HealthAlternative Medicine

Hawthorn plant. Useful properties and contraindications

The healing properties of hawthorn are familiar to man from ancient times. The first mention of the use of this fruit for healing refers to the IV century BC. A few centuries later, a military doctor in the armies of the Roman Empire, one of the founders of the future pharmaceutical science - Dioscorides with certainty recommended the use of the fruits of this plant for pains in the stomach, kidney diseases. In medieval Russia, and later in the Russian Empire, healers and healers widely used hawthorn. Useful properties and contraindications to this berry were transmitted through the ages in the form of oral recipes.

Species diversity and external signs

It should be noted that to date, official science knows more than 1500 varieties of hawthorn, in addition, there are still a lot of unexplored forms. Most of this shrub is common in North America, where 80% of all its varieties are concentrated. Although, of course, it grows in abundance and in suitable climatic conditions in Europe and Asia.

Despite the obvious features of similarity, different varieties of hawthorn may differ significantly in appearance. Some plants have the form of a low or medium shrub, others reach 10-15 m in height. Prickles are a common feature, they are absolutely among all members of this family. The period of flowering hawthorn - May-June. Buds are small, collected in inflorescences, have a rich aroma. The harvest season for hawthorn is August-September, when the berries are ripening. In a normal state, the fruits of the plant are round, not more than 1 cm in diameter, most often red or bright orange.


Hawthorn, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which will be discussed below, is a unique plant. The fact is that in all its parts there is a whole complex of vital components. And it can be used as a remedy or for prevention for a long time without fear of negative consequences. After all, this plant is completely non-toxic. In medicine, not only berries are used, because people have long known the useful properties of hawthorn flowers, as well as its bark. Yes, and it does not work very quickly, so as an emergency measure of treatment is not appropriate.

Berries of hawthorn have a general tonic effect on the body, but at the same time they balance the nervous system, strengthens the heart and stomach. This amazing shrub contains some very rare substances in its fruits and bark, such as ursolic acid. It is multifunctional, has an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial effect when applied externally. It serves as a natural diuretic, promotes vasodilation, and generally stimulates the normal functioning of the heart. In addition, ursolic acid removes edema, accelerates regeneration processes in the skin.

Nowadays hawthorn, useful properties and contraindications of which have been thoroughly studied by specialists, is a part of many medications of very different purposes. Do not forget, however, that freshly brewed tea from the colors collected by oneself is much more effective and safer than industrial means, especially in prevention.

With all the obvious advantages of hawthorn, useful properties and contraindications to the use of which can not be ignored, it is permissible to use not all. Diagnoses like atherosclerosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia, tachycardia and thyrotoxicosis exclude the use of this drug. People suffering from insomnia should also refrain from treatment, in which hawthorn is used. Flowers whose useful properties are undeniable, and the fruits of the plant should be used with extreme caution by pregnant women, resorting to this remedy only after consultation with the doctor.

Another main rule for all folk remedies is strict adherence to prescribed dosages. Before you start treatment, it is best to consult a professional doctor.

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