Food and drinkLow-calorie products

Potassium in food

The mineral element of potassium is necessary for normal functioning of the body. It contributes to the regulation of water balance, is responsible for the normalization of the heart rhythm of man. Thanks to the salts of this mineral, excess water is excreted from the body, the puffiness is removed, the delay in the release of urine disappears. The normal level of this element in the body helps to cleanse of toxins, toxins, lower blood pressure. During the reception of K +, the saturation of the brain with oxygen improves. The disadvantage of it is characterized by a general weakness of the body, tingling of the fingertips and toes, there may be edema and a feeling of "lumbago" in the joints.

Different is the content of potassium in food. The daily requirement for the body depends on such indicators as the age and state of human health. At the age of 14 years, 600 milligrams should be consumed daily. The necessary norm for a growing organism (adolescence) is about 1.2 g. The need for an increase in the daily dose of K + increases with sports, a variety of physical loads and at the age of 40 years.

So what foods contain potassium?

Potassium in food of plant origin contains:

- in dried apricots, molasses black (more than 1500 mg in 100 grams);

- in wheat bran, suede (less than 1500 mg in 100 g.);

- in pine nuts, parsley, peanuts, sunflower seeds, potatoes in uniform (more than 500 mg.);

- in avocado, walnuts, apples (less than 500 mg per 100 g of product);

- also contained in yeast.

Potassium in food, such as fish and milk, is contained in less significant quantities. You can put the first place in the content of K + dried fruits, especially raisins. So in 100 grams of dried apricots the content of the mineral element is 1800 - 1900 milligrams, which is a daily dose for a person who is engaged in sports.

In the second place are wheat bran. They are not inferior in raisins to the content of K +. The third place is occupied by various kinds of nuts. For example, almonds contain 780 mg per 100gram, pine nuts about 760 to 780 mg, and peanuts all 750 mg.

It is advisable to give fruits and vegetables in kind when preparing your diet. In them, potassium will be much more than in boiled, baked or fried dishes. The same applies to nuts, for example, in dried form in peanuts is much more than this element and nutrients, respectively, than in fried.

Please note that potassium in foods of plant origin contributes to the improvement of health and the general condition of the human body. Enter into your diet spinach, eat more carrots and cucumbers. Remember that potassium is found in bananas, black currants, grapes and citrus fruits.

It is interesting to know that bananas are not only mouth-watering, but also very useful product. They contain up to 500 mg of this mineral element, so athletes include bananas in their diet as a means that can prevent seizures and improve athletic performance.

Spinach is a useful low-calorie product that has many nutrients, and the amount of K + in it is 839 mg.

Potatoes are a source not only of fiber, but of course K +, which accumulates in the skin. Such a useful baked or boiled root crop in a uniform contains 900 mg of necessary potassium per 100 g of product.

We already realized that this miracle element Must necessarily be in the diet of each person. Making up your menu you need to take into account how much potassium is in the food. Remember that the defect is exactly the same, and maybe even more than an overabundance, negatively affects the human body as a whole. Every day, include in your diet vegetables and fruits that contain potassium and stay healthy!

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