Food and drinkLow-calorie products

Calorie dill and its benefits for our body

Each of us knows perfectly well - to be healthy and full of energy, you need to include in your diet as many fresh fruits, greens and vegetables. But is it so well that we are familiar with the usual products that almost every day appear on our table? Perhaps all of us are familiar with dill and parsley. We gladly add this greens to soups and salads, canned and dried for future use. But what is the caloric content of dill and what is it useful for our body? Let's find out.

In all corners of the world

It is considered that spicy greens from South Asia come from. About its beneficial properties, people learned more than 5000 years ago. In those days dill was used as a medicinal plant, he participated in ritual ceremonies and served as a home guard. Fragrant grass quickly recovered the confidence of a person and soon spread to all continents of the globe. And now dill is not found except in the cold Arctic. Today we use this greens as a seasoning for many dishes and very few people know that dill is used in medicine to this day. Dill, fresh or dried, can not only taste the dishes, but also have a significant effect on our body.

Dill in cooking

The fragrant plant is used completely, and the greens are added to a variety of dishes. Inflorescences and elastic fibrous stem give taste to pickles, and spicy seeds with anise flavor are used as a seasoning. The plant surprisingly combines a huge amount of valuable vitamins and trace elements, while the caloric content of dill is very small. Add quite a bit of fresh herbs to the sauce, to meat, vegetable, fish dishes or to a bird, and they will play with appetizing paints and aromas.

It is interesting that even a small amount of dill is able to supplement your diet with all the necessary mineral substances, while other products would require much more. Therefore, nutritionists strongly recommend that you include dill in your diet. A photo of dishes with fresh herbs pleases the eye and instantly causes appetite.

In medicine and cosmetology

Spicy grass contains essential oils, for which it is recognized by manufacturers of cosmetic products. Dill can cure the problem skin, remove inflammation and improve regeneration. Extract of the plant is included in oral care products, in the composition of colognes and hygienic products. Extract from plants is also used in medical preparations. Dill is widely used in folk medicine, it is included in tinctures and herbal preparations.

Low calorie dill allows you to use it for obesity, with various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is recommended to use it for future and nursing mothers. Our grandmothers knew the cherished remedy, which can save from the colic of the baby - "dill vodichka." Fragrant herbs have no contraindications, but it is worth remembering that the daily norm for an adult person is one small bundle, and it should not be exceeded.

Composition and calorie content

Caloric content of dill is low - 40 kcal per 100 g of greens. But the seeds can not boast of such a diet, 100 grams account for slightly more than 300 kcal. But it should be noted that they are light enough and they can not be eaten much, one teaspoon of seeds will weigh only 5 g, so you do not need to be afraid to collect extra pounds.

Generously endowed with nature the dill with vitamin composition: it contains a lot of ascorbic acid, vitamins A, E, vitamins B (B2, B6, B12) and PP. It contains a large amount of potassium and calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium. Slightly less manganese, iron, copper and zinc. In the seed of the plant, a large amount of oleic acid and other unsaturated fatty acids are found that are necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. Spicy fruits contain D-carvone substance, which is able to withstand the development of cancer.

Who is it useful for?

Dill (photo of it you see in our article) is a real well of health. It not only allows to fill the lack of vitamins and minerals, but also helps to improve the body. Dill simulates the production of enzymes, which positively affects the digestive system as a whole. It is useful to people suffering from diseases of the liver, pancreas, kidneys and urinary system, is indicated for flatulence and hemorrhoids. With the help of dill, folk medicine successfully treats cystitis, hiccups, it is considered a powerful remedy against coughing. It is recommended to lactating women to increase breast milk and is used in the treatment of mastitis.

The spicy plant has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system: it strengthens and cleanses the walls of the vessels and the muscles of the heart. It can lower blood pressure, so people with low blood pressure should use dill moderately. Fresh greens have a soothing effect, can alleviate headaches, lower blood sugar levels. In addition, the sprig of dill is an excellent anesthetic, which means that it will help to cleanse the intestines from putrefactive bacteria and stabilize its work.

It turns out that products familiar to us are not as simple as we often think about them. Several branches of fresh dill are quite capable to give us vitality and maintain health. Remember that fresh vegetables and fruits are vitally important for us, try to diversify your diet with new tasty and useful culinary findings.

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