
What ointment from burns should be in the home medicine cabinet

Burns are skin lesions that occur as a result of a disruptive effect on the skin. Burn open flames, some types of concentrated chemicals, boiling water, electricity. In case of radiation contamination, the wound can arise from ionizing radiation.

These injuries are dangerous because the damaged skin is strongly exposed to infection. Burns by flames are especially dangerous. First, they can lead to complete disintegration of the tissues, and secondly, through the damaged skin, toxins that are formed as a result of combustion are absorbed into the body. They can poison the entire body.

The treatment of such damages depends entirely on their degree. At the first degree, the lesion is very light: it is broken, very insignificant, only the most superficial part of the skin.

To remove swelling and redness that appear on the skin with such wounds, remove discomfort, soreness, it is recommended to apply ointment from burns. Such injuries are also treated without treatment, but it is recommended that those who want to reinsure or alleviate pain should use Eplan, Ebermin, the Rescuer, the Healer, and other ointments intended for first aid with minor injuries. All these drugs are good because they do not contain hormones and antibiotics, practically have no contraindications.

Ointment from burns, especially lungs, you can prepare yourself. People's prescriptions, which endorses the official medicine, a lot. The simplest of them is a composition of finely grated raw potatoes and honey.

A more complex folk recipe recommends mixing unsalted butter, with linen and adding wax. Warmed half an hour on the fire, the mixture is spread on cotton cloth and applied to the wound under the bandage. This composition can be treated more severe damage.

For heavier burns, which are assigned the second degree, the appearance of bubbles filled with a turbid liquid is characteristic. Bursting, bubbles reveal erosion. These injuries are dangerous because infection quickly penetrates through damaged tissues. In these cases, doctors recommend using ointment from burns with silver. Silver has a very effective antimicrobial and antibacterial action, it disinfects wounds, promotes accelerated healing.

This ointment from burns, like Sulfargin, Ebermin, Cream Dermazin, containing preparations of silver, complex effect on the wound. With a strong antimicrobial effect, these drugs create the necessary concentration of therapeutic substances in the wound, do not allow the development of infection. If they are applied on time to damaged tissues, you can avoid the appearance of scars after healing.

If the pan was formed from boiling water, then for its treatment, ointment from burns with boiling water is recommended . It can be ointment from burns Panthenol or Solcoseryl, recommended for disinfection of wounds and acceleration of their healing.

Traditional medicine for the treatment of such injuries advises preparing a preparation of boiled egg yolks, evaporated in a pan. The healing effect, according to folk healers, has a liquid that appears in the process of re-heating. For one procedure, 15-20 eggs are required.

The next degree of damage, the third, is characterized by blackening of the skin, the appearance of black scabs. The fourth degree is charring.

In the process of treatment, doctors can use ointment from burns, antibiotics, other medications, but with first aid, the wounds can not be lubricated, rub or strew. The bandage will have to be put on clothes, because it is strictly forbidden to separate it from the wound.

Burns are very common household damage. Therefore, in any home medicine cabinet should be present drugs, with the help of which you can provide first aid.

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