Health, Diseases and Conditions
Injuries from back pain only under the supervision of a doctor!
Each person from his own experience knows what is the pain in his back. If its cause is insignificant: a minor injury or an unpleasant medical procedure, a person suffers such pain easily. After all, he understands that soon unpleasant feelings will pass, and therefore, it remains to wait a little and just do not think about them.
But if the pain began to appear more often, she slowly subjugates a person: fills his thoughts, interferes with normal life, work, sleep ...
Types and causes of pain
When talking with each other, people of different ages discuss their illnesses, so almost everyone can hear complaints that the back is always hurting. After that, usually all sorts of tips for overcoming it begin: massages, ointments, injections of back pain and the like.
That's only to use such advice is absolutely insecure. You can only hurt your health, and not improve it. To understand how to act in this or that situation, a person should know how the organism is arranged and that for him it can be unsafe.
Back pain is of several kinds:
Weak and strong;
- Short-term or permanent;
- local or common throughout the back;
- Surface or deep. At the last, most likely, it is possible to speak about defeat of internal organs.
The most common, but not the only, causes of back pain are:
1. Neurological diseases: hernia, osteochondrosis, osteoporosis;
2. Diseases of the respiratory organs, pleurisy, for example;
3. Kidney disease: pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis and urolithiasis;
4. Tumors.
In general, the reasons for the pain in the back can be a lot. Therefore, never try to determine for yourself why you have it, and even more so decide how to relieve the pain in your back. Only a qualified doctor should answer these questions.
Do not know whom to contact? Start with a surgeon, and he already tells you who to go next.
Different reasons, different injections
In some cases, back pain can be removed with massage, physiotherapy, acupuncture and hirudotherapy.
When the usual methods, such as massage or anesthesia with the help of ointments did not help, you will have to apply nyxes from back pain.
Moreover, any person who has even conducted this rather simple operation can not make such an injection.
It is necessary to comply with such recommendations. Doing injections from back pain is only necessary in the horizontal position of the patient. Then the muscle is felt for the most painful point and a solution of novocaine is injected into it, strictly perpendicular.
Sometimes unpleasant sensations appear due to hypothermia. In this case, the doctor prescribes injections of pain in the back, the so-called curative blockade, which removes painful sensations. In this case, you can not only anesthetize, but also anti-inflammatory drugs. The appointment should be done only by a doctor.
But the use of intramuscular drugs does not always help. If the cause of the pain was named above, treat the treatment much more seriously.
Immediately after the injection, it is necessary to perform anesthesia (simple cooling) and passive stretching of the muscles.
With chronic pain, doctors also recommend injections into the soft tissues of the back. The areas where the injections will be put are called the trigger zones.
If the cause of pain is radiculitis, doctors recommend injections of steroid drugs. Such injections do have the property of relieving pain about a month after it has been carried out.
To reduce the painful sensation of the injection, you can apply a hot compress to its place. After the compress is removed, the patient must actively move the sick place.
Remember that you can not decide for yourself what kind of shots you will do. This is the competence of your doctor.
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