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Every day I drink beer - how to quit? Consequences of drinking beer

The history of cooking and drinking beer has several millennia. It was made in ancient China and Sumer, Egypt and Greece. The Novgorod birch-bark letters mention it. Beer was brewed from wheat and barley, rye and millet, rice and fruit. In medieval Europe, monks significantly advanced the technology of brewing, introduced into the recipe hops.

In modern Russia, beer consumption, according to various estimates, is from 30 to 40 percent of the total amount of alcohol (in the amount of pure alcohol). In recent years, there has been a positive trend in our country to reduce the amount of alcohol consumed, including beer. More and more people are looking for the answer to the question: "If I drink beer every day, how to quit?"

What is beer?

Beer is an alcoholic beverage in which ethyl alcohol is formed during the fermentation of the wort (a specially prepared aqueous solution of substances of plant material or malt). Requirements for raw materials, physical and chemical parameters and technologies for making beer are subject to regulation by a system of national and interstate standards.

The standards on the territory of Russia indicate that ethanol should not be added to the preparation of beer. The volume content of alcohol in beer varies from 2 to 8 percent. The so-called "non-alcoholic beer" also contains alcohol, but its share does not exceed 0.5%. Thus, it is quite appropriate to ask the question: "How much can you drink beer without harm to your health?"

What official medicine says

Drinking alcohol is an integral part of European culture. Different peoples formed stable drinking traditions associated with all sorts of rituals and ceremonies, as well as with everyday gastronomic habits. On the other hand, medical research points to the unconditional harm of alcohol to the human body. In order not to rush to extremes, the World Health Organization proposed the so-called permissible norms for the consumption of alcoholic beverages.

These norms used the concept of a standard alcohol dose, which was 10 grams. On average, it corresponded to 250 ml of beer. Acceptable was the use of alcohol no more than twice a week in a volume of up to 2 doses per day. If, for example, a man consumed more than 40 grams of alcohol per day, then it was considered harmful. It would seem that the answer to the question: "Is it possible to drink beer?" - received. However, due to the increase in the number of alcohol and alcohol-related illnesses, the WHO European Committee has made recommendations for reducing alcohol use. At the same time, the thesis was advanced that safe doses of alcohol can not be in principle. What was the reason for such a radical approach?

How excessive beer consumption affects the heart

Beer contains substances, because of which there is a relaxing intoxicating effect. Therefore, regular consumption of beer leads not only to alcohol addiction, but also to the perception of it as a sedative. Someone might say, "So what? I drink beer every day!" The consequences of such an attitude can be very deplorable. After a certain time without beer it becomes difficult to calm down and rest. The frequency of consumption and the number of drinks consumed increase, there are alcoholic excesses. First of all, the cardiovascular system comes under attack.

Beer is quickly absorbed by the body, creating the effect of filling blood vessels. After several years of regular consumption of beer, varicose veins develop, arrhythmia develops, and the risk of coronary artery disease increases. The heart itself becomes flabby, its walls coarsen and thicken.

There is the term "beer heart" - this is the observed in the radiographic study of the syndrome of increasing the size of the heart, which over time can lead to heart failure and, as a result, increase the likelihood of death from stroke.

Other bodies

Beer contains elements of fermentation. Together with alcohol they form an aggressive irritant of the digestive tract. There is a glut of carbon dioxide, significantly stretches the stomach. There is a "beer belly" effect. The mucosa degenerates, digestion worsens. The pancreas activity is disrupted. There is a danger of chronic alcoholic gastritis.

Gradual accumulation of alcohol has a destructive effect on the liver. Experts note the risk of hepatitis, which can occur in a latent form.

No less dangerous impact is the excessive use of beer on the kidneys. They begin to work in a high load mode. There is a washing out of the body of important trace elements. Violated water and acid-base balance. Kidneys themselves diminish in size over time.

Women with excessive consumption of beer for several years there is an increased risk of developing breast cancer.

All this inevitably leads to the thought: "I drink beer every day ... How to quit?"

Specific effects of beer on men

Many people like to drink beer in the evening after work. The benefits and harms for men of this habit, of course, depend on the regularity and quantity of consumption of the drink. Medicine strongly recommends that any alcohol, including beer, be taken to a minimum.

In men who regularly drink more than 0.5 liters of beer per day, over time, there is a decrease in the production of male hormones. The raw materials used in the preparation of beer contain substances that are analogous to female sex hormones. Getting into the male body in excess, they cause changes in the endocrine system. The feminization of the male body begins. Externally, this manifests itself in the increase in fat stores on the hips and sides, the increase in the mammary glands, and the enlargement of the pelvis. There is a decrease in sexual function and sexual desire. And if you take into account the weight gain, inevitable with frequent use of beer, it becomes obvious the need to find the answer to the question: "How to quit drinking beer in the evenings?"

