HealthAlternative Medicine

Pine cones: medicinal properties and benefits

Pine is the embodiment of harmony and beauty in relation to other trees. The tree has a very even trunk and long needles instead of leaves. The tree itself can reach more than 30 meters in height. Pine cones, the medicinal properties of which are quite diverse, have a slightly ovoid-oblong form. Pine is the most popular tree for a person, it is worth noting at least a New Year and Christmas holiday, which we all like to meet not only with friends and relatives, but also with this coniferous tree. Forests, where they grow up, have phytoncides in the air that are released from the pine trees, so that in the radius of 25 meters from the trees there are practically no harmful microbes. Due to this property, pine is actively used for medical purposes.

Pine is very common not only in Russia, but all over the world. A large number of people know the useful properties of pine cones and the trees themselves, so they try to get out as often as possible into the boron and relax, breathe this unique, saturated air. Thanks to this rest, there is a beneficial effect on the lungs and bronchi.

Healing tree

It is worth noting that pine as a tree is very valuable, in it for medical purposes you can use almost everything: pine seedlings, needles, bark, pollen and kidneys. But among this particular interest are cones (young). Pine kidneys are collected mainly in early spring, until they have not time to blossom, some do it in winter, but still the best quality is collected in early spring. After they are collected, drying takes place. Young cones are fundamentally different from needles, which are used in raw form, and its collection can be carried out year-round.

Healing properties of pine cones

In fact, no one paid attention to the useful properties of cones, and did not even suspect it until the employees in American zoos noticed that they are very fond of eating different animals. After that tests were carried out, which proved that in cones for the whole summer a lot of useful medicinal substances accumulate, which are subsequently preserved in them. And all the useful substances that remain in the cones are there in a completely natural way. They retain not only a mass of vitamins, but also a special kind of tannins and phytoncides.

It turned out that tannins are very interesting for scientists. During the experiments on laboratory mice, unexpected results were obtained. It turns out that this type of tannins prevent the death of brain cells. And as you know, at a time when a person is experiencing a stroke, due to blood circulation disorders, the brain cells die. But during the resumption of blood flow, they die even more. This is due to the fact that there is some sort of enzyme that plays a huge role in the normal functioning of cells, and if in some way the blockage of this enzyme is performed, the cell will remain alive. Thus, scientists have discovered that tannin copes with the blocking of these enzymes. But so far no drugs have been invented on this basis, and treatment with pine cones occurs mainly with the help of folk recipes. It is very important to know when and how to collect them correctly.

When to collect pine cones

The first thing you need to know is that you only need to collect cones that have not yet opened, in them all the useful properties of green pine cones are fully manifested. Based on differences in climatic conditions, they must be collected from May to the end of August. By the way, it is in the last month of summer that they accumulate the maximum amount of useful substances. Thus, the size of the cone should be approximately 4 cm. While you will collect them, you must always pay attention to their appearance and condition of the trees. Pine should not have any damage by insects or have traces of rot. You can not collect cones from such a tree. With regard to storage, the time limit should in no case exceed more than 18 months, the room should be well ventilated. In the event that cones will be stored longer, they will begin to lose their unique useful properties.

Pine cones in folk medicine

Pine cones, the medicinal properties of which are really unique, have already become firmly entrenched in household use, but some still do not know what it is possible to treat them, and how it is done. The most common mistake is that people start their treatment with the collection of mature cones or even those that are already the second or third year after maturation. Naturally, in this product there are no seeds, no useful substances. Treatment with pine cone should be carried out exclusively at the stage of maturation, still with green buds, which continue to feed themselves due to pine and its roots. It is for this and come to the forest people who intend to cook in the future jam or medicinal decoction. It is not uncommon for honey from cones, while in its consistency and appearance no one can distinguish it from any other. In addition to its unique taste and aroma, it has bactericidal properties, which makes it an excellent remedy for stomach and respiratory problems.

Application of pine cones

Application occurs in different forms, it can be: jam, tinctures or honey. In alternative types of medicine, cones are used for different types of diseases: pneumonia, colds, decreased hemoglobin, vitamin deficiency, pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchial diseases and cough medicine. The extract, which is made from pine cones, is a very good antioxidant.

