
Urine culture

In the treatment of chronic and complex inflammations of the urinary system, one of the most important tests is urine culture. It helps to correctly prescribe therapy and carry out control.

This analysis has a shortcoming - a long period of execution. Usually it takes from 7 to 10 days. Therefore, in the diagnosis and treatment of acute inflammatory processes it is rarely used. Basically, in order to check the effectiveness of the prescribed therapy and, if necessary, to supplement it.

The point is that if there is an acute process, then there is no time to wait for the result of the analysis. In this case, the tank is filled with urine before antibiotic treatment.

Another drawback of this study is the high requirements for urinalysis. It should be collected in a sterile container, which is taken to the laboratory or bought at a pharmacy. Before taking the analysis, it is necessary to hold the toilet of the genitals with boiled water using household soap. Then they should be wiped with a washed and ironed towel.

In a jar it is necessary to collect an average portion of 10 ml of the morning urine received after waking up. The sterile container must not be opened in advance and touched to its edges. And after the analysis is immediately closed.

Women need to push apart during the collection of analysis small labia. The resulting material must be delivered within an hour to the laboratory.

Such measures are taken to prevent bacteria from genital organs, sweat and sebaceous glands from entering the analysis. Because this will have a significant effect on the result and can be prescribed an incorrect or unnecessary treatment.

Sowing urine on the flora and sensitivity to antibiotics is that in a laboratory on a nutrient medium bacteria cultures are isolated and their properties are investigated. This is a very laborious analysis, however, the information obtained with the help of it can not be given by other studies.

Urine in a nutrient medium is grown in an incubator for a day. Then a colony of bacteria is sown on the petri dishes. It is grown for another day. Then the resulting colonies of bacteria are separated and again grown in an incubator.

Further on the properties and appearance they are identified. Then determine the sensitivity to antibiotics for another day. The obtained data is reduced to the table, which is the result of the analysis.

Urine culture provides information about all the bacteria that were in it, as well as their number and sensitivity to medicines. It helps to prescribe effective therapy in the most difficult cases.

For sowing, you can send and other biological fluids, secretions, scrapings. It helps to assess the state of the microflora of the body, including the vagina and intestines.

Normally, the urine in the bladder is sterile. However, when passing through the lower third of the urethra, it receives a normal microflora: streptococci, diphtheria, coagulase-negative staphylococci.

Urine sowing should be taken either before the start of treatment, or a week after the end of the course of uroseptics and antibiotics. Otherwise, the result will be unreliable.

When performing this analysis, the following pathogens can be isolated: yeast-like fungi, staphylococci, enterococci, streptococci, enterobacteria, gram-negative microorganisms. However, their concentration is important, which is measured in CFU (colony forming units) in ml volume.

It is believed that pathology can cause a pathogen with a titer of more than 10 to 4 degrees. If the concentration is less, then this is the norm. However, if the analysis is a control after treatment, the value may have a smaller titer.

Thus, sowing urine is an indispensable analysis in the treatment of inflammation of the kidneys, bladder, urethra, especially chronic ones. Its shortcomings - the duration of implementation and high requirements for the collection of the material under investigation.

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