
Fuel consumption at idle

According to the definition from the dictionary, the mode of operation of the device, when there is no load, is called idling. For the car, idle mode means that the car is stationary, but the engine is running. For example, when boarding and disembarking passengers. Naturally, a running engine consumes fuel. And what will the fuel consumption be at idle?

The engine always starts with idling (hh). This mode allows you to evaluate the quality of the motor. The main criterion for its evaluation will be fuel consumption at idle. In this mode, the energy received by the combustion of fuel is expended only on the motor itself.

We must admit that it is quite a difficult task to estimate the fuel consumption of cars. There are too many factors that affect this action. For example, what type of engine? Carburettor or injector? With different motors, fuel consumption and the factors influencing it will differ.

On the question of how to calculate fuel consumption, you can advise you to take advantage of any of the two practical techniques. In the first case, you have to drive until the fuel tank is completely emptied, so the car stalls. Then you need to pour a certain amount of gasoline, for example, from a container with a capacity of 10 liters, pour the contents into the tank. Ride on this amount of gasoline is necessary until the engine again stalls. And after that, dividing 10 liters by the number of kilometers traveled, we get the desired value.

Another way is to fill the fuel tank with a stopper and drive as much as possible after this refueling, given the kilometers traveled. Then add fuel from a measuring container, for example, from a can of gasoline to the same level that was at the beginning of the trip, i.e. Before the traffic jam. And determine how many liters of fuel had to be refilled. Here is the amount that had to be added, it is necessary to divide by the kilometers traveled - the gasoline consumption will be obtained .

However, it is necessary to correctly evaluate the results. In many respects they concern not only the work of the engine, but also various accompanying effects. So, if the car is new, then its engine is unworked and on the first ten thousand kilometers it will be run-in. Details of the engine of the car will be rubbed against each other, and the engine will consume more fuel. This is normal, and there's nothing to worry about.

The condition of the road surface also affects fuel consumption. When driving on dry asphalt it will be one value, when driving on fresh snow it will be much larger.

Therefore, it is best to evaluate the motor when idling. In the event that the turnovers x. More than 1000, this indicates some malfunctions or malfunctions in the machine. It is necessary to search for and fix the defect or adjust the engine. Another indicator, allowing to evaluate the performance of the engine, will be fuel consumption at idle.

Determine this expense is very difficult, because There is nothing to compare. Evaluate it in practice, usually in liters per hour; For "Zhiguli" the value obtained in practice is about one liter per hour.

It is best to estimate the fuel consumption at idle and the work of the motor itself, as already noted above, in idling speed. Let and indirectly, but objectively. When the engine is running normally and the serviceable components and sensors of the machine, the value should be 800-1000 rpm. Deviations from this value will indicate a malfunction in the vehicle.

In the presented material the operating mode without load of the engine of the car is considered. The operating mode, called idling, is defined and described. The definition and methods for measuring fuel consumption are given both in the normal driving mode and in idle mode.

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