Do you want your garden site to become cozy and comfortable? And the funds for expensive garden furniture is not enough? It does not matter. All you can and even need to do yourself. Garden furniture with their own hands is an originality, invested warmth and an opportunity to show their creative talent. In addition, such furniture fits perfectly to the general style of the site, it looks organic, emphasizing the unity with nature.
Most of all in the garden there is a need for benches, armchairs, tables and benches - the most unpretentious garden furniture. With its own hands it is easy to make, and the material can be used the one that is at hand. In addition, roughly combined furniture will add a rustic flavor to your plot. You can use anything here, it's logs, the remaining boards, logs and the like. You can first make a sketch, and then find the blanks in the nearest forest parks. And you can, on the contrary, come up with something from the material already available.
Before the manufacture of logs and branches, it is necessary to clean the bark well. If it will not separate badly, it will be necessary to soak it. An ordinary coffee table can be made from a sawn trunk, after removing unnecessary twigs. A worktop is a flight of your imagination. Here everything is acceptable: from simple boards to stone countertops. To connect the countertop to the base, you can use ordinary nails or any joiner glue.
As usual, stitches of trees are suitable as stools. Make a round table, and this is not only aesthetics, but also a wonderful energy. Around the table place five deck-stools. As in the forest near the log cabin hut. Beautiful and soundly. You can also make a double stool with a small table together. Very comfortable design. You can retire alone with a cup of coffee and admire the beauty of the garden. What is not original garden furniture? The wooden garden furniture is perfectly processed by the hands. It can be burned or covered with stain of any shade. All this is fixed with varnish or wax mastic. And that your furniture has served for a long time, treat it with compounds that protect the wood.
If you applied boards, they can easily be decorated using stencils. Stencil can be a simple tulle. This will give your furniture elegance. And if you pick up the right stencil, you can get a folkloric flavor. Very spectacular looks garden furniture from artificial rattan. Wicker furniture made of this material has a number of advantages. This is - ecological compatibility, high practicality, does not require additional care, easily moves and fits perfectly into all kinds of interiors.
And if there is a desire to make a wooden swing, then you need to try a little. Required tools such as chisels, milling cutters, drill, plane and screwdrivers. All this is needed for decorative processing. And if in such a case there is no special experience, it is better to practice on prototypes. A little patience and you will get wonderful garden furniture. With your hands you can make a masterpiece that will become your pride. And in a short time, perhaps, a long queue of those wishing to acquire something similar will be built. Who knows what you are capable of. Everything happens in life. A simple hobby can turn into a real production. Or to become an excellent hobby, make elegant gifts to your friends, relatives and friends.