HealthDiseases and Conditions

Candidiasis. Treatment of this pathology

Candidiasis is an inflammatory disease of fungal etiology, which affects the skin, mucous membranes, as well as the respiratory, genito-urinary, nervous or digestive systems of the body. It is caused by unicellular microorganisms - fungi of the genus Candida.

These microorganisms refer to saprophytic forms, which are constantly found on the skin of healthy people. They are a conditionally pathogenic flora and are activated with a decrease in immunity.

In men, candidiasis often manifests itself as a defeat of the genitourinary system. So, candidiasis of the bladder, balanitis or postitis develops, which can be observed with non-observance of personal hygiene. Women are most often diagnosed with genital candidiasis in the form of vulvitis or vulvovaginitis.

It is worth noting that without appropriate treatment the disease can take a chronic course and cause a number of serious complications. This disease is well amenable to therapy, but in cases where the etiological factors continue to affect a person, frequent relapses occur. In addition, it should be remembered that when genital candidiasis develops, treatment should not only be carried out by the patient, but also by his sexual partner, since there is a high risk of re-infection.

Candidiasis: treatment of this pathology. Basic moments

When candidiasis develops, the treatment should be complex and include pathogenetic and mycotic preparations of both systemic and local action. If the patient exhibits concomitant endocrine pathology or certain immunological disorders, corrective therapy should be performed taking into account the etiology and specific features of the clinical manifestations of the disease.

With candidiasis of nails, skin, mucous membranes or in cases when a widespread candidiasis develops, treatment must necessarily include antifungal therapy. Among the antifungal agents are appointed those containing fluconazole, ketoconazole or nystatin.

Often against the background of defeat by fungi, there are pronounced inflammatory changes in the skin. Such a candidiasis, the treatment of which must be carried out as quickly as possible, can be eliminated by using combined ointments. They include miramistin or triamcinolone acetonide. You can also use lotions with a solution of soda, boric acid, silver nitrate. Affected areas should be lubricated with solutions of aniline dyes, as well as special antifungal ointments containing levorin or omoconazole. If the candidiasis of the skin develops in a newborn baby, it is allowed to apply 10% vicasol paste or 1% methylene blue (only aqueous solution!).

If the oral mucosa is affected, a slight healing effect is provided by rinsing with a weak soda solution.

In vaginal candidiasis, therapy is mostly done by local means in the form of vaginal suppositories or tablets, but in case of a pronounced pathological process it is recommended to combine them with systemic drugs (triazole derivatives). Among the local remedies for the treatment of genital candidiasis, mention should be made of such drugs as Nystatin, Clotrimazole, Miconazole and Econazol. The systemic effect is shown by the drug "Fluconazole" and "Intraconazole". When treating candidiasis in pregnant women, remember that they are allowed to use only topical preparations.

In the fungal pathology of any localization, it is necessary to carry out non-specific therapy, which includes the intake of vitamin, antihistamine and desensitizing drugs, as well as a diet that restricts the consumption of foods with an excessive carbohydrate content.

With the development of vaginal or cutaneous candidiasis, the maximum duration of treatment in most cases is 4 weeks, with a fungal lesion of the nail plates, the course of therapy can last up to 4 months.

To increase resistance to repeated fungal lesions, prescribe fortified drugs, and if necessary, antimicrobial therapy is recommended simultaneous reception of probiotics and antifungal agents.

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