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Can chocolate be given to a nursing mother? Allergy to chocolate

When a woman has a baby, she comes across a huge list of dietary restrictions. And here it is really necessary to be very careful, otherwise there may be problems with the health of the child. Most mothers follow the correct diet so as not to harm their baby, because otherwise there may be an allergy that will be accompanied by a rash, itching, and also there may be increased excitability.

And in the list of prohibitions with lactation there is also everyone's favorite chocolate. What to do if you really want to try at least a piece of this delicacy? Let's see in more detail whether chocolate can be breastfeeding for mother.

You can not

Immediately I would like to note that each person's body structure is absolutely unique. And so someone literally on a piece of chocolate can have a terrible allergy, and another and after a sufficiently large portion of this sweetness, nothing will happen with health.

So why are not breastfeeding chocolate (in most cases), and why was it included in the list of banned products when lactating? Yes, simply because there are not so many useful substances in it. Most of it contains preservatives and various additives. Of course, it is necessary to look at the composition of the product, as modern chocolate really very rarely consists of natural ingredients. In fact, in the qualitative version, the following ingredients should be present: sugar powder, cocoa, cocoa butter. And this kind practically does not cause any negative consequences. One should be cautious if anyone in the family has an allergy to this product. Then it is better not to eat while feeding, so as not to experiment on the baby. Caffeine, contained in chocolate, also does not need a child's body. Otherwise, excessive gas formation may occur, which will provoke pain in the tummy.


Milk chocolate used during breastfeeding is not recommended, because it contains the content of protein cow's milk, and the stomach of the baby can not cope with such products.


It is also advisable not to use this delicacy, because it can damage the figure of the mother herself. But everyone knows that the more bans, the more you want it. But in this period, still need to decide what is a priority - the wishes of the mother or the health of the child. Again, this question has a dual significance. Everyone knows that chocolate cheers up. And if he also really wants to eat, with the ban, the nursing mother will feel apathy, her mood will be at a lower level. Accordingly, it will not lead to anything good. Therefore, you can test your body and eat a small piece of bitter chocolate.

Then you need to wait, and if during the day of diathesis the child is not observed, then sometimes you can pamper yourself with this treat. Remember that there is no unambiguous answer to the question whether chocolate can be fed to a nursing mother. In each individual case it is necessary to consider the situation individually.

If after a test the baby feels comfortable, then periodically you can gradually introduce into the diet bitter chocolate without any additives. Only it is necessary to pay attention to the composition of the product, and the period of its storage. It is desirable that it was fresh. In any case, remember that you should not get too carried away with such sweetness. Take the same recommended bitter chocolate to nursing mother before lunch break, but after feeding the baby.

In European countries, by the way, they do not even know that there is such a list of prohibited foods when breastfeeding. There, young mothers eat absolutely everything, but little by little, so as not to provoke an allergy. The same recommendations come from doctors from all over the world. Each new product in the mother's diet should be introduced gradually, starting with the minimum portions. In this case, you do not need to keep yourself in something. And only in this case will be healthy and lactating mother, and baby.


As for the black treat, then it became clear to us. But is it possible to consume white chocolate to nursing women? In this form of the product does not contain caffeine, but carbohydrates are very large, which can negatively affect the sensations of the baby. Perhaps increased gas generation, as well as stool disorders can occur.

According to some nutritionists, white chocolate is safer to use than black, as the process of digestion and assimilation of it occurs much faster.

A remedy for depression

It is advisable, of course, to do without the reception of chocolate during the feeding period. But if you can not deny yourself this, and you do not know if chocolate can be fed to your mother, you need to listen to your inner voice and include a close monitoring of the baby. If a woman constantly refuses to accept a chocolate, a state of depression may arise, from which it is not so easy to get out. Therefore, if you are sure that the product is quality, then, without abusing it, you can sometimes take this delicacy to raise your spirits.


Everyone knows that in order for a woman to have milk to feed her baby, a lot of glucose is taken from her body. And when there is a shortage of it, headaches, apathy, susceptibility to stress are observed. With regard to chocolate, it is considered an excellent means for raising the mood and not only. At reception of this tasty product in an organism the hormone of happiness is developed. But despite the presence of magnesium, calcium, and other nutrients, you should not use it without restrictions. On this question, whether it is possible to give chocolate to a nursing mother, it is necessary to answer each woman independently. Also, you should individually consider all options for admission.


Remember that an allergy to chocolate can arise even from a small piece. Therefore, especially lactating women need to be cautious during this period, otherwise the child may have diathesis. All components of chocolate are strong allergens. And if this is a poor-quality product, then here generally the rates go down, as unscrupulous producers try to add the cheapest ingredients to the raw materials. Such chocolate in any case is impossible! You need to be guided when choosing a quality and composition.

An allergy to chocolate can manifest itself in the form of skin rashes, itching, as well as a runny nose, a cough. In this case, if the allergen had an effect on the body, then, first of all, of course, you need to remove the chocolate from the diet. Well and further it is necessary to address to experts. In most cases, the allergy to chocolate is treated by standard methods.

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