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Scabies: treatment with folk remedies. Causative agent of scabies

Stories of people suffering from scabies, met with ancient times. Already in the twelfth century, a detailed description of the course of the disease by the physician Avenzoar was made. But he failed to identify the pathogen. And until 1834, scabies was considered a humoral disease.

What is scabies and where it can be found

Scabies are, above all, a skin disease. The cause of this disease is the itch mite (female). The main source of infection is a sick person. It is enough to touch the infected area of the skin, and after a couple of days you will begin to itch.

The causative agent of scabies can live for some time outside the body of the sick person. For example, on personal hygiene items (towels, textile scarves), furniture and things of common use (public transport or night club chairs, fitness equipment in the fitness center). When a healthy person's skin contacts an infected object, infection occurs.

This disease affects all age categories. In addition, scabies are very contagious. Often come to be treated by the whole family, and sometimes even with neighbors.

Types and signs of the "scabby beauty"

Modern medicine divides this disease into several species.

Typical scabies. On the skin are clearly visible strips of tick movements and small bubbles at the ends. Plus, the patient has an unbearable itch. All these are signs of classic scabies. It occurs in 95% of cases.

Norwegian scabies. It is also called "cortical". It occurs mainly in people with reduced immunity. How does the scabies of this species manifest? The peculiarity is that there are no characteristic moves (strips) and bubbles. All these elements are under the crusts.

"Scabies of cleanliness". This species has a blurred clinical picture. This is due to a combination of good immunity and frequent hygiene measures (changing bed linen several times a day, frequent washing hands, etc.).

Pseudocheter. Also it is called "cat's scabies". This kind of ticks is common in pets. The main difference is that there are no moves in the patient's skin.

Signs of scabies

How does scabies typical? The main symptom of the disease is severe itching. There are two reasons for this:

1. Vital activity of the female scabies mite. It moves in the epidermis and lays eggs there.

2. During the stay in the human skin, the female releases toxic substances. In response, the body releases histamine. As a result, the desire to scratch becomes even stronger.

The main feature of itching with scabies is an intensification in the evening and night.

The second is the location of the rash. The favorite places of the classical form of the disease on the human body are zones with thin skin.

Typical scabies on the hands and feet are more often localized between the fingers, in the elbow and knee folds, the groin area, in women under the breast.

The cortical type of the disease of the bowl is located on the soles of the feet, hands, under the fingernails, under the armpits or buttocks.

Children are often localized in the scalp. To see the moves laid by the tick, you can only look closely.

At night, the female tick is active, and therefore itching intensifies in the evening and night. That is why many medical procedures are performed before bedtime. In addition, the areas of the affected skin are better visible, this facilitates the treatment process.

Unfortunately, a person does not develop immunity to this disease. After recovery, one should also be afraid of another meeting with this "beauty".

How to understand that this is scabies?

To establish the diagnosis, a simple visual examination and patient complaints are sufficient. Delivery of specific tests in most cases is not required.

The only nuance: with lesions only the groin area will need to pass some tests. And all because a number of other sexually transmitted diseases has similar symptoms. For example, syphilis, inguinal lice and so on.

How to protect loved ones from such a disease as scabies

Treatment (photo illustrates a typical itch) should be carried out in conjunction with preventive measures aimed at ensuring the safety of relatives and close patients. To do this, you first need to isolate the sick people. To change and process bed linen and personal hygiene items. Tissue things as possible to boil. It is impossible to boil - to steam. Handle all surfaces with disinfectants, with which the sick person has been in contact. And by and large everything that concerns the patient, it is necessary to process daily until full recovery and even plus a couple of days after the cure.

To prevent the infection of a healthy person, there is also a prescription in folk therapy. It is necessary to prepare a strong saline solution (60-90 grams of salt per glass of water). Moisten the skin with saline solution, without wiping, allow to dry. Apply this method of prevention can be no less than 7 days.

It is possible to get rid of this infection only by external means. Traditional medicine is not against treatment with folk remedies, in the case of its effectiveness. In any case, it is better to always consult a doctor and only after proceeding to therapy.

Methods of treatment

Everyone who has encountered the disease knows that scabies are very unpleasant. Treatment with folk remedies is done with the help of pleasant baths, ointments and decoctions. They can be combined in different versions. The duration of the course depends on the degree of skin damage and ranges from 3 to 10 days.

Baths should be hot. This is done to ensure that the skin becomes softer, which makes it possible to better penetrate the remedies. And also warm water soothes itching. It is recommended that after bathing, wash with a hard washcloth. The causative agent of scabies is removed mechanically.

The bath in the treatment of scabies should be taken within fifteen minutes. Further it is recommended to apply to the infected areas of the skin ointments, herbal juices or decoctions.

Healing baths

With such a disease as scabies, treatment with folk remedies should be consistent. First - cleansing, then - the destruction of the pathogen.

Bath with salt and chamomile. You will need a lot of chamomile for this procedure and even more salt. Salt bath is prepared from the calculation of 1 kg of salt per 10 liters of water. The broth of chamomile is made in the ratio of 100 grams of grass per liter of liquid. First you need to steam the skin. After the bath, do not wipe yourself, let the salt soak. Then wash the decoction of chamomile with stricken fate, do not rub, let dry. Take this bath optimally before bed.

You can also apply salt procedures at night. Before going to bed, prepare two containers. One - with water, the other - with salt. After feeling itchy, moisten the skin with water first, and then salt it with salt. In a few minutes the irritation will subside.

Herbal bath. You will need herbs of succession, cemetery, celandine, elecampane, birch leaves, needles of pine. 100 grams of any component individually or a combination (at your discretion) pour 1 liter of boiling water and keep on low heat for 15 minutes. Strain the broth and add to a hot bath. With severe itching, you can increase the concentration to five tablespoons per glass of water.

Bath with juniper. Hundred grams of berries and juniper branches pour a bucket of hot water. Boil for a quarter of an hour. Next, the broth is filtered and added to the bath. You can also do rubbing the affected skin with a prepared decoction.

Bath with decoction of soap. One hundred gram of soap dish to pass through a meat grinder to obtain a homogeneous mass. Then it is poured with one liter of boiling water and cooked on low heat for 15-20 minutes. Next, the broth is filtered and added to the bath. Very good effect gives in combination with sulfuric ointment.

Scabies: treatment with folk remedies based on lard or natural fats

Natural medicinal ointments are the most effective. Thanks to the basis (smalets, oil, lanolin, Vaseline), a gradual and gentle softening of the skin occurs. Through the soft epidermis, medicinal substances will easily reach the scabies mite.

Turpentine ointment. Mix turpentine and smalets (you can butter) in a ratio of 1: 2. Mix well until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Rubbed into the skin as absorbed, several times a day. This drug can be applied to the scalp.

Ointment from a laurel. To prepare this remedy for scabies, it is necessary to crush dry bay leaves. The resulting powder should be mixed with butter or smaltz in a 2: 1 ratio. The resulting mass is heated in a water bath for 30 minutes. Apply to affected areas of the skin.

Ointment from Ledum and chamois. To prepare this remedy, you need 150 grams of Ledum and 150 grams of white chamois. Mix the herbs with 0.5 kg of pork fat and put in the oven for 12 hours. You can warm it in a water bath for 6 hours. When the ointment cools, you can use it. This remedy is applied to the skin twice a day.

Ointment from celandine. You will need to crush the herb celandine and mix with Vaseline or Lanolin in a ratio of 1: 4.

Ointment from elecampane and wormwood. Leaves of elecampane and one-year-old wormwood are mixed in a 1: 3 ratio. For a basis it is possible to take smalets or a butter (not salty). It is applied 2 times a day.

Treatment with sulfuric ointment

This is the most effective remedy for scabies. To prepare the ointment, you will need sulfuric powder and smalets. The latter is used as a basis. Mix in the following proportion: one part of the powder and three parts of the smelt.

Treatment of scabies with sulfur ointment is carried out two or three times during the day. Apply the medicine on clean skin.

Ointment from sulfur and tar. This tool is applied once, and it can not be washed out within a day. It is necessary to combine one tablespoon of melted fat and the same household soap rubbed on a grater, with two teaspoons of sulfuric powder and 1 spoon of birch tar. All this must be mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

A few more assistants in the fight against the itchy contagion

With such a disease as scabies, treatment with folk remedies allows the use of juices and cereals made from herbs. They have a good therapeutic effect in the fight against the disease. On the effectiveness of these funds from scabies are not inferior to the above.

Celandine. Juice and mush from the leaves of this plant are applied to the lesions of the skin several times a day. You can mix milk celandine with cream.

Fumitory. Leaves and herb plants through the meat grinder. Squeeze the juice. Apply it need two or three times during the day. In severe forms, this remedy has an excellent effect.

Treatment with tar in its pure form has an excellent damaging effect on the scabies mite and remarkably relieves itching. Apply it to the skin and do not rinse within a day. After the bath, you need to re-apply tar on the affected areas.

Well salted bread kvass will relieve itching. It is convenient to make baths for hands, and the temperature of the liquid should be as high as possible.

Household soap . This is the safest tool for children. To begin with, you need to grind the soap, you can do it with a knife or rub it on a grater. Then beat into thick foam and apply to affected areas of the skin.

Of course, the disease is unpleasant - scabies. Folk treatment in most cases will help you get rid of it. After all, its effectiveness is verified by time.

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