The phenomenon of beer alcoholism

There is an opinion that alcoholism is a disease associated with the use of strong spirits. "Is drinking beer every day an alcoholism? It's liquid bread!" - So, unfortunately, fans of froth think.

Many consider beer a harmless relaxing drink. It is widely advertised, relatively affordable, has a low cost. Its use does not require a reason, or create a special feast. It is the everyday routine that creates the prerequisite for uncritical attitude to the quantity and regularity of beer consumption, contributes to the formation of mental and physiological dependence. Tastes and soothing properties of beer do not create the proper motivation for combating attraction to it, as, for example, in cases of excessive consumption of vodka. Instead of saying to myself: "Every day I drink beer, how do I quit?", The person imperceptibly loses his will and vigilance.

Meanwhile, regular consumption of beer is accompanied by a gradual increase in the amount of ethyl alcohol entering the body. Cells gradually accumulate alcohol toxins, increasing the depth of poisoning. As a result, after a while beer alcoholism develops, which very often turns into chronic alcoholism. Anyone who has drunk 3 liters of beer for a long time every day needs treatment from an expert in narcology.

Features of the fight against beer alcoholism

Beer alcoholism is classified as a heavy alcoholic variant. The problem is aggravated by the fact that the victims themselves rarely seek help from a narcologist or psychiatrist. As a rule, they are patients of cardiologists, complain of kidneys, liver and stomach. But the root cause of all these disorders is precisely the excessive use of beer, overgrown over time into a stable dependence.

Such people need to be persuaded to undergo a course of treatment for addiction, since they do not consider themselves alcoholics. An important role in this belongs to relatives. If you began to notice that your husband started drinking more than one liter of beer every day, gets irritated with his absence, got a beer belly, can not relax without a bottle of foam, it's time to take drastic measures. Of course, it's best to contact a specialist immediately. But sometimes, due to various reasons, persuading a person to go to a narcologist is very difficult.

How to help a loved one

First of all, the problem needs to be voiced. For such a conversation must be carefully prepared. Study the articles, find the right moment. It is necessary to focus not on a complete ban on drinking beer - the benefits and harm for men of drinking beer should be explained in detail in the context of the inadmissibility of too frequent use.

It is necessary to find out why a person is drawn to beer. Try to plan together the next weekend or time after work. Change the situation, take time for something interesting. If health allows, you can try to do sports together. If the matter is in the company, you need to come up with an occasion to meet less often with beer lovers. If the situation has gone far, you need to create a motivation for visiting a doctor. It can be positive, connected, for example, with the tasks of self-improvement, improving health and relationships in the family. It is possible to apply and negative motivation, connected with possible losses in case of continuation of a similar way of life.

How to help yourself

If at some point you felt that the usual bottle of beer no longer brings the former pleasure, if you woke up in the morning with a heavy head and swollen face, you thought: "Every day I drink beer - how to quit?", Means time has come, not postponing , to begin a new life! The main thing is to create the necessary psychological mood and to take the willful decision to follow a new way of life. After all, everything is boring with time, and beer is no exception. Of course, it is difficult to immediately abandon the usual drink. But you can try to introduce a certain ritual of beer consumption, for example, only on weekends and no more than a glass under a specially prepared dish.

It is important to think through the means of self-control, all sorts of motivators. Perhaps you can find for yourself a good reason for which it is worth to give up alcohol altogether. For example, the purchase of a car or the desire to devote more time to the family. You need to understand that you should not manage a bottle of beer, but yourself.

If you feel that you are not coping with the situation, consult a doctor. Do not be shy about asking for help in dealing with your addiction, until it has caused irreparable harm to health and life.

What difficulties can arise

If you have regularly consumed beer for a long time, be prepared in case of refusal to face it with some problems. It should be understood that the use of alcohol generates a physiological and psychological dependence. This especially applies to beer, because its use has a relaxing and slightly blunting effect.

Possible troubles can be conditionally divided into psychological problems and physiological disorders in the work of organs. We will have to give up many habits, change the circle of communication, learn how to cope with mood swings. At the same time, in connection with the cessation of alcohol intake, insomnia, trembling of the limbs, head and muscle aches may occur. All this will have to be overcome by strong-willed effort. In case the situation is serious and neglected, the refusal of alcohol should be supervised and accompanied by medical care.


With all the dangers that are threatened by excessive consumption of alcohol, it is still necessary to admit that it is not beer that is to blame for the fact that some people consume it too often and too much. Beer is a delicious and in some ways useful product if you treat it with proper understanding.

Studies have shown that beer contains a lot of useful microelements and vitamins. Some experts say that with a moderate and occasional use of beer it can have a positive effect. It is not necessary to discount the gastronomic traditions of this or that area. But the problem is that the answer to the question of whether it is possible to drink beer and how much it can be consumed is of a purely individual character. And if you take this responsibly, you can always make a right, independent choice.

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