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30th week of pregnancy - only 10 left

The 30th week of pregnancy or the eighth month refers to the third trimester. At this time in the body of a woman appears at least 8 extra pounds. It seems that the symptoms of the first trimester of pregnancy are left behind, but they return again - frequent urination (the baby's head presses on the bladder), breast sensitivity (milk production already begins), fatigue and heartburn. At this time, the muscles of the upper part of the stomach (preventing gastric acid from entering the esophagus) relax, and this leads to burning. Fatigue is due to the presence of the stomach, which often prevents you from taking a comfortable pose for sleep, and Mom's thoughts can be preoccupied with the anxiety of the forthcoming birth. At this time, do not ignore the signs of fatigue, but on the contrary, try to relax and relax as much as possible.

The 30th week of pregnancy is the time when your legs start to swell, especially during the hot season. To minimize this, it is recommended to take a shower frequently, wear loose clothes, reduce the amount of liquid used and, if possible, lift your legs up in a lying position. The uterus is already so large that it can also cause some inconvenience. The liver, intestines and lungs remain crowded. From now on, the body weight of the mother increases by about 400 grams per week.

The skeleton of the child at the 30th week is sufficiently strengthened. Finish their formation of the lungs and muscles. The brain continues to develop at an amazing rate and becomes wrinkled - thanks to the new gyrations, several cells appear there. And through the delicate pink mesh of the skin, blood vessels are no longer visible .

The 30th week of pregnancy for the development of the child itself is characterized by an increase in its height and weight. At this stage, some babies take the so-called embryo posture (they cross the handles and press the legs). Sometimes they head down and stay in this position until birth. But if the child does not take the correct generic position, do not worry. He still has time to turn right. At 30 weeks of pregnancy the weight of a child can be about 1350 grams, and the height of up to 40 cm.

In the third trimester the baby begins to actively move. But his movements are not so strong, because there is still enough space in the uterus. Also, the child prepares to breathe freely, while the amniotic fluid enters the lungs and this leads to a reduction in the muscles of the diaphragm. Hiccups - this is what characterizes the 30th week of pregnancy, which happens often enough with babies in the womb of the mother. At the time of the baby, the sense of smell appears.

With a normal pregnancy, the visit schedule of the gynecologist changes and now you need to come to the clinic every two weeks. It is necessary to continue to monitor the level of hemoglobin and the work of the kidneys at 30 weeks of pregnancy, the tests are carried out once a month.

An extremely important issue in the third trimester is a well-balanced menu of pregnant women. The reason is that this time the child receives nutrients directly from the mother. At this time, the pregnant woman needs to increase the intake of foods that contain large amounts of protein, vitamin C, calcium and iron. Calcium is needed to strengthen bones, and iron accumulates in the body for all subsequent 6-9 months after birth. 30th week of pregnancy is the time when you need to continue to monitor blood pressure and weight. Food should be changed, easy to digest, be rich in lean meat, fish, vegetables, fruits and grains, do not abuse sweets, and drink coffee and alcohol.

To get rid of heartburn, you should avoid foods that can cause indigestion (acute fatty and fried foods, chocolate), eat in small portions and do not go to bed immediately after eating.

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