bean fat: what is useful and how to apply? Therapeutic properties and contraindications
The healing properties of animal fats and their curative effects on the human body have been known since ancient times. One of the most commonly used in the treatment of serious ailments has been and still is beaver fat.
In the old days, it was an easily accessible means of treating warriors who had sustained serious injuries in battles. Thanks to his healing power, wounds healed faster. Today we will tell you what is useful for beaver fat, and how to use it.
Beavers live, as a rule, in ecologically clean regions. Being herbivorous rodents, they eat only plant food. That is why beaver fat, the medicinal properties of which are confirmed by time, contains a lot of glucose - a source of energy.
Healing oil is obtained from the overturned fat of the rodent. This product is a light brown, homogeneous mass. Beaver fat contains:
- Poly - and monounsaturated fatty acids;
- Proteins;
- Vitamins A, groups B and E;
- Micro - and macro elements.
Beaver fat: why is it useful, and how to apply it?
This curative substance is often used to purify the body of toxins, as well as to treat many infectious diseases. Beaver fat is an effective medicinal product. The results of the treatment are felt in the first ten days of use.
This fat is a part of many medications. It is effective in the treatment of:
- Respiratory organs, lungs (tuberculosis, all types of bronchitis, including smokers);
- Atherosclerosis;
- Organs of digestion, gynecology, urology;
- Impotence;
- Skin diseases;
- Joints.
Patients with various diseases are interested in beaver fat. For what is useful, and how to apply it, we will describe below. When used internally, this remedy is well perceived by the body, blood receives necessary nutrients and trace elements. In addition, the body improves protein metabolism, strengthens immunity.
Inside, as, indeed, other animal fats (badger, bearish) are used, either in pure form or as part of different potions.
External application
With arthritis, skin diseases, injuries, rheumatism, mastitis, inflammation of the appendages, prostate adenoma, impotence, beaver fat is used as an external remedy. He rubs into problem areas, if necessary, apply a bandage or make a compress. To prevent airing and frostbite, beaver fat is applied to the skin in a thin even layer.
Use in folk medicine
For a long time and successfully used in their practice of traditional healers, beaver fat. The healing properties and contraindications of this remedy they transmit from generation to generation. When you cough, a clean formula is recommended to dissolve one teaspoonful (tea) before going to bed. With colds and breathing problems, it is also used, but in this case it is recommended to plant in hot milk and drink three times a day before meals. If there is milk intolerance, beaver fat should be spread on rye bread. This "sandwich" must be washed down with a warm decoction of rose hips or raspberries.
The single dosage is calculated as follows:
- At a weight of less than 50 kg - 1 spoon (tea);
- From 50-80 kg - a dessert spoon;
- With a weight of more than 80 kg - one tablespoon.
Beaver fat in inflammation of the lungs is recommended not only to ingest, but also to rub the thorax. With tuberculosis, complicated bronchitis, severe forms of pneumonia, the drug intake is increased to three times a day for thirty days. Then it is necessary to interrupt the treatment for 2 weeks, and then the course can be resumed. With impotence and gynecological diseases, beaver fat is used in combination with castoreum (a beaver jet).
Use in medicine
It should be noted that scientists have investigated and confirmed that beaver fat has a positive effect on the human body. Properties and its application in the treatment of angina, tuberculosis, otitis, sinusitis, bronchitis gives good results. A huge advantage of beaver fat physicians consider the complete absence of contraindications in the external use of this remedy. This is especially important in extreme situations, with burns.
Doctors recommend using beaver fat (chemist's form) in the treatment of skin diseases, pressure sores, frostbite in the form of compresses or bandages. And on open wounds it is better to apply a uniform thin layer. Doctors recommend that people who lead an active lifestyle, engage in sports, always have a tool with them that, if necessary, will help in the treatment of bruises, injuries and has a powerful analgesic effect.
Use in cosmetology
We talked about how beaver fat fights serious diseases. Why is he useful in cosmetology?
From other rodents, beavers are distinguished by the fact that they consume exclusively ecologically clean vegetable food. The basis of their diet are young green twigs and leaves, fresh grass. Cosmetologists believe that fat beaver is a valuable anti-aging agent. Many well-known firms use it in creams to smooth wrinkles. In addition, beaver fat is an effective tool in the fight against dry skin.
We have already said that fat beaver does not have any contraindications for external use. But for internal, there are restrictions. People with liver problems are advised to refrain from taking this remedy. In addition, it is not recommended to consume beaver fat to pregnant and lactating mothers. Children can be treated with this remedy from the age of three, but only after a preliminary consultation with the attending physician.
There are many ways to prepare beverages based on beaver fat. We will present you only a few of them.
With tuberculosis - prescription number 1
You will need 100 grams of beaver fat, the same amount of honey and 50 grams of aloe juice. All ingredients must be mixed thoroughly. An adult should take the formula before meals (about half an hour) three times a day.
Recipe # 2
Pass through a meat grinder or grind ten lemons with a mixer with a mixer, after having rinsed them. Pour this mass with ten lightly beaten eggs and refrigerate for five days. Grind the eggshell and add to the composition. Fill it with 0.5 liters of cognac. Stir the mixture thoroughly and take it 1/3 cup three times a day. Keep the composition in the refrigerator.
With bronchitis
Preheat, without boiling, 150 grams of beaver fat. Mix it with two tablespoons (table) cocoa powder. To the received weight add a quarter of a glass of juice of an aloe with pulp and mix well. Pour the mixture into a glass jar and put it in the refrigerator. Take it should be one spoon, diluted in a glass of hot milk, three times a day before meals and at bedtime.
With pain in the joints and muscles
Melt 100 grams of fat on a water bath, remove from heat and mix it with wheat germ oil (25 ml). Add to the mixture ten drops of rosemary and lavender oil, as well as five drops of mint or tea tree. This ointment will help to remove not only the pain in the joints and muscles, but also will be effective in hypothermia, colds, sports injuries.
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