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Hloazma - what is it? Causes, diagnosis, treatment

Chloasma (cold, melasma, melasma) - these are brownish spots of benign nature, localized in the cheek, neck and forehead. This pathology is more susceptible to people with dark skin. According to statistical data, this manifestation of pigmentation is several times more common in women than in men.

Chloasma. What it is?

Under chloasma is understood the pathological process of the skin, expressed in excessive pigmentation against the background of increased hormones or diseases of the genitourinary sphere, as well as during the period of gestation. In the latter case, the problem is temporary and passes after the appearance of the baby, when the hormonal background of the woman is fully restored.

Excessive pigmentation is manifested by symmetrical dark brown spots on both sides of the face with torn edges. At the same time, there may be a darkening of the skin around the mammary glands, the zone of the genital organs. In fact, chloasma is considered a pigmented spot. Its formation is explained by the excessive deposition of melanin on a limited part of the epidermis.

In medical reference books one can find another name for the pathology - melasma. Chloazma (chloas) in Greek means "green", and melasma (melas) - "dark". From a linguistic point of view, the second option is more correct for use.

Main reasons

  • Pregnancy.
  • Changing the hormonal background.
  • Inflammatory processes in the body.
  • Diseases of the gynecological nature.
  • Prolonged sunbathing.
  • Intoxication of the body.
  • Acceptance of certain groups of drugs.
  • Use of cosmetics, which contain essential oils.
  • Deficiency of vitamins B9 and C.

Clinical picture

Chloasma is an enhanced pigmentation of a limited area of the skin. It has uneven borders and never rises above the surface. Coloring can vary, starting with a yellowish tinge and ending with a brownish-brown color. The size of the pathology in some cases does not exceed one centimeter in diameter, while in others it occupies entire areas on the face.

The forehead, nose, upper lip, cheeks are all favorite places where chloasma is most often localized. Photos of patients with this diagnosis can be seen in specialized medical reference books. It is rare that pigmentation occurs on the inner thighs and on the chest. It is not accompanied by itching or painful discomfort.

"Pigment line" also refers to the disease of chloasma. What it is? This is a dyschromia, having the appearance of a pigmented band, the width of which does not exceed 10 mm. It passes through the entire forehead and ends at the side of the neck. This variant pathology is considered the first sign of the existing disorders in the CNS (brain tumor, Parkinson's disease, etc.).

What diseases can be confused with chloasma?

  • Birthmarks (hyper pigmentation of the skin at the innate level). They can appear on absolutely any parts of the body. It is impossible to get rid of them by using acids or peels, as they can develop into malignant tumors.
  • Adnexitis (inflammation in the appendages, which appears due to the infection process). The disease most often occurs asymptomatically, affecting exclusively the hormonal processes in the body. That is why the stains of chloasma in this case will indicate the presence of a more serious ailment.
  • The pathology of the liver provokes metabolic disorders in the body, as a result of which excessive deposition of melanin in the upper layers of the dermis can be observed.

Types and localization

Currently, experts identify several types of chloasma, among which the most commonly diagnosed are the following:

  • Peroral (mostly found in young girls).
  • Brocc's pigmentary dermatosis (differs recurrent course).
  • Bronze chloasma (the reasons for the development of this pathology have not been studied to the end, however, it most often occurs in Asian countries).
  • Perioral parokeratosis of Degos.

Epidermal, mixed, dermal and asymptomatic chloasma are also prominent. What it is? This classification takes into account the degree of penetration of the pigment inside the skin. For example, the dermal variant is characterized by a lack of a clear boundary between the normal parts of the skin and the affected.

Establishing diagnosis

To confirm the ailment it is sufficient for a specialist to conduct a physical examination of the patient and to exclude his / her inherent / post-inflammatory nature. In addition, a whole series of studies for the diagnosis of the gastrointestinal tract and liver can be prescribed (analysis for dysbacteriosis, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity organs, biochemical tests of the liver, coprogram). To exclude ailments of the sexual sphere, women are advised to consult a gynecologist.

Features of treatment

First of all, it should be noted that chloasma, the treatment of which is necessarily complex, is a very insidious manifestation of pigmentation. In addition to the prescription of medicines, the patient is usually prescribed a whole system of behavior aimed at an early recovery. First of all, it is recommended to protect yourself from sunbathing and limit visits to the solarium. By results of analyzes it is possible to start to drink hormones that some to correct their parameters in an organism. It is equally important to take prebiotics to restore the gastrointestinal microflora.

Chloazm on the face is perfectly treatable medication. In this case, experts recommend the intake of vitamins B and C, folic acid. Excellent results give bleaching creams (for example, "Ahremin"). In addition, peeling with acids can be recommended.

If a woman is in a position, the therapy is selected taking into account the state of her health. In most cases, the treatment is completely postponed, since after the appearance of the baby, the chloasma passes by itself.

The help of traditional medicine

At home, it is allowed to treat yourself, but only after consulting a specialist and taking all the necessary tests.

There are a lot of folk remedies for skin bleaching, including baking soda, toothpaste, chamomile, lemon juice and many others. All of them are aimed at reducing the progression of such a pathology as chloasma. How to get rid of the problem at home? Below we list the most popular recipes.

  • It will be necessary to mix five tablespoons of turmeric powder with 10 tablespoons of regular milk. The resulting mixture in consistency should resemble dough. It should be applied to problem areas of the face and allowed to dry. After 10 minutes, rinse under running water and wipe the skin dry with a towel. This procedure is recommended to be repeated every day until the stains are completely brightened.
  • Lemon juice should be mixed with honey in equal proportions, add a couple of tablespoons of parsley. The resulting mixture should be laid evenly on the affected area and left for 10 minutes. The result will not take long.
  • Apple cider vinegar not only removes pigment spots, but also makes the entire face lighter. It will be necessary to mix it with water in a proportion of 1: 1 and daily wipe the skin. Use a better fresh "medicine", in the diluted state it should not be stored.
  • Parsley seeds also give an excellent result in the treatment of this problem. It will take 100 grams of seeds to pour 0.5 liters of vodka and leave to infuse for two weeks. After the end of this period, you can safely apply the medicine. It is recommended to rub the affected areas with infusion. It is equally useful to eat parsley greens daily.
  • The almond can help in the fight against chloasma. Half a cup of nuts should be filled with a glass of boiling water. Then you need to pass them through the meat grinder, and just pour the water into a bowl. In the resulting slurry squeeze the juice of half a lemon. You can apply this mask for 30 minutes, and then wash it off with almond water.

The folk remedies described above make it possible to forget about excessive pigmentation. Such procedures can be repeated until the desired result is obtained.


As easily as the disease can be treated, it is always easier to prevent it. To prevent the development of chloasma, it is recommended to protect your skin from sun exposure. For these purposes, you should use special creams, wear hats with a visor. Skin contact with chemicals (gasoline, engine oil) is also recommended to minimize. Do not forget about the importance of timely treatment of diseases, proper and adequate nutrition. Thanks to such simple advice, you can not ask yourself what symptoms are accompanied by chloasma, photos of patients with such a diagnosis look for in specialized literature.


Of course, each pathology requires a qualified approach to treatment. In this issue is not an exception to chloasma. What is it, how to correctly treat the problem and what precautions are required, we discussed this issue as thoroughly as possible. We hope that all the information presented on the topic will be really useful for you. Be healthy!

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