HealthAlternative Medicine

Is it worth to believe folk medicine: pine cones from a stroke

Our life is unpredictable, and, alas, not always it presents only pleasant surprises. There are also adversities, troubles, illnesses. From time immemorial, one of the most terrible diseases was a stroke. In medicine, it is often called a cerebral infarction. On the symptoms and consequences of a stroke, guess, perhaps many. But only a few know that the treatment of stroke with pine cones is a very effective way to prevent further deterioration of the patient's condition.

According to inexorable statistics, a circulatory disturbance in the brain is a fairly common cause of death in the population. Pressure increases the pressure on the vessels, which can lead to their damage. Without getting oxygen, some cells of the brain begin to die. But, as is known, each department is responsible for the work of a certain body. That is why, during a stroke, paralysis, speech disturbance and other, more unpleasant, consequences often occur.

Physicians believe that fighting this disease is useless. But folk medicine is not so categorical. She suggests using pine cones against a stroke. Do you want to - believe, want - no, but there are cases of cure.

How can pine cones be relieved of a stroke? According to doctors, the most terrible thing is not the stroke itself. Its consequences are much more dangerous. It seems that the attack has passed, all the horrors have been left behind, there was such a coveted recovery. But it was not there. Right now, the death of brain cells begins. The faster this process passes, the more rapidly a person's condition worsens. Stopping the death of brain cells can special substances - tannins.

Pine cones from a stroke can become that magic potion that will give the patient a chance to start life anew. After all, in them (and even in grape bones) are such necessary tannins. True, in very small doses. However, not only these substances make cones useful. Over the summer, fruits absorb a lot of useful substances that are stored (preserved) in them for a long time in pure form. These are phytoncides, vitamins, and a new kind of tannins.

An interesting fact, seen and analyzed by American scientists: animals also eat the fruits of this coniferous tree. After the appropriate research, the scientists found out that they are doing this for the same purpose - to save the brain cells. That is why in America it was decided to make drugs based on cones.

And what about us? And at us while there are only recipes of nonconventional medicine which assert, that for many patients pine cones from a stroke are rescue.

The recipe itself is simple enough. You need 5-8 mature pine fruit. Exactly as much as it enters a half-liter jar. They should be packed tight enough and pour a bottle of vodka. After this, the vessel should be placed in an unlit place for 10 days. When the tincture is ready, take it by 1 tablespoon, adding to the tea.

The fact that pine cones from stroke can rid, scientifically proven. However, many physicians talk about the correct dose. Someone will have enough one teaspoon, and someone and the dining room will be small. Therefore, before taking the tincture, consult a doctor is simply necessary.

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