Food and drinkLow-calorie products

Patty with potatoes: caloric content and composition

Russian cuisine is simply impossible to imagine without pies with a variety of fillings. The pie is a small pie filled with meat, fish, berries, jam and jam, vegetables and fruits. There are a lot of options. A pie is an excellent snack. You can grab it on the run, throw it in your mouth and do not feel hunger for a long time. Unsweetened pie can be served for dinner or for dinner. This is an excellent alternative to bread.

But one of the most popular and favorite is a patty with potatoes. Caloric content of this dish, like other "liveries", certainly scares those who observe proper nutrition or "sit" on a strict diet. But, as experts say, nutritionists, pie patty - discord. Here everything will depend on the method of its preparation.

So let's figure out which kind of baking is more useful, tasty. Which one to choose a pie with potatoes, the caloric content of which would not frighten and would not present the next morning negative emotions when looking at the scales.

Pie - a treat for children and vegetarians

In the world there are thousands of recipes for making pies. Sweet cakes are definitely a favorite delicacy of children. In childhood, we do not so important the question: "Can I eat a patty with potatoes for dinner ? Caloric content 1 pc. - How much is? Do not hurt this figure? "Children do not care, and they need calories, because they spend a lot of them, unlike some adults.

Patties with vegetable fillings are perfect for those who follow a diet or adhere to vegetarianism. If you cook the dough correctly and add not fatty meat stuffing, but, say, stewed cabbage or boiled potatoes, the pies will be very affordable for a diet dish.

Composition and method of preparation of pies

As we have already said, depending on the type of dough and the composition of the filling, the calorie content of the dish will also change. If you watch for proper nutrition, then be sure to consider this fact. People who are obese should give up pies with fatty meat fillings and yeast dough. In addition, you should not eat fried in oil baking.

The average caloric value is 250 kcal per hundred grams of baking. If it's a pie with a fruit filling - 240 calories per hundred grams. If it's a pie with potatoes - a calorie content of 235 kcal. Pies with meat stuffing will be increased by at least ten kilocalories per hundred grams - 260-276.

The difference will be quite substantial, depending on the type of preparation. Take for example baked goods, cooked in an oven. Pies with potatoes in the oven - calorie 230-235 kcal, pies with apple filling in the oven - 175 kcal, with cottage cheese - 206 kcal, with fish filling - caloric content of 176-180 kcal.

Now let's compare this same batch, only prepared by immersion in liters of boiling oil. Fried patties with cabbage - 263 kcal. Cooked potatoes with potatoes - a calorie content of 100 grams 276. Even the caloric content of pies with berry or fruit fillings significantly increases. If the baked pie with apples is 175 kcal per hundred grams of dish, then the fried variant will be an order of magnitude larger - 207 kcal. Feel the difference.

Pastry dough

Affects the caloric content of the patties and the dough, in which the filling is wrapped. The most caloric is, of course, the yeast and puff pastry. In one there is a lot of flour and yeast, sugar, in the other - flour and butter, without which you simply can not cook a delicious puff pastry. Also pies can be made from fresh, sand, custard pastry.

Refusing to fried pies

No matter how tasty you seem fried in butter pies, any dietician doctor will recommend you to give them up. Delicious? Yes. Is it useful? Of course not!

In addition to the fact that the use of fried pies will adversely affect the state of your figure, it will also respond to your health. Not only is the calorie content of the patty with baked potatoes lower, but it is also more health benefits from eating such baked goods.

Fried pastries can not be consumed for several reasons:

  • As a result of frying, free radicals are formed, which harm our body, leading to problems with the heart, causing atherosclerosis of the vessels.
  • Fatty foods will always have a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Constant heartburn, constipation and heaviness in the abdomen, a feeling of swelling and pain in the stomach.
  • Even oncological diseases can develop only from the fact that you often eat pies fried in oil. It is especially scary when the oil is used many times, as it is done in most roadside cafes or low-quality catering centers.

We replace fried baked goods on baked. What will happen?

  • As a result of the effect of heat on yeast, energy is released, which later pies will "share" with you. A yeast rod can normalize digestion. It also contributes to the normalization of the intestine, improves the condition of the microflora in the stomach and intestines.
  • For example, a baked patty with potatoes, the calorie content of which will be low, will never negatively affect the figure. Nutrients that are contained in potatoes or any other vegetable fillings will only benefit. When frying pies in the oven, useful substances are not lost. The body feels only good, immunity improves and resistance to various catarrhal diseases increases.
  • Baked pie is an excellent way to have a snack or even a full meal for schoolchildren, active children and adults. These are the right calories, which are quickly wasted and give energy.

Pie instead of bread

Do you think it is unreal to replace high-calorie black bread with the same high-calorie pies? As it turned out, nutritionists even advise it. If you choose the "right" low-calorie dough and add the "right" useful stuffing there, then the patty can easily replace the bread on the table. And it will be, I must say, an order of magnitude more useful.

For example, in the autumn period, in order to improve immunity, experts advise eating pies with pumpkin, lemon filling or berry (black currant, cowberry). For people who lead an active lifestyle, bread can be replaced with patties with protein filling. It can be a boiled chicken egg, low-fat cottage cheese, chicken boiled meat.

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