
Krovohleb medicinal: such useful properties of grass!

A bloody herb is a herbaceous plant whose height is up to 1 m, having a thick root and a straight branching stalk in the upper part about 60 cm high. The flowers are dark red, small, collected in an oblong head, without petals, with four stamens and a column. The plant is also known under the names of a horticultural, bebrenic, gryzhnik, prutik, button, black grass, wild ashberry, bumps and soviet grass.

There is a widespread blood-grooming drug in the Far East, Siberia, the Urals, still found in the European countries of the former USSR, in the Caucasus and in the Crimea, in Eastern Kazakhstan and in Central Asia.

Grass Grasshopper: Chemical Composition

In medicine, roots with rhizomes collected during the flowering of the plant are used.

The rhizomes of the throat contain about 13% of tannins belonging to the pyrogallic group, while in the roots the content of these substances reaches 21%. In addition, the roots contain acids: oxalic, gallic and ellagic. However, this is not the whole list of elements in the root of the bloodlet. Still there are starch, sterols, pigments, vitamin C, gallotanides, essential oil, saponins, oxalic calcium, carotene. And the leaves of the buglet contain essential oil and about 2% of ascorbic acid.

Krovohleb medicinal: medicinal and medicinal properties of the plant

Since the plant contains tannins in large quantities, this means that it has pronounced anti-inflammatory and bactericidal and analgesic properties.

Decoction of rhizomes with roots, as well as liquid plant extract, is used as an excellent astringent and hemostatic medicine for intestinal and gastric diseases (hemorrhoids, diarrhea, meteorism, enterocolitis, cholecystitis, dysentery), uterine bleeding, too abundant monthly, fibroids of the uterus and hemoptysis.

Decoction from its rhizomes is detrimental to the fungi of the genus lamblia and candida, to Trichomonas.

A medicinal blood groin is used in dentistry with gingivitis and stomatitis, and also as an excellent expectorant and astringent for diseases and inflammations of the upper respiratory tract (including angina), with scurvy.

Decoction of the blood grooves is used externally for rinsing cuts, abrasions, wounds, ulcers, as well as for syringing with colpitis or cervical erosions.

Decoctions of rhizomes and roots are prepared as follows: 2 tablespoons of raw materials (roots and rhizomes) are poured into 200 g of boiling water, covered with a lid and heated for half an hour, then cooled, filtered, and the raw material squeezed, after which the resulting infusion is brought to the original volume with boiled water. Store the prepared preparation in a cool place for no more than 2 days.

Studies have shown that the local application of the extract of the hemorrhage has a vasoconstrictive effect, and when ingested, it slows the intestinal peristalsis. The antiseptic action of the plant with respect to the intestinal bacillus is known, and less pronounced - to the dysentery, typhoid and paratyphoid bacillus.

In folk medicine, the bug often is used for poisoning, dyspepsia, in case of prolapse or inflammation of the rectum, bronchitis and influenza.

Positive results of the use of a hemorrhage with inflammation of the kidneys with hematuria (blood in the urine), pulmonary hemorrhages, bleeding ulcer of the stomach were also noted.

The blood throat is used for hypertension, cervical erosions, breast cancer, with bruises, bedsores, laryngitis, ulcers.

Strong her broth is used for inflammatory skin diseases.

Very often, a blood-groove is used for cramps and urinary retention.

Bleeding preparations are used for ear diseases, conjunctivitis, and also as an anthelmintic.

Often the plant is used for headache and tuberculosis.

Outwardly, the buglet is used for long healing wounds, burns.

In what ways can you use a bloodlet in the presence of diseases, disorders and ailments of the body?

If you have gastrogenic and intoxicating diarrhea, enterocolitis, profuse period, tuberculosis, tonsillitis, headache, then the plant is used in the form of liquid extracts or broths. They also have a hemostatic effect in renal, intestinal, gastric or uterine bleeding.

With gingivitis or stomatitis, the blood-groove is taken in the form of rinses. External application - in the form of extract, decoctions and powder (for example, for wound healing), for lubricating the gums.

Krovohlebka: contraindications.

Usually in therapeutic doses, the preparations from the hemorrhage do not give side effects. But in pregnancy, their use is undesirable.

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