HealthAlternative Medicine

Kupena medicinal: how to apply

Kupena medicinal is a herbaceous poisonous plant (a family of lily), which has a thick knobby root. The leaves are regular elliptical, the flowers are elongated, drooping, greenish-white. Fruit is berry (bluish-black). The plant blossoms, beginning in June. There is a copper dome on the slopes of gullies and hills, in forests and bushes.

As a healing raw material, leaves, rhizomes, grass and sometimes berries are used. Their collection and harvesting has its own characteristics. Grass and leaves are collected in dry and clear weather during flowering. Rhizome is collected in the autumn, after the aboveground part has withered (or in the spring). The berries are harvested at maturity, they are used both in dried and in natural form.

Kupena medicinal contains starch, alkaloids (konvalarin, konvalamarin), glycosides (cardiac), ascorbic acid, mucous substances, sugars (arabinose, glucose and fructose), vitamin C.

The chemical composition of the plant determines its pharmacological effect on the human body. Kupena medicinal has anti-inflammatory, enveloping, emetic, hemostatic, analgesic, antipyretic and wound-healing action.

This plant is used to treat diseases of the lymphatic system, female ailments. I found a drug for use in the fight against diabetes mellitus, jaundice, edema, hemorrhoids, acute bronchitis, tumors, colds. Starch in it helps with the ailments of the digestive tract. Showed drugs from kupyena with bruises, gout, worms, rheumatism, hernia, stomach ulcer.

Depending on the type of ailment, various means from this plant can be used. The herb is a medicinal herb (rhizome) which serves as the basis for the preparation of the decoction. This drug was used by folk healers since ancient times to combat hernia (inguinal and umbilical), ulcer diseases. To make it, take 50 g of crushed rhizome, pour 3 liters of milk and put in an oven or Russian oven for evaporation (up to 1 liter). The resulting broth is filtered and given to patients at 2 tbsp. Spoon three times a day, warm.

In medicine in Tibet, this healing plant is used for swelling, jaundice, ailments of the lymphatic system. But mostly there drugs from it are applied externally due to the hemostatic properties of the leaves of the komuny. For this brew 2 tbsp. Spoon this part of the plant in 0.4 liters of boiling water. After a half-hour infusion, the liquid is filtered. The swab moistened in the obtained preparation is injected into the rectum at the time of sleep. German healers use a decoction of rhizomes with rheumatic and gouty pains, bruises, abrasions (bleeding). Ingredients: 40 g of crushed raw materials for 0.5 liters of boiling water. Diluted twice the drug is used in the form of compresses or rinses with a variety of ailments of the skin.

With the help of rhizome juice, reduce the amount of freckles. On the Transbaikalia, the broth is prepared not on water, but on milk. In Mongolia, rhizomes are used as rejuvenating, restorative and stimulating in old age means.

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