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Benefits and harm of cherries. The healing properties of summer berries

Cherry is a very old culture, which was already known in ancient Greece. Apparently, it was from there that it spread to the territory of Central and Western Europe. Undoubtedly, the benefits and harms of cherries were not a secret for the ancient Greeks, and that is why culture has not lost its popularity in our time. As with any fruits that nature gives us, we also need to use cherries, observing certain rules. First, let's talk about how to choose this summer treat.

What is important to consider when choosing?

Needless to say, when buying cherries it is important to pay attention to the appearance of the fruits themselves. They should be dense, shiny, dry, and, of course, whole. But these are not the only requirements. Did you know that the condition of the pedicels can also tell you a lot about what kind of berries you are buying. If the stems are dry, and their natural color is lost, then the cherries are overripe or they have been stored for a long time. The health benefits of such berries are doubtful. If the stems are green and elastic, this indicates the high quality of the berries offered to you. Cherry should be consumed fresh, because such berries contain the most useful vitamins and minerals. When heat treated, their amount naturally decreases. But despite this, the cherry is added to cakes, pastries, as additives to ice cream and desserts. Popular jams, compotes, jams, liqueurs, as well as dried and frozen cherries. The benefits and harm in this case will be significantly less than in fresh berries.

Benefits of sweet cherry

What is useful cherry? The answer is for everyone!

The berries contain a lot of vitamins, and this is its main benefit (and the harm of cherries, considering this, is minimal). First of all, the abundance of vitamins has a beneficial effect on immunity, stimulates the work of the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract, and also increases the quality of blood and the condition of the walls of the vessels. Moderate use of cherries improves gastric motility and promotes its better performance in case of disturbances. Also, the sweet cherry can cope with pain in the abdomen, bowel diseases, constipation. What elements are contained in the cherry? These are, first of all, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, silicic acid. But it is important to remember that dark varieties contain them much more than, for example, yellow cherry. Benefits (and harm in this case is insignificant) of this berry is also in the fact that it has an analgesic effect and helps with arthritis, rheumatism and gout.

Skin Benefits

Important is this berry in cosmetology and dermatology. The benefits (and the harm of the sweet cherry here has not been proven) is that it actively fights against various skin diseases. For example, masks from cherries improve its elasticity, make it taut and clean.

If the skin is prone to acne or other types of rash, the cherry will also help. Benefits (and damage to skin health by dermatologists is not found) is that the vitamins and minerals contained in it help to cleanse the internal environment of the body. And as you know, it is contamination of poisons and there are such external effects as acne.

Caloric content of sweet cherry

Talking about the benefits and harm of sweet cherry, it is important to mention its calorific value. Fortunately, this indicator is insignificant, so there are no special restrictions in its use. In 100 grams of sweet cherry contains only 50 calories. This means that the sweet cherry is not forbidden under strict diets. In addition, it is able to quickly satisfy hunger.

The healing properties of cherries

Benefits and harm to the health of this berry completely depend on the vitamins that make up its composition. In addition to the microelements mentioned earlier, apple acid, flavonoids, pectin, iodine, phosphorus, copper, iron, as well as vitamins A, B1, B2, E, PP are also present in the cherry.

The red cherry varieties contain many polyphenyls, which are potent antioxidant agents of plant origin. This explains the analgesic effect of berries. In addition to vitamins in the cherry, there is also glucose, which refers to fast carbohydrates. Iodine, which is in the cherry, helps in the fight against thyroid problems. As for iron, it saves from anemia.

As you know, cherries are close in their useful properties to cherries. But there are some significant differences. People suffering from heartburn can not enjoy fresh cherries. There is no such problem with the cherry. Therefore, it can be used even by those with increased gastric acidity.

What else is sweet cherry? It is recommended to use in kidney diseases, since this delicacy has a diuretic property. It also helps to reduce blood clotting, and this is the first step in the fight against the formation of blood clots.

Moderate use of sweet cherry is an excellent way of prevention with atherosclerosis and hypertension. It also helps to get rid of neuroses. The undoubted benefit of the sweet cherry is also in the fact that it helps to relieve swelling.

Can the sweet cherry bring harm?

Yes, it can, but in comparison with other berries it is insignificant. It is known that cherries have a slight laxative effect. Naturally, in small doses it is invisible, but in the absence of a measure, this can provoke diarrhea.

In cherries, as already mentioned, contains sugar (glucose), so the use of this product by diabetics is not desirable. This recommendation is important to follow and people with gastritis.

The broken patency of the intestine is another condition when the cherry should not enter the diet.

The benefits and harm to the organism of this berry have been analyzed above. It is only necessary to add that if there are no contraindications for you, do not forget to treat yourself to this delicacy on hot summer days.

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