Education, History
Adolf Gitler. Biography. Little-known pages
The nineteenth and the last centuries were ruled by monarchs. Century twentieth - the era of dictators and tyrants who had power, compared with which the opportunities of emperors, kings and kings fade. One of such bloody rulers by the will of fate was the former corporal of the Austro-Hungarian army Adolf Hitler.
The biography taught by all schoolchildren of the Third Reich says that in 1889, on April 20, Klara Gidler (the name was written incorrectly, then corrected) a baby male was born.
The family did not stand out particularly, although there was one strangeness - the mother and father were related. In order to get married, they even needed papal permission (they were Catholics). Father, Alois, was not young, and passed away when the boy turned 14 years old.
The lanky young man grew thoughtful, somewhat lazy, his walks were his favorite pastime