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Vitamin A in food

The benefits of vitamins are well-known to everyone, but why the body needs vitamin A, not everyone will immediately answer. And he, meanwhile, assiduously protects the body from all kinds of viruses and infections, protects and restores bones, supports hair and nails. It is useful to diabetics, as it increases the susceptibility of cells to insulin. Vitamin and some types of cancer help, strengthening the body's resistance. One of the signs of his deficiency in the body is a sharp decrease in visual acuity at dusk and at night. Rough and cracked skin, crumbling nails and lifeless, dull hair only confirm that vitamin A is not enough. However, you should not rush to replenish its reserves with tablets, it is best to get vitamin A in food.

There are many products rich in this compound. It is almost all vegetable products of green and yellow color - all kinds of cabbage, lettuce leaves, sweet pepper, carrots, pumpkin, apricots, spicy herbs. Vitamin A in food rarely causes allergies, in contrast, from pharmaceuticals. In addition, it is so difficult to overdose. In what foods is vitamin A found in large quantities? These are fatty species of sea fish, cod liver and beef, fish oil, egg yolks, cottage cheese, butter. But, to create its reserves in the body you need one of the vitamins of group B, choline, and without enough vitamin E, vitamin A is rapidly destroyed. This once again speaks about the need for a varied diet. Of the products of animal origin, the body receives retinol. Vitamin A in foods of plant origin is in the form of beta-carotene. Vitamin A, obtained from plants, has a number of advantages, as it comes along with dietary fiber and fiber. Adult person to replenish the daily rate of 1 mg of vitamin, the need for a child's body is higher by one and a half to two times. Adult person enough to eat a day 25 grams of beef liver or 4 yolks. Many beta-carotene contains carrots, in 100 grams of the product - 9 mg. Among the leaders - spinach, sorrel, dill and parsley, but it is only about fresh vegetables and greens, vitamin A in foods that have been heat treated, is destroyed.

For a balanced intake of vitamins into the body, it is necessary that all groups of products alternate in the menu. No less necessary for a person the whole complex of B vitamins. Without a set of these vitamins, tissue respiration is impossible. But, the fact is that these vitamins can not be stored in the body in reserve, therefore, their daily replenishment is necessary. Deficiency of vitamins of this group is fraught with weakening of immune protection, disorders of the nervous system, irritability and fatigue. If there is insufficient intake of thiamine (B1), one of the vitamins of this group, the person develops mental disorders and coordination of movements, memory and heart work worsen. The lack of vitamin B1 leads to an increase in the sensitivity of teeth and gums, cracks on the lips and skin irritations. Thiamine is necessary for the metabolism of carbohydrates, its deficiency inhibits the synthesis process, which can cause a variety of pathologies.

How does the vitamin B1 enter the body, in what foods is it contained? The high content of thiamine is known for brewer's yeast, bread and rolls from the flour of coarse grinding. A lot of it in oats, buckwheat and millet croup, as well as in all legumes and soy. Provide the body with vitamin green vegetables, berries, nuts and potatoes. Rich in vitamin beef, beef liver and other offal. During heat treatment, thiamine is not destroyed. Since the accumulation of B1 is impossible, excess supply does not have any negative effect on the body.

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