HealthAlternative Medicine

Adam's apple: application and useful properties

Adam's apple is a very interesting fruit, in appearance it looks like something between the orange and the mulberry berries, but the color is green. The tree on which these fruits grow is called the clover. This plant comes from South America and belongs to the mulberry family (hence the similarity of the fetus to mulberry). The height reaches twenty meters. The trunk is covered with long very sharp spines. Another fruit of the animal is called Chinese orange and "God's gift."

Adam's apple. Application

This fruit is actively used in folk medicine. It makes all sorts of tinctures, which are used both externally and inward. It should be noted that Adam's apple, or маклюра, is completely inedible, and some people even consider it poisonous. On the mature fruit milky juice acts, it tastes very bitter and causes numbness of the tongue for a while. Appearing apples are yellow-green in color. It is these fruits that must be harvested for cooking tinctures. Do not collect the fallen fruit, because they are considered to be a poor quality medical material. So what kind of diseases do you use Adam's apple? The use of this fetus has a rather narrow focus. Basically, tinctures from it help get rid of tumors, including malignant tumors. The plant includes organic acids, minerals, vitamins, flavonoids.

Preparation of healing tinctures

1 tincture

Adam's apple (the application of the tincture will be described below) is cut into small pieces. Then with the help of a juicer squeeze out the juice, which must be filled with vodka. The ratio is 5: 1. Place the jar in a dark cool place for infusion. After a week, carefully separate the precipitate, and pour spirits into a glass bottle of dark glass.

2 tincture

Slice the breadcrumbs or slice on a large grater. Fold in a bottle and pour completely with alcohol. It is advisable to keep the tincture for about six months. But if there is no time to wait, then the waiting period can be shortened to two weeks. Drain and store in a dark place out of the reach of children.

Adam's apple. Application for gout

Gout is a very unpleasant disease, bringing a lot of discomfort, especially to women. This insidious disease deprives the fair sex of the pleasure of walking on heels. In addition, the gait of a man becomes like a duck. With gout, permanent lomyaschie pain in the joint. In folk medicine, this disease is successfully treated with the help of the fruits of the animal. For this, every evening until recovery, make a compress or just rub the tincture, prepared by one of the methods mentioned above. Then put on wool socks for the whole night.

Adam's apple. Application (reviews) for tumoral neoplasms

In this case, the treatment should strictly follow the following scheme. In the first week should take three drops of tincture, diluted in a small amount of water, in the morning, on an empty stomach. The second week is also three drops, in the morning before breakfast and in the evening before going to bed. It is advisable to have dinner three hours before taking the medicine. The third week - three drops before breakfast, before dinner and at bedtime. In the following weeks, you need to add one drop to the reception, take the medication three times a day. Bring the dose to thirty drops at a time. Then in the same order reduce the amount of drops of tincture to one. The full course of treatment lasts 14 months. People who took this remedy felt relief after the first days of treatment. Usually, the neoplasms completely resolved after complete course of treatment.


As noted above, it relates to poisonous plants. And if you decide to use Adam's apple in the treatment, the use of which in some cases may be unsafe, you should familiarize yourself with precautions and contraindications. Firstly, this fetus is contraindicated in patients with diabetes mellitus. Secondly, it is not recommended to use it for people under 30 years of age. And yet, when taking medicinal tinctures inside you can not drink alcohol and antibiotics. Remember, before you start self-medication, be sure to consult a doctor! Be always healthy!

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