
Clinical analysis of urine. What is the norm and how to take?

The most often performed by the study today is clinical analysis of urine, it is also called general. At present, regardless of the expected diagnosis, doctors are recommended to prescribe it. This analysis is included in the list of studies for any preventive examination.

This is due to the simplicity and speed of its implementation on the one hand, and high informativeness - on the other. Clinical analysis of urine allows us to judge not only the presence of pathologies in the urinary system, but also the state of the whole organism.

Indications for the purpose of this study:

  • Preventive examination;
  • Diseases of the urinary system (pyelonephritis, urethritis, cystitis);
  • Control of treatment;
  • Infectious diseases (influenza, ARVI);
  • Pregnancy (monthly in the first half of the term and every two weeks in the second).

To obtain reliable results, the clinical analysis must be collected correctly. It is advisable to buy a special container for urine in the pharmacy. In a sterile jar it is necessary to collect its average portion. Before this, you should hold the toilet of the genitals and wipe them with a clean towel.

Urine needs to be collected in the morning after awakening. Then within an hour deliver the material to the laboratory. Usually the analysis is taken from 8 to 10 am, the result can be picked up in the evening or the next day.

In modern laboratories there is even a service of sending results by e-mail or the ability to view them on the site, knowing a special code. For a fee, the courier can come to the house and take the analysis.

So, the clinical analysis of urine is normal :

  • yellow color;
  • Glucose - no;
  • Transparency is complete;
  • Hemoglobin - no;
  • Specific weight - 1010-1025;
  • Reaction - neutral, weakly acidic or slightly alkaline;
  • Protein - no or traces;
  • Erythrocytes - 0-4 in the field of view;
  • Ketone bodies - no;
  • Salt - no;
  • Leukocytes - up to 5 in the field of view;
  • Mucus - no;
  • Epithelium - a small amount of flat, single transient, complete absence of renal;
  • Cylinders - no;
  • Bacteria - no or a small amount.

For the study, it is enough to deliver 100 ml of urine to the laboratory. In diseases of the urinary system, the analysis is mandatory. Important indicators are white blood cells. Their increased number indicates an inflammatory process in the urinary organs. Most often this is a urethritis, pyelonephritis, cystitis. With an acute process, the number of white blood cells can exceed 60 in the field of vision.

Clinical analysis of urine allows you to judge the state of the kidneys. So, the presence of protein is an alarming symptom that indicates inflammation in the kidneys. Proteinuria accompanies pyelonephritis and glomerulonephritis.

Muddy urine can be if there are salts in it and a lot of other elements. An impurity of pus also makes urine opaque.

Another important indicator in the diagnosis of inflammation of various parts of the urinary system is the presence of bacteria. If they are found in a general analysis, then a culture of urine is shown . As a result, the type of microorganisms is determined, their number and the antibiotic to which they are sensitive is selected. This study is very helpful in prescribing therapy and monitoring its effectiveness.

The presence of glucose in the urine can indicate diabetes, pregnancy, stress, overeating, acute pancreatitis. Also, its amount rises when the functioning of the kidneys and the thyroid gland is disrupted, with poisoning by certain substances.

With an increased number of erythrocytes, one can suspect pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, glomerulonephritis, cystitis, a tumor or a heart attack of the kidney. Also, blood in the urine can appear with amyloidosis, tuberculosis, urinary tract trauma and kidney, prostate adenoma.

So, a clinical analysis of urine is a very common study today. It is carried out with various diseases and preventive examinations. To obtain a real result, the analysis must be submitted correctly. This study is simple, but very informative.

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