Health, Alternative Medicine
Royal royal jelly: application and properties
Royal jelly, the use of which can be found in folk medicine, is one of the most wonderful products on our planet. The bee-womb feeds on it all her life. This gives her the opportunity not only to live 40 times longer than the average working worker's bees, but also to post such a quantity of eggs per day that their combined weight will exceed her own. When the uterus lays an egg, in which a new "queen" should develop, it is placed in a special cell, where the larva is surrounded by a thick white mass of bees , this is royal jelly. The application of this most miraculous beekeeping product can be found in a variety of ways. It has a huge amount of biologically active substances with unique properties. In the people, milk from ancient times had the name "royal jelly", because because of the difficulty of its extraction, it could only be used by very wealthy people.
This useful substance has a number of properties. First of all, it has a powerful antiviral effect and is one of the few products that help to defeat influenza viruses and stomatitis. In addition, the milk has bacteriostatic and antibacterial properties. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, improves the performance of almost all internal organs, the process of hematopoiesis and much more.
This wonderful product is used in cosmetology and medicine. Science knows the composition only by 95%, and some experts believe that it is in the remaining 5% that the secret of absolute health and longevity is hidden. This source of youth for cells and skin is suggested to be used not only externally, but also internally as orally, and with the help of injections. Usually only the freshest product is used to create medicines, regardless of the way it is used. Milk uterine bee adsorbed has a unique ability to excrete radionuclides from the human body. It is considered a product that can be used as a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory agent that does not need additional sterilization before contact with an open wound, a burn or a ulcer. In addition, it contributes to a significant increase in the number of erythrocytes and hemoglobin in the blood.
Milk is used to create a huge amount of rejuvenating cosmetics. It is widely used for skin rejuvenation and prevention of its aging. The reason for this is its unique effect on the body, which stabilizes the hormonal balance throughout the body and normalizes the work of cells. To preserve the youthfulness and freshness of the skin, experienced cosmetologists advise taking royal jelly on 100 milliliters every day for half an hour before breakfast. It is recommended that you do not swallow it immediately, but hold it for several minutes in your mouth and drink warm boiled water.
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