HealthDiseases and Conditions

Inflammation of the kidney: pyelonephritis

One of the most common human diseases is inflammation of the kidneys. Symptoms, treatment and the very causes of its occurrence depend on various factors. First of all, having found out in yourself the suspicion of this disease, one should turn to specialists who will determine a more accurate diagnosis and tell how to treat kidney inflammation.

To begin with, it should be noted that nephritis (medical definition of the disease) is a whole group of various inflammatory processes, as a rule, affecting certain areas of the renal system. They can be primary, which are caused directly by viruses, and secondary, resulting from other diseases, for example, such as diabetes mellitus.

The most frequent conclusion, diagnosed by doctors, is pyelonephritis. In this disease, as a rule, the renal pelvis suffers first of all . There is also a lesion of the calyx and interstitial tissue of the kidney parenchyma. It is noteworthy that representatives of the weaker sex in early and middle age suffer kidney inflammation much more often than men. There are various classifications of pyelonephritis, but, nevertheless, acute, chronic and chronic with complications of the form of perforation are generally accepted.

The cause of acute pyelonephritis is often various bacteria, such as intestinal and pseudomonas aeruginosa, staphylococci and enterococci. Getting into the body, the infection usually causes pain approximately at the level of the waist on the side of the affected organ. As a rule, strong sensations are noted, dull and aching, but also less intense. There are also common symptoms, often expressed as high fever, general weakness, lack of appetite, vomiting, or just nausea. At the first manifestations of a similar condition, you should immediately go to the nearest medical institution.

To treat inflammation of the kidneys in acute form can be not only promptly, but also with the help of therapy. In this case, a number of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, as well as intravenous administration of drugs that remove toxins and normalize the body's water balance . Also, some kinds of analyzes are assigned, the results of which can show a more detailed picture of the course of the disease and will allow the doctor to correct the treatment correctly.

Chronic inflammation of the kidneys in most cases is a continuation of the acute form. It often flows wavy, alternating with acute attacks with fading. During an exacerbation the disease has symptoms similar to a picture in an acute form. In the remaining periods, the signs of the disease are nonspecific. The patient may have general weakness in the body, headache, increased thirst and urination. Treatment of a similar form of this disease does not particularly differ from the treatment of acute form, but it is more time-consuming and time-consuming.

As in many other cases, after effective treatment, experts are often advised to adhere to a certain diet. First of all, to restore the body should drink plenty of fluids, for an adult at least two liters a day. Also, you should completely forget about any, even the most favorite dishes, if they contain a lot of spices and salt. It is necessary to refuse fried and fatty, and it is recommended to use muffin on the second-third day. It is undesirable to eat foods that are potential allergens, since after illness the body is usually weakened and the additional load in the form of an allergy will not exactly help restore health. Probably, it is not worth talking about the dangers of smoking and alcohol, as everyone has known about this for a long time and, naturally, during the period of illness and after it one should give up such habits.

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