Jam from pine cones

Everyone should be able to make jam from pine cones. The properties of such a curative and tasty product are quite diverse. In the winter, having such a jam is always at hand, you can not only protect yourself from the negative effects of certain types of viral and infectious diseases, but also significantly strengthen your immunity. Thus, you can create a unique protective barrier. As an added bonus, it is worth noting also the positive effect of the product on the digestive and cardiovascular systems.

Preparation and use

The recipe for making jam is simple enough and does not require any complicated actions:

1. First, you need to sort through the cones and remove excess garbage, after which it is necessary to rinse them.

2. In the event that big cones come across, it is worth cutting them in half, while small ones can be left as they are.

3. After all manipulations, it is necessary to prepare a roomy pan in which to put cones and pour drinking water so that the liquid covers the main ingredient by about 2 cm.

4. Then it is necessary to put all this on the fire and bring to a boil.

5. After all boiled for a few minutes, you need to add sugar and wait until the mass boils again, and make the fire quieter.

6. Further it is necessary to continue to cook the mixture for another 2 hours, while constantly removing the foam that will form on the surface.

7. After that, it is necessary to extinguish the fire and remove all cones from the broth.

8. As a result, you will get a jam of poisonous-red color, it must be drained in previously sterilized jars, then rolled up with lids.

In the end, you can get a unique delicate taste and smell of jam, which leaves a gentle aftertaste. By the way, it is recommended to drink together with tea, which will only strengthen the therapeutic effect.

Pine tincture

To prepare tinctures, only green pine cones are taken. The therapeutic properties of this drink are caused by disinfectant, deodorizing and antimicrobial effect. When you use this tincture, the immunity is markedly strengthened, along with the removal of toxins and toxins from the body and the restoration of microflora. Such drinks are relevant for various diseases that are associated with respiratory organs of an infectious and catarrhal nature. In the tincture can include needles, kidneys and pine cones. The healing properties of all coniferous products have a very good expectorant effect, due to which the respiratory tract and sputum are cleared. It should be noted that tinctures are relevant as a healing agent for wounds and ulcers. And in the case of bronchial asthma, they are used as a remedy against asthma.

In general, such tinctures are multifunctional agents that have a very strong effect for strengthening immunity, treating gastric ulcers, gastritis, and ulcers in the oral cavity.

Prescription of tincture

For tinctures it is necessary to have pine needles, pollen and / or pine cones. The healing properties of these products are proven, and you can use both all three ingredients at the same time, and any one at will. Despite the fact that these products are basic, you can also add some medicinal herbs at your discretion.

The balsam of cones (young, green) in which tinctures from fruits of a chestnut and a sweet clover and verbena tincture, and the ratio should be 5 to 1 is enough popular. Thus, the unique balm which is capable to spend treatment and preventive maintenance of a thrombophlebitis will turn out.

The second most popular is the following recipe, in which the base is a tincture of pollen or cones of pine, it should be taken in the amount of 0.5 liters, then add 0.1 liters of honey. And the same amount of aloe juice. Further, this mixture must be shaken well, closed and placed for 24 hours in a dark place. The resulting balsam is indispensable in the treatment of lung diseases and general maintenance of immunity.

Naturally, such tinctures are made with the use of ethyl alcohol, but they should not be abused. For prevention of diseases and strengthening of immunity it is enough to drink 1 time per day on a teaspoon of tincture. In case of treatment, it is necessary to increase the dose 3 times and use 3 times a spoon during the day for 30 minutes before eating. The treatment period is 20 days. For the most effective tincture, it is recommended to drink it with hot tea.

In a healthy body healthy mind

Thus, it can be said with certainty that along with most commonly used medicinal herbs, a pine cone occupies an honorable place. The properties of this product are proven and widely used. Anyone should have in his home medicine cabinet a remedy for cones to keep his health in good shape. Thanks to a large list of diseases with which medicines made from pine products cope, they will remain relevant for a long time.

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