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Cabbage leaf with lactostasis: how to apply, how much to keep, does it help?

Lactostasis is a condition characterized by stagnation of milk in any part of the breast, or more precisely, in its ducts. About this, how this can help in this state cabbage leaf and how to apply it correctly, this article will tell.

Causes of lactostasis

Stagnant milk is very common in women who have become mothers for the first time and yet do not know exactly how to properly feed their child. In some cases, a woman several times in a row can apply the baby only to one breast. This is wrong, since such feeding in most cases leads to stagnation of milk. Therefore, doctors recommend alternating putting the baby to the chest every time to avoid this situation.

The condition of lactostasis is a kind of borderline between the norm and pathology, since if you can not cope with it on time, it can lead to mastitis. But if you start a fight with him in time, then it will prove to be nothing more than an unpleasant memory among many happy minutes of motherhood.

Folk methods of lactostasis treatment

But how can you defeat lactostasis in a shorter time, because when taking breastfeeding, taking many medications is not only not recommended, but even contraindicated? The solution can only be in the search for other, perhaps, folk remedies.

There is a great variety of similar methods, which, according to users, will necessarily benefit. But is it worth believing for everyone, because it's impossible to try all the recipes, and lactostasis will flow smoothly into mastitis in the meantime, and well, if not purulent?

Cabbage leaf - a way out of this situation?

Now on the Internet you can find a lot of information about the benefits of cabbage leaf with lactostasis. But is it? Recently, many experts agree that cabbage leaf with lactostasis can be useful. But only if you follow all the recommendations for its use. It is necessary to know how to properly apply cabbage leaf with lactostasis.

In the people opinion about the effect of this vegetable from the family of cruciferous on lactation diverge. Someone thinks that cabbage increases the production of breast milk, but there is an opinion that it reduces it. Of course, both these opinions are wrong. Cabbage leaf with its local application, no effect on the production of milk from the nursing mother does not. But how then does it affect the situation with lactostasis?

Cabbage has a good anti-edematous effect. In addition, it has been proven that it has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Sheets of this vegetable contain a large number of different vitamins and minerals. Therefore, when the cabbage leaf is applied, these substances begin to penetrate into the breast tissue, accelerating the regeneration processes in it, and its bactericidal action prevents harmful bacteria from penetrating into the diseased chest. It will help to remove redness and cope with the feeling of heat, which is experienced by most women with lactostasis. If we began to use it immediately, as the first signs of milk stagnation appeared, it would prevent the development of mastitis.

How to apply cabbage leaf with lactostasis?

Some women who tried to cope with their problem with a cabbage leaf, claimed that it did not bring them practically no benefit. But maybe it was just that they misused it. But how to apply cabbage leaf with lactostasis so that it benefits? There is an opinion that to enhance the effect of this vegetable, it is necessary not just to apply it to a sick chest, but to create a small compress. Compress from cabbage leaf with lactostasis should be made in such a way that it has not only a warming, but also a small cooling effect. To enhance the effect, you can lubricate that part of the sheet that will be applied directly to the body, honey, butter and salt.

Of course, the additional component must be some one. If a woman's condition is accompanied by a strong pain syndrome, then the compress can be done not from a whole cabbage leaf. To do this, a leaf (one or more, it depends on the prevalence of lactostasis) should be finely chopped or grinded through a meat grinder.

There it will also be necessary to add two dessert spoons of yogurt. The resulting mass should be applied to the diseased area as a compress and warmed. This can be done with a piece of cotton wool and a usual cellophane film. Also for this purpose, a gauze bandage is used, which will be fixed by the compress itself. To do this, it should be wrapped around the chest. After the compress has been applied, it is necessary to put on free lingerie, since if it starts to tighten the chest, then lactostasis will be cured somewhat more difficult.

Cabbage leaf without additives for milk congestion

Compress can also be made from one sheet without additional products, if, for example, any components were previously allergic reaction. But before applying the cabbage leaf with lactostasis to the diseased area, it must be doused with boiling water. It is necessary to do this so that the sheet itself is warm. Cold when applied at the initial stage can lead to narrowing of blood vessels and ducts and aggravate the current situation.

How much to keep a cabbage leaf with lactostasis?

If you attach one cabbage leaf to your breast, and not a compress, then there is no exact time here. Some experts say that you can keep it until it wilts. Then it can be changed to another one. Therefore, the sheets are best applied during the day.

The time during which you need to keep a compress is somewhat different. It can be applied at night. Honey will not only enhance the absorbing effect of cabbage, but will not allow the leaf to fade until almost in the morning. If honey for some reason does not work, then you can simply attach not one but several sheets.


Does the cabbage leaf help with lactostasis? This question is one of the most frequently asked questions for young mothers. Of course, for a couple of hours, as many women believe, with the help of ordinary cabbage leaf with lactostasis can not cope. Undoubtedly, if the compress is applied correctly, and the cabbage leaf changes more than once a day, and as necessary, then a certain improvement in the condition of the woman will be noticed the next day. There is a decrease in edema and redness, a reduction in pain syndrome.

The main thing when using cabbage leaf is not to mix up lactostasis with beginning mastitis, in which, unfortunately, the aforementioned remedy does not help, but will only exacerbate the situation. Therefore, before you do self-medication, it is better to visit a doctor.

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