Food and drinkLow-calorie products

How many calories in cucumbers and tomatoes and in salad from these vegetables

Vegetables are irreplaceable sources of natural energy and various microelements and vitamins. The constant use of them in food leads to the fact that the body itself is adjusted, digestion and the functioning of many internal organs are improved. And still - vegetables help to digest such rough and heavy kinds of food, as a shish kebab or omelette and bacon, for example, and many others. Knowingly in the Caucasus, meat is used to consume a large number of vegetables. And the fiber contained in them, properly cleans the digestive tract from unnecessary processed residues. About how many calories in cucumbers and tomatoes and what they are useful for the human body, we will tell in our article.

Cucumbers and tomatoes

Cucumbers and tomatoes are not exceptions. They are one of the most common vegetables in the vastness of our vast country - Russia. In addition, and for the price they are very affordable in all regions (not including, probably, the regions of the Far North and the Far East, and even then - with modern communication, this is not a particular problem). In addition, these field gifts are sold in supermarkets almost all year round, which makes them relevant to the food basket of ordinary Russians. But how many calories in cucumbers and tomatoes know, of course, not all. That is, they know that there are few of them - this is unequivocal, otherwise dietitians did not recommend their use to people suffering from obesity. On this and some other, no less interesting questions, we will try to answer below.

The benefits of cucumbers

It is worth mentioning a little about the benefits of cucumbers as a product. After all, some people believe that in cucumbers, except water, there is nothing. And they are completely mistaken. In this natural product, grown according to the rules and without unnecessary application of fertilizers, a lot of sugar, mineral salts, vitamins. And its use reduces the acidity of gastric juice. Usually the cucumber will become immature. And its regular use slows the formation of fat in the body and prevents its accumulation.

Calories in fresh cucumber

For those who want to get rid of excess kilograms, nutritionists are strongly advised to arrange a cucumber day in the season once a week: eat only cucumbers up to 2 kilograms. Thus, the cucumber performs a kind of purifying role, washing out of the body all kinds of poisons and wastes, accumulated there. And since the cucumber consists of liquids by 90% or more, you will not get fat from it - it is tested in practice. In 100 grams of fresh greenhouse cucumber only 11 kcal. If the cucumber is ground - up to 14, which is also an excellent result. Thus, during the fasting day - only! - you use only 220 kcal, especially not traumatizing the body. And from the high content of potassium and water there will be a purifying diuretic effect. However, when eating cucumbers, it should be remembered that they can be grown using a large amount of nitrates. In this case (who has the opportunity) should grow their own product. Either before eating, peel - in it the content of harmful substances is always increased.

Tomato: calories by 100 grams

This vegetable (or rather, the berry) is also of interest and value to the human body. In it, and iron, and copper (especially good for those with anemia), and vitamins A and C. There are few purines in it, so it is allowed even with gout. It has an easy diuretic and mild antifungal effect. Improves digestion and metabolism - that's what a tomato is. Caloric content per 100 grams, though not as small as that of a cucumber. The fresh product contains up to 25 kcal, depending on the variety. But these indicators allow you to recommend tomatoes for dietary purposes. About how many calories in cucumbers and tomatoes, you can strongly not worry about healthy people. Since their small number allows you to use these vegetables with regularity and consistency, even every day. Such calculations will be useful, most likely, to people who are used to diets and to the fact that you need to count the calories eaten.

  • The salad "Cucumbers-tomatoes", known to every hostess, by the way, has them in themselves also quite a small amount (unless, of course, to fill it with sour cream). If you cut fresh cucumbers in equal proportions with tomatoes, add fresh chopped greens and a couple drops of lean oil with a drop of lemon - it will look like a diet dish (55-57 kcal per 100 grams). And if you do not fill with oil, using natural juice of vegetables, energy is reduced to 25-30 kcal, which allows you not to worry at all about how many calories in cucumbers and tomatoes.

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