Sports and FitnessBuild-up of muscle mass

We carry out bench press laying

In order to increase the breast, you can, of course, as taught in childhood, there is more cabbage, but there is a way more reliable. The most effective, but also one of the most energy-intensive exercises is the bench press lying on the chest. This exercise is technically complex, but it will have to be performed correctly, since the final result depends on this.

The most common mistake beginners athletes, and not only beginners, is the wrong choice of the weight of the bar. Everyone forgets the basic rule of training with weights: "it's better less, but better." Of course, the aspiration of beginners is absolutely understandable, looking at already well-prepared guys and girls, to show their abilities. So they take on the chest exorbitant weight, completely ignoring the fact that this exercise is wrong.

So, the technique of bench press training is as follows:

Lay your back on the bench and put your feet on the floor on the width of your shoulders. Benches should only touch the head, shoulder blades and buttocks. And that's all! The waist is at the same time bent, you can not let her touch the bench, it's very important. We take the bar so that when you lower it into the area of the solar plexus, your arms bend at the elbows at a right angle. Exhalation is performed when the rod is pulled up. You have to do an inspiration while lowering the projectile to the chest. The point is that when you strain your muscles absorb a lot of oxygen and during the effort it should be the maximum amount in the lungs. If you swap and inhale, that is, do the opposite, then at the moment of tension in your lungs there will be a lot of carbon dioxide, which is not good. So, remember, the bench press lying, however, like any other exercise, you need to perform with the right breath.

When doing the exercise, focus on the muscles that you are working on. Try to feel their work, all the stages of relaxation and tension. When you squeeze the shell from yourself, do not "fail" the chest. Stretch it out, as if trying to get it to the ceiling. You can even look at it while performing. Control this, especially in the last stage, when the bar is already at the top, you want to squeeze it even higher, and this you do because of the failure of the chest and finishing with your hands.

There are rules for performing any exercises with weights. The first approach is a warm-up approach, that is, one where your muscles are tuned to work with a lot of weight. Do this approach only with a stamp, without hanging pancakes on it. Only after the muscles have warmed up, do the bench press lay down with your working weight.

Remember, it is necessary to perform this exercise in the presence of an instructor or an experienced athlete, since it is considered traumatic, and you need someone who can insure you.

The main mistake, which was written earlier - is the wrong choice of the weight of the bar. The result will be achieved only by the correct execution of the exercise. Only after you master the technique of press and proper breathing, you can increase the weight of the projectile.

You also need to perform the bench press on the sloping bench. The technique of this exercise is exactly the same as on the direct bench, but the upper bunches of the chest muscle are better treated . This will increase it visually. This exercise is also suitable for girls and women. It gives a very good shape to the breast. Pull it, of course, in this way is not realistic, but to make the chest more beautiful, you can.

Many athletes perform this exercise with different grips. The barbell bench press with a narrow grip is very good at working the internal fascicles of the pectoral muscle, but in this exercise there is one minus - you load and clog the triceps very hard. To work out the inner part of the breast, it's better to arrange the dumbbells to the sides and perform the exercises on a special block for such purposes.

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