
Gestagen: what is it and what are its functions?

Hormonal disorders in the body of a woman - the main cause of termination of pregnancy in the early term. As a rule, this is due to the low level of the main female hormone - progesterone. To replace it in the body of a pregnant woman, a substitute drug is prescribed, based on the progestogen. What it is? This will be discussed in this article.

Progesterone and its functions

Every month in the female body hormonal changes occur, and in the ovaries the follicle ripens. From the first day of menstruation and until ovulation, the estrogenic or follicular phase lasts . Then comes the period of progesterone (or formation of a yellow body). It lasts about 16 days. After ovulation, a yellow body forms on the spot that the ripe egg has left . This is a special formation that looks like a bag of liquids. It is it that produces the various hormones needed to maintain pregnancy, and above all - progesterone.

The progesterone, produced by the yellow body, prepares the body for pregnancy every month. I.e:

  • Promotes the transformation of the endometrium (inner layer of the uterus) to ensure - at the onset of pregnancy - the normal development of a fertilized egg.

  • Provides the development of the muscular layer of the uterus, through which it is updated and functioning.

  • Thanks to progesterone, the mucus located in the cervix becomes thicker, a mucous plug is formed, which protects the contents of the organ from external interference.

  • Prepares mammary glands for milk production.

  • Changing metabolism: reduced protein synthesis, there is an increase in the concentration of glucose and fatty acids in the blood. Due to this, the stock of substances necessary for the formation and development of the fetus increases.

  • Prevents the reaction of the female body to the fetus as a foreign object.

If natural progesterone is not enough, experts appoint its substitute - gestagen. What it is, and in what situations its use is necessary, the physician in more detail will tell.

Causes of insufficient progesterone formation

The inadequate production of progesterone adversely affects the development and nutrition of the fetus, which can provoke an early termination of pregnancy.

This state can be caused by such phenomena as:

  • Inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs;

  • Impaired function of the pituitary gland, ovaries, thyroid gland;

  • Intensive physical activity;

  • Reception of oral contraceptives;

  • Adherence to a low-calorie diet;

  • Pregnancy with IVF or stimulation of ovulation.

Such an important gestagen. What is it and when is it needed?

These hormones for the prevention of abortion were first used in the 60-70s of the last century. However, synthetic gestagens had many side effects, the main ones of which were congenital malformations. Today, after a lot of scientific experiments, really safe means are created.

They are used under the following conditions:

  • Hormonal disorders that provoke infertility;

  • premenstrual syndrome;

  • Mastopathy of fibrocystic type;

  • Irregular menstruation;

  • Preparation for IVF;

  • Hormone therapy in menopause;

  • Myoma and endometriosis of the uterus.


For the treatment of pathological conditions associated with impaired ovarian function, use of estrogens. Indications for their use are the following pathologies:

  • Primary, secondary amenorrhea;

  • Sexual deficiency of the second type;

  • Hypoplasia of secondary sexual characteristics and sexual apparatus;

  • Menopausal disorders;

  • Treatment and prevention of osteoporosis;

  • Weak labor activity;

  • Premature pregnancy;

  • infertility;

  • Hypertensive disease in women.

Estrogens and gestagens are the basis of many combined medicines, including agents for the treatment of cancer. Hormonal preparations, which contain these substances and their combinations, are also used as oral contraceptives.

Progesterone, estrogen, gestagen - what is it? The short answer to this question you learned from our article, and for more detailed advice we recommend that you contact a specialist. He not only helps to understand, but also advises which drug to choose, if this is necessary. Be healthy!

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