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Oats recipes. Oat liver: best recipes

Oats is a cereal plant. It is rightly called curative. Since ancient times, grass has been appreciated and grown. Norwegians believed that the basis of the diet of the gods were oats and herring. The cereal was for them both a medicine and food. In Britain, from an age of old oatmeal is called a traditional breakfast. In the article presented below, we will tell everything about the decoction of oats: prescription, treatment, useful properties. Also we will study how to make kissel for the treatment of various diseases, including the liver.

Oat broth: recipe, treatment, beneficial properties

Hippocrates recommended taking oats in a variety of diseases. Useful properties of the decoction are obvious. It improves metabolism, helps with pancreatitis, pneumonia, anemia, coughing, ulcers, gastritis, nephritis and bronchitis. In addition, lowers the heat. The use helps to strengthen the state of the nervous and cardiovascular system.

The high value of the decoction is achieved due to unpurified grains. All the useful substances that are preserved in them, go into a decoction and have a beneficial effect on the body. Mineral salts contain valuable macro- and microelements, among which: phosphorus, cobalt, iron, zinc, fluorine, silicon, iodine. Here there is a large amount of vitamins: A, K, E, B, which enrich the body and restore health. Very often it is used to purify the liver.


It is impossible to overestimate the importance of a healthy liver for a person. It depends not only on the satisfactory physical, but also on the psycho-emotional state of a person. Problems with this organ immediately reflected on the face - the color becomes unhealthy, there are vascular sprouts, spots and dark circles under the eyes.

The liver has a lot of functions. It participates in the blood, stores useful substances. Through the body passes all that we consume. It filters and neutralizes harmful substances. However, if the load is too high, it happens that the liver is not able to cope. Then the body becomes polluted. And this sometimes leads to even malfunctions and the destruction of individual organs.

If you have in common signs such as frequent headaches, heaviness and pain in the abdomen, poor sleep and bitterness in your mouth, this indicates problems with the liver. Today, there are many ways to purify and restore it. Proponents of traditional medicine often use prescriptions for oats. Let's see what they consist of

Oat liver treatment

The best recipes will be effective only when the liver is prepared for therapy. Therefore, the initial stage is the cleansing of the intestine. It is necessary, because when they begin to use the recipes for oats treatment, all the dirt will pass into the intestines. And if he himself is contaminated, the harmful substances will accumulate there, not being able to purify themselves. Then the result can be deplorable: toxins can get into the blood.

In addition to the procedures for cleansing the intestine, you should revise your diet. During the time that the treatment lasts, the diet should mainly include plant food. Take more products of yellow color. These are dried apricots, millet, apricots, lemons and so on. Naturally, from smoked, fried, fatty, salty and canned should be discarded.

Oats recipes often include additional ingredients. In order for the therapy to be successful, you should use untreated cereal. Such a product can be found, for example, in avian markets, in pet stores or in healthy food markets.

The recipe for the simplest broth is the following. For a liter of water, add 100 grams of oats and bring it to a boil. After the broth boils, reduce the heat and leave for 20 minutes without closing the lid. Then the broth should be removed from the fire, cover and wait until it cools. The course should be continued for two months, daily drinking half a liter of broth per day. If necessary, after making a one-month break, you can repeat the treatment of the liver with oats.

The best recipes exclusively from oats include and infusion, which is prepared very simply. The oats are ground to a powder. The mass is poured into the thermos, counting that one liter of water will go to one tablespoon. Leave to insist on the whole night. Then every day for 3 months they drink half a liter of infusion.

On herbs

In the recipes for oats treatment, other herbs are sometimes added, as well as rose hips. The latter has a beneficial effect on the body, strengthens the immune system. For cooking, you need 3 tablespoons of oats, spores, hips in chopped form, birch buds and cranberry leaves, as well as 5 liters of water.

Kidneys and leaves are poured into clean dishes, 4 liters of water are poured. And leave for a day in a cold place. In the remaining liter of water, add a dogrose and bring it to the boil, remove from the fire, cool and leave for a day. In the first broth add oats and spores, again bring to a boil and boil on low heat for 15 minutes. Cooling, it pours a liter of broth of wild rose. Ready tincture is drunk first in a quarter, then in half, and then in 2/3 cup for 9 days.

With lemon and honey

All recipes from oats for liver treatment are good and useful. This option is not an exception. He is preparing easily. A glass of oats is poured with a liter of water and boiled for 30 minutes. Then add water to the original liter, wrap in a blanket and leave for three hours. After that, decoction is filtered, add half a lemon and one tablespoon of honey. It is useful to take this remedy half an hour before meals.

Oats for coughing

Cough helps to get rid of oatmeal milk extract, which is made from 2 liters of milk and 500 grams of oats. In a saucepan, the mixture is cooked in the oven for one and a half hours. Take the finished product before going to bed one glass.

There is another effective recipe. For its preparation, take two tablespoons of raisins, the same amount of oats and pour 1.5 liters of water. Cook on low heat until half of the liquid is boiled. Then the broth cool, filter and add a tablespoon of honey. Use the drug several times a day for one tablespoon.

The third recipe is especially useful. With washed oats, fill the pan with 2/3. Then pour milk and put on a weak fire. The cow product is regularly added until the oats are boiled. Cooling and straining the broth, it adds two parts of honey. The drug should be taken several times a day on a tablespoon.

Oats in kidney disease

If there is sand in this organ, then the treatment of kidney oats recipe has the following. Make a mixture of equal parts of oats, blueberry leaf, bean pods, corn stigmas, clavate buoyant. For one liter of water add 4 tablespoons of the mixture, insist for half a day. Boil for 10 minutes, then cool. And after several hours, filter. Use every half hour on a teaspoon six times a day.

With kidney stone disease, this prescription is contraindicated. But you can prepare a hot compress and use the local treatment with oat broth. The recipe is very simple in this case. In 2 liters of water, add 500 grams of oats and boil for half an hour. Hot compress is periodically applied to the kidney area and left there until cooling.

Bath for feet

Oat straw is boiled for half an hour, cooled to 32 degrees and make a foot bath for 20 minutes. If the limbs have problems, then these procedures will be very helpful. Gout, rheumatism, ingrowing nails, calluses and even suppurating wounds will go away if you do such manipulations all the time.

Full bath

The pan is filled with 2/3 oat straw and 1/3 with water. Boil for half an hour, then insist an hour. The resulting broth is filtered, poured into a container for water procedures. The bath is taken at a moderate temperature. Duration is up to 20 minutes.

Kissel in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and low blood pressure

The drink is prepared in different ways. For example, in the morning take 4 cups of cereal or cereal and pour 8 glasses of water. In the evening, drain and boil for several minutes. There is one more option. You can pour 500 grams of oatmeal into the jar, add a half liter of water, cover and leave for 3 days. After this, strain and bring to a boil, stirring constantly.

Oatmeal for nursing mothers

Means necessary to increase lactation. It can also be drunk to kids from 4-5 months. It is prepared simply. A glass of oatmeal is poured into a liter of water, boiled to an acid-like condition, cooled, filtered and diluted 1: 1 with boiled milk. Everything - a useful drink is ready!

This can be a varied treatment with oats. Recipes, reviews about them are found in large numbers. People say that such decoctions are very effective. They are useful and easy to prepare. Having become acquainted with only a small fraction of what patients write, who have tried oats treatment, you will definitely want to use it yourself. After all, everyone wants to be healthy. And the oats are ready to give you this wealth.

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