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Apparatus Frolov. Instruction for the use of Frolov's simulator

Air is the basis of every person's life. However, today few people know that special breathing techniques can not only improve the body, but also help to cope with various diseases. In this article I want to talk about what Frolov's device is, how they need to use it correctly.

What it is?

First of all, we need to figure out what we are facing. So, what is Frolov's apparatus? So, it has its short name - TDI-01. The basis is a special technique of breathing. During the use of this simulator, a person passes from the main breath to the endogenous one. What helps your body to uncover hidden reserves and cope with existing problems. This method is often called yoga for the lazy, because the result is very similar. But the principle of work is still much simpler.

The license was given to this device in 1995 by the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 311.

A few words about breathing

It should be said that in the late 80-ies created this simulator scientist VF. Frolov. Endogenous respiration is the basis, the principle of its work. If to say more precisely, then, using this device, a person changes the technique of breathing.

  • Normal breathing. In this case, a person breathes his chest. But this, according to the scientist, is wrong, because at this time the cells suffer from energy deficiency. Small blood vessels, arteries and pulmonary alveoli are also affected. There is a gradual layering of all these processes, as a result of which the body suffers from tissue degradation, atherosclerosis. It also includes the aging of a person.
  • Endogenous respiration is diaphragmatic. In this case, the cells of the body are breathing. Their activity increases, they receive a sufficient level of energy for their functioning. This all affects not only the condition of tissues, but also the immune system of the body. It becomes stronger, more stable. The scientist says that people who have mastered the endogenous breathing technique can count on a long life without disease and infirmity.

Indications for use: advice of the Ministry of Health

In what situations can you use Frolov's apparatus? Thus, the Ministry of Health recommended it in the following cases:

  1. For the treatment and prevention of a variety of diseases.
  2. To increase the adaptive and immune forces of the body.
  3. For rehabilitation purposes under unfavorable climatic, occupational, environmental and other conditions.

Indications for use: advice of doctors

However, physicians significantly expand this list. So, they believe that the Frolov breathing apparatus can be used to cure diseases of the heart, blood vessels, lungs, the immune system, as well as the musculoskeletal system and even metabolism. So, it is especially effective with the following problems:

  1. Chronic bronchitis. If you use this device, then sputum is easier to go away, normal ventilation of the lungs occurs, asphyxiation and shortness of breath disappear.
  2. Bronchial asthma. Frolov's apparatus improves bronchial patency with this problem, restores gas exchange, cleanses the lungs. This technique helps patients significantly reduce the intake of hormonal drugs, as well as the period of use of inhalers.
  3. Focal tuberculosis. In this case, this technique is useful for improving the body's defenses, as well as for improving metabolism.
  4. Atherosclerosis. This device improves blood circulation, which improves the performance of sick organs (heart, vessels, brain).
  5. Ischemic heart disease. This technique significantly improves coronary blood flow, as well as metabolic processes in the heart muscle.
  6. Vegetosovascular dystonia. The respiratory technique according to Frolov is capable in this case to stop headaches and improve blood circulation in the extremities.

Experts also say that this device perfectly helps to cope with peptic ulcers, various neurotic disorders, diabetes, obesity, osteochondrosis.

The operating principle of the apparatus

The purpose and principle of Frolov's apparatus is very important information, which must be told about. How does it all happen? So, in this simulator it is necessary to pour water first (maximum - 23 ml). This is necessary for the equipment itself, since there will be a hydraulic resistance on exhalation and inspiration. In the process of training, some air mixture will be formed. It will contain carbon dioxide (high content) and oxygen (reduced content). At the same time, during the breathing, the chest is not activated , as usual, but the diaphragm of the patient (ie, the breathing will be abdominal). In this case, the inspiration itself will be very active (should take about 3 seconds), but the exhalation - slow, smooth (as long as possible, up to 50 seconds). What did VF talk about? Frolov? The simulator should be used daily, it does not take much time. All training should take place in the sitting position. The very principle of work and methodology are simple, so that any person at the age of three years can master them.

Breathing modes on the device

How to use Frolov's apparatus correctly? The instruction to its application about this all and will tell. So, you need to start with the fact that there are two main breathing techniques in this simulator:

  1. Continuous mode. In this case, the person breathes on this simulator without interruption the entire occupation.
  2. Interval. For all the activity a person will undergo several respiratory cycles. In this case, the order of breathing will be as follows: five minutes you need to breathe through the apparatus, then two minutes of rest.

What is the best mode to choose? So, the scientist advises breathing by the interval method. And all because during the first 5 minutes of breathing the human body reaches the peak of activity (relative to the respiration of cells), in the next two minutes there is a rest, a return. It is believed that this is more effective if you need to saturate the body with energy.

Preparatory mode

How correctly to use Frolov's breathing apparatus? So, it is worth remembering that not all people can start working with this simulator without fear. In the event that the patient is seriously ill and can not get up (assigned bed rest) or can not move independently, he will need a special preparatory stage. Its main difference is that the breath here will need to be done through the nose. At the same time, the volume of water poured into the device, the length of exhalation and the time of the exercise itself will also be different.

The first week . The volume of water will not exceed 9 ml, it is necessary to exhale for 4 seconds. The duration of work on the simulator is 4 minutes.

The second week . The volume of water increases to 11 ml, the exhalation will also be longer and will take 6-7 seconds. It takes about 5 minutes.

The third week . The volume of water reaches 14 ml, the exhalation length should be 10 sec, the breathing time - about 10 minutes.

Fourth week . The volume of water is about 16 ml, it is necessary to exhale for 15 seconds. At the same time, lessons can be up to 15 minutes.

The fifth-sixth week . The volume of water is 17-20 ml, the length of exhalation is 16-25 sec. The work time on the simulator can reach 25 minutes.

Attention! If, at the transition to the next level, a person feels discomfort (shortness of breath, suffocation, dizziness), it is worthwhile to stay until the previous regime for at least 7 more days. This is the extra time, which for certain reasons the patient may need.

General mode of breathing

How to breathe Frolov's apparatus to all other people (who does not need a preparatory stage, or has he already passed)? So, you need to remember a few simple rules:

  1. The volume of water should be 20 ml (maximum - 23 ml).
  2. Inhale, breathe out with your mouth. In this case, the nose must be clamped by hand, in order to avoid even the smallest air sucking.
  3. The inspiration time is approximately 2-3 seconds.
  4. Time of exhalation: in the first days - standard, every new day - +1 second. It is advisable to reach 75 seconds, during which a long and gentle exhalation should be carried out.
  5. Time of training. As already mentioned, it is better to use interval technique. In this case, an average of 4-8 approaches are needed. Five minutes of breathing through the simulator, 2 minutes break. Or the training time can be from 10 to 40 minutes.

About increase in exhalation

What else did VF Frolov say? The simulator should be used so that the length of the exhalation gradually increases. This is very important, since the depth of the organism's reorganization depends on this, as well as the degree and speed of recovery. At the very beginning of training, exhalation will be extremely short, but with time it will increase. But after a certain time, the majority of patients face a certain problem: for a certain time, the length of the exhalation can not be increased. It's not scary, you need to continue to train. After all, it happens that the body has a certain internal resistance. It is worth remembering that the ideal length of exhalation on this simulator is 75 seconds.


We understood how Frolov's apparatus works. The patients' testimonies indicate that the simulator has a positive effect only if the training itself is a pleasure for the person. Do not allow the process of breathing to be associated with discomfort or unpleasant sensations. The patient should not have shortness of breath, dizziness, suffocation. In this case, the device will not be of use. If this happened, you need to return to an easier level and shorten the length of exhalation - then the body simply did not have time to adapt to the preliminary stage.

Completion of the simulator

Very simple in its assembly Frolov's apparatus. The price is also acceptable for everyone, it is approximately 550-800 rubles (depending on the place of purchase). The equipment is the following:

  • A glass with a lid.
  • Internal chamber with a lid.
  • Breathing tube with mouthpiece.
  • A mesh attachment.

The device must include a passport, as well as instructions for use.

Patient Reviews

It should be noted that the clinical trials of this simulator have been conducted for 15 years. And for all this time it has established itself as an excellent device that helps to cope with multiple problems, as well as increases the body's defenses. Can Frolov's apparatus do harm? Negative responses can sometimes be heard or met among patients. However, it should be clarified: they are all based on the fact that this simulator was perceived by them as a single medicine, a kind of panacea for getting rid of all ills. But this device is just an assistant, it is not able to overcome it alone, for example, atherosclerosis. Only with complex therapy will it have a positive effect on the course of the disease and the patient's condition. What else can you hear from those who used Frolov's apparatus? The negative reviews are often based on the fact that the person does not see the results of his efforts and work on the simulator at all. But this does not mean that nothing happens. Of course, at first you will not be able to feel a visible surge of strength and health. Everything will happen gradually, slowly. To work properly the body, its cells must be sufficiently saturated. And this is not a fast process. The same applies to the recovery time. Everything will not happen in a few days or even weeks. It will take months of training before the disease weakens. And only after a certain time will the horseman begin to retreat. But you need to remember that the effort is worth it, and the time allocated for training will not be wasted.

Difficulties to be faced

It often happens that a person, starting to work with a simulator, faces certain difficulties. What could it be?

  1. Air pump through the nose. It is clear that you need to breathe through your mouth. However, in order to avoid air sucking, the nose must be tightly closed with a hand or with a special clamp.
  2. It must be remembered that it is necessary to breathe only the ventral part. If the thorax "turns on" during the inspiration, then the next time you need to put on a tight corset.
  3. Patients and elderly people can be inhaled through the nose. About this in 2001, said himself VF. Frolov. After all, with a sufficiently low vital capacity of the lungs (which is often observed in the elderly), such an elevated concentration in the alveolar air of carbon dioxide is harmful enough.

As a small conclusion I want to say that the use of this device has only advantages. And with its correct application, it does absolutely no harm.

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