Health, Diseases and Conditions
Polyps of the rectum and ways of treating them
The appearance of polyps in the rectum requires consultation of the proctologist, a visit to which can not be postponed. So, the polyps of the rectum are an increase in the inner epithelium, which covers the large intestine. Usually the polyp extends beyond the sphincter and projects outward. In itself, this formation can have a different shape - a fungus, even a ball or hemisphere, is also formed with or without a foot.
As statistics show, polyps are common in about 1/5 of adult men and women. Earlier it was claimed that polyps degenerated into cancer quite rarely and not soon. But now there is evidence that this kind of degeneration can happen about 5-8 years from the beginning of the first education.
Polyps of the rectum, the symptoms of which have been well studied by modern medicine, can be detected during endoscopic or roentgenologic examination of the large intestine. There are cases when polyps before such examinations do not signal themselves. Most often a person notices the appearance of blood in the stool after defecation. By the color of the blood, you can determine the place where the polyps of the rectum are located. So, if the blood has a saturated crimson color, the formation of the polyp occurred near the anus. The darker the blood, the farther the polyp from the anus. Often, along with feces, mucus is released to a greater or lesser extent. When feces pass in the polyp area, pain can occur due to inflammation of the foot of this formation.
In many patients, polyps of the rectum provoke frequent urge to defecate, as well as diarrhea. If there is no symptomatic symptomatology with such a disease, the very first analysis, which will show the presence of polyps, is the analysis of feces for the presence of blood.
As doctors say, polyps need to be removed surgically. And the sooner this is done, the better. After polyps of the rectum, the treatment of which depends on their size, in the absence of medical intervention can develop into colon cancer.
At the moment, there are no ways that could determine the extent of the likelihood of developing cancer in any given case. Therefore, it is best to remove the polyp at its early stage in order to protect itself from further adverse effects. Most polyps are removed by a special tool, on the tip of which an electrode in the form of a loop is attached. If the polyp is small, it can be removed with the help of moxibustion. As a rule, such endoscopic interventions are performed in outpatient settings and do not cause painful sensations. If the sizes of polyps are large, several such interventions may be required, perhaps even a surgical operation.
As practice shows, the probability of relapse after removal of the polyp is small. But if the causes that caused the formation of polyps are not eliminated, it is necessary to regularly monitor in a specialized clinic.
During the removal of the polyp, some complications may occur, the most common of which is bleeding. In many cases, it occurs some time after the operation. When there is severe bleeding, there is a need for repeated surgical intervention. If the bleeding opens at a later date, this indicates a rejection of the thrombus, which is located on the leg of the polyp.
Another complication arising when the polyps of the rectum are removed is the perforation of the rectal wall. The reason for this is the formation of a hole due to a burn during electrocoagulation.
Prevention of subsequent development of polyps is a change in lifestyle, diet and regular visits to the doctor for examinations.
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