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"Arion": analysis (Pushkin). "On exploits, on valor, on glory"
Allegorical "Arion" was written by Alexander Pushkin in 1927, after returning from exile to Mikhailovskoye. Interestingly, during Mikhailovsky's stay, the poet's worldview is changing.
Changes and changes
In 1926 he read a lot of Mikhailovsky, writing out the necessary literature from Petersburg. In the south in Odessa Pushkin began to read Rousseau, whose ideas were close to the figures of the Southern Secret Society, who adhered to the republican convictions. And in a remote village he follows the literary polemic about the problems of classical and romantic tragedy and participates in it. The sentence was carried out by the Decembrists when the poet was in Mikhailovskoye.
The drama of Arion
Cifadar Arion, singing and accompanying himself on cithara, sang like an unforgettable Orpheus. He sailed on the ship, carrying rich earnings from Italy to Greece. But the sailors, not having fulfilled their obligations for delivery, just decided to rob him and drown him. They simply threw it into the open sea.
The result of processing the legend
Even trusting the team, you can not be so careless as Arion. Analysis (Pushkin composes a poem from only fifteen stanzas) of the work shows that there can always be an unforeseen event. Half of the verse is dedicated to the team, and the second part to the lyric hero. The team's measured work takes place before the storm begins, that is, before the beginning of the uprising. Each of the many members of the team has a task that they perform in unison. What, incidentally, was not really there. There were completely different programs of the Southern and Northern societies, there were no concerted actions during the uprising itself. Rileyev, having told the patient, did not go to the Senate Square at all. But in hindsight, the poet idealizes the actions of all team members. I would like to know, of course, whom the poet considered a leader, an intelligent foreman, but comments on this answer do not give. And what does the singer do at this time? The young Arion sings songs to the swimmers. Pushkin's analysis of his character gives epithets - carefree, mysterious. The poet himself, like the singer, was careless and reliably did not know about the upcoming uprising and about what would follow.
Actions Arion
Suddenly a noisy whirlwind strikes - there is no one else - neither swimmers, nor the boatman. Everyone carried away the sea to his bosom.
Poetic paths, or analysis of the verse "Arion" by Pushkin
The poem is written with a four-legged iambic. An antithesis is an opposition of a peaceful and well-coordinated work on a shuttle suddenly flown up and all the reversed storms. Alliteration "Sh - Shch - Shh - Shch" of the peaceful part of the poem is transmitted by the measured noise and splashing of waves under the oars and songs of the kifared "PLN - PLV - PL". The peaceful part ends with a significant ellipsis in the middle of the stanza. The accumulation of consonants in the next word "suddenly", starting a new sentence, reveals the tension that swimmers will experience now: a noisy (epithet) vortex swept them. The alliteration of this proposal has changed to chaotic "LN - WLN - ML - NL - MN - X - R - RM - C". How can you finish the analysis of the verse "Arion" of Pushkin? The words that the tragedy of the death of the canoe with its inhabitants is emphasized by an exclamation mark at the end of the stanza.
Analysis of the poem "Arion" by Pushkin according to plan.
- Author and title of the poem.
- The reason for its creation, to whom it is dedicated.
- Theme (socio-political).
- Images (actors - swimmers, forage, singer).
- Pathways.
An analysis of Pushkin's lyrical work "Arion" shows a harmonious teamwork of swimmers (Decembrists) who are not able to resist the powerful element (autocracy).
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