HealthWomen Health

Urethritis in women: symptoms and treatment

Inflammation of the urethra is called urethritis. It requires timely diagnosis and treatment, or else serious complications can arise. Often, the doctor comes to the doctor late, because urethritis in women, the symptoms of which are much less pronounced than in men, goes unnoticed and becomes chronic.

Exacerbations occur after sexual acts, diet disorders, severe physical exertion and decreased immunity. The woman starts to be afraid of intimate relations, tasty food, tight clothes, the slightest hypothermia. This reduces the quality of life and leads to psychological problems. At a certain stage, chronic urethritis in women begins to bother them all the time.

Inflammation is accompanied by pain during urination and discharge from the canal. Over time, the pain becomes permanent, blood may appear in the urine.

Often urethritis in women, the symptoms of which are similar to manifestations of cystitis, are confused with this disease. When inflammation of the bladder of the thread is observed only at the end of urination, but it hurts above the pubis.

Over time, urethritis is complicated by cystitis, especially with chronic course, untimely or inadequate treatment. Then the inflammation can spread to the kidneys. Chronic pyelonephritis eventually leads to kidney failure.

In addition, prolonged inflammation in the urethra contributes to its narrowing. This is manifested by the fact that urine is excreted with difficulty by a thin trickle.

Those who have encountered this unpleasant problem, it is interesting how to treat urethritis in women, and which doctor. The fact is that problems with the urethra are very often associated with gynecological diseases, namely with disturbances in the microflora of the vagina and hormonal background.

Therefore, ideally, an experienced urogynecologist should be engaged in treatment, but there are very few such specialists. Otherwise, the patient often results in ineffectively from the gynecologist to the urologist and each seeks to shift responsibility to a colleague.

As a rule, the treatment consists in taking medications that act on the pathogen. It is established by the results of analyzes. Usually they make bacteriological cultures and DNA diagnostics.

However, this is not enough. Assign more immunomodulators, vitamins, physiotherapy, local treatment with the help of instillations of medicinal substances. In addition, for the successful treatment should be eliminated provoking factors:

  • Reception of spicy, salty, spicy, marinated, fried foods;
  • Hypothermia;
  • Alcohol and smoking;
  • Gynecological problems;
  • Active sex life.

It is necessary to drink plenty of fluids and urinate every two hours, even if you do not want to. Since the bacteria that support inflammation are washed out.

Acute urethritis in women, the symptoms of which are often not obvious, can be cured quite easily and quickly. But getting rid of the running chronic process is quite difficult. Therefore, it is so important to consult a doctor at the first symptoms.

By the type of pathogens, urethritis can be specific, caused by diseases transmitted sexually, and nonspecific, whose culprit is a conditionally pathogenic flora. It is normally present in the human body, but under certain conditions, individual microorganisms multiply too actively and cause inflammation.

The most common pathogens of specific urethritis are chlamydia, gonococci, trichomandas, and nonspecific - Escherichia coli, staphylococcus, streptococcus.

Thus, urethritis in women, the symptoms of which are quite hidden, must be treated in a timely manner. Otherwise, it becomes chronic, and it is much more difficult to deal with it. It leads to such consequences as pyelonephritis, cystitis and narrowing of the urethra.

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