HealthDiseases and Conditions

Fibromatosis of the uterus: concept, diagnosis, treatment.

One of the most frequent female gynecological problems is the appearance of neoplasms in the uterus. Such problems include fibromatosis of the uterus - the appearance of a benign tumor in the body cavity. This disease affects women more than forty years, that is, the age of which is gradually approaching the climacteric. However, in recent years, the disease has become significantly younger - gynecologists are increasingly diagnosing fibromatosis and in women twenty-five to thirty years. Statistics stubbornly maintain that almost half of women have uterine fibromatosis.

Fibromatosis is the first and most harmless stage before the formation of fibroids, characterized by the appearance of connective tissue replacing uterine tissue. Fibroma can grow into the uterine cavity, grow in its walls and come out. In fibromatosis, as a rule, nodes in the body of the uterus do not appear, although it increases in size.

Quite often uterine fibromatosis is an independent ailment, and sometimes it can be provoked by some disease and reborn into a tumor. A hereditary factor, hormonal disorders, abnormal ovarian function, excessive body weight, previously transferred abortions, smoking and alcohol, stresses play a major role among the causes of fibromatosis.

Most women do not feel any symptoms, so the diagnosis of "uterine fibromatosis" for them is a kind of shock at a doctor's appointment. Usually, the disease is detected either during preventive examinations, or when complaining about certain symptoms, when the disease has already begun to progress. Among such symptoms, women notice pain in the lower back, painful menstruation and their duration, possibly an increase in discharge during menstruation (which in turn can lead to anemia), miscarriage or prolonged inability to conceive a baby.

When these symptoms appear, a woman should consult a consultation to clarify the diagnosis. In order to diagnose uterine fibromatosis, it is necessary to undergo a general gynecological examination, ultrasound of the female genital organs, examination of the uterine cavity with a special device, and pass a blood test for hormones.

If fibroids of the uterus does not cause a woman negative feelings, then under condition of periodic examination at the gynecologist, the disease can not be treated. The patient is prescribed vitamins, restorative medications, stay in the high temperature zone (you can not sunbathe long, visit the sauna and sauna). Often after lowering the level of estrogen during menopause, the fibroid stops its growth.

When the disease progresses, hormonal treatment is shown, which first of all will restrain the growth of connective tissue cells. If the fibroid reaches a significant size and threatens the life of a woman, then it is removed surgically.

Fibromatosis of the uterus, whose treatment with folk remedies is not possible, is often the subject of speculation among folk healers and healers. Many women who do not want to take hormonal drugs or are simply afraid of surgery, are trying to cure fibromatosis in this way. Unfortunately, the action of traditional medicine is aimed only at eliminating the symptoms of fibromatosis, but not at all to completely cure the very cause of the disease. At a time when patients are hoping for recovery, the problem may worsen, not giving chances of conservative treatment. Reinforcing to the operation, you can lose the uterus (with a large-sized fibroids), which in no way reacts to herbs, decoctions and infusions. For qualitative treatment of fibroids and correct diagnostics of the disease, it is necessary to observe only with medical specialists and follow their recommendations clearly. Fibromatosis of the uterus, whose treatment is started on time, largely reduces the risk of further complications.

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