HealthAlternative Medicine

What helps tincture of chanterelles on vodka?

It has long been known that mushrooms have many healing properties. They have long been eaten and used as medicines. Such treatment, called fungotherapy, is safe and very useful. Chanterelles are one of the most popular mushrooms used in folk medicine. Let's consider them in more detail, namely: what are chanterelles, their composition, useful properties, how various preparations are prepared on their basis, tincture of chanterelles on vodka, and also how it is used and for what.

Chanterelles treatment

These mushrooms are used in boiled, fried and even raw kinds. They have a slightly sour taste, which disappears when cooking. The advantage of chanterelles is:

  • Ease of transportation - they will not crumble or turn into porridge;
  • No need to create special conditions for storage - most importantly, it's dry and clean.

The chanterelles contain many useful substances, among which are the following:

  • Tramtonolinic acid;
  • Ergosterol;
  • Quinomania;
  • vegetable fats;
  • Amino acids;
  • Important microelements.

Thanks to these substances, mushrooms can cure diseases such as:

  • rickets;
  • Dysbiosis;
  • Anemia;
  • obesity;
  • Ascoridosis;
  • Liver problems;
  • hepatitis;
  • Opisthorchiasis.

This is only a small list of diseases with which they are able to cope. In addition, chanterelles are able to help with cancer and liver diseases. It is noteworthy that the natural component does not cause allergies, therefore it is completely harmless.

Chanterelles from different parasites

Mushrooms are very effective if you need to get rid of parasites. They help to destroy both the worms themselves (they are helminths) and their eggs. Therefore tincture of chanterelles on vodka is often used for this purpose.

This kind of mushroom contains a substance called quinomannosone. It successfully copes with different types of helminths, for example, it cures opisthorchiasis. This disease, if you do not pay attention to it, causes significant damage to the entire body, and tincture of chanterelles on vodka is struggling with the focus of the problem.

Worms love mushrooms. However, this species is an exception to the rules. Chanterelles are the purest of all fungi found in nature. In folk medicine they are very appreciated. Despite the fact that the quinomania contained in them kill even the offspring of parasites, for humans, the chanterelles are absolutely safe. Medicinal substances are brittle compounds, they do not tolerate heat. Already at 60 degrees their structure is destroyed. Therefore, using chanterelles from parasites, they are not cooked before consumption.

It is better after you have cleared the mushrooms from debris and earth, leave them in the sun until it dries. They can also be placed in a dryer, set at 40 degrees, and then crushed to a powdery state.


Mushrooms can cure many diseases. The recipes of medicines are different. The chanterelles are eaten dry, ground to a powdery state. Also tincture of chanterelles on vodka is extremely useful. More than fifty diseases can be cured with the help of these fungi. They are excellent fight against tumors, being a component of drugs that increase immunity. If, moreover, the inflammatory process develops, the chanterelles become the best means for its arrest. These mushrooms contain vitamin A even more than carrots. And in Chinese medicine they use night blindness.

Tincture of chanterelles on vodka

The use of the drug is very useful in the fight against various viruses and infections. All the useful substances in this tincture are preserved to the fullest. Insisting mushrooms on alcohol, get a wonderful multi-purpose tool. And if you take the tincture regularly, then the body will be perfectly cleaned and charged energetically.

The medicine can be purchased at pharmacies. At the same time, lovers cook everything by their own hands, they can prepare tincture themselves. But in any case, you need to remember - folk remedies are not an adequate substitute for medical treatment. And before taking any medication you need to consult a doctor.


To make it is not so difficult. Mushrooms are pre-dried, ground to a powder. One tablespoon pour a glass of vodka and leave to infuse for ten days. In this case, it must be stirred every day. At the end of the term, the remedy is considered ready. It does not need to be filtered, it is enough to shake and drink directly with the sediment.

Also mushrooms can simply be scrolled in a meat grinder, pour vodka and leave to infuse for three weeks. Take the tincture, pre-shaking. A good effect will be achieved if taken before bedtime.


Doses and schedules for taking medication depend on what kind of disease you need to cure. For example, to get rid of parasites, before going to bed, drink two teaspoons for three weeks.

For the treatment of diseases of the pancreas take one teaspoon every day for three to four months in the evenings.

About hepatitis it will be possible to forget in four months if in the mornings to drink on a teaspoon of tincture.

The liver is cleaned for two weeks, drinking two teaspoons of medicine in the evenings.

It is said that tincture of chanterelles on vodka from cancer helps. Of course, I want to believe in it. However, with such diseases, the prescriptions of traditional medicine should be treated only as a method that helps the basic traditional method of treatment. Then the positive effect will only increase.

Tincture of chanterelles on vodka: reviews

You can hear a lot of feedback on the results of treatment with this tincture. Someone took it in the hope of getting rid of parasites and noted the positive effects, but only if the correct dosage was maintained.

Others noted a positive effect in the treatment of the liver, if the drug was administered within a month.

Often a tincture of fresh chanterelles on vodka was used as a medicine on the advice of the older generation. Previously, people knew very well what an extremely useful action it had. The use of chanterelles can improve vision. There is no need to go to different procedures and spend a lot of money for treatment with a laser. Instead, you can prepare a medicine for free and take it for a month. This tool will relieve tension from the eyes, and an obvious result will be felt.

And of course, many reviews are related to how the chanterelles helped in getting rid of worms. I could feel, for example, an unpleasant itch, which after the course of taking the tincture simply disappeared, and the person's well-being improved significantly.


Thus, once you go to the forest and collect chanterelles there, you can prepare an effective medication absolutely free of charge, which will be much more effective than many drugstores. The main thing is to know how to properly take the tincture and strictly adhere to the dosages and the prescribed schedule. Then, after a short period of time, the exact result will come, which is expected, and perhaps even even better.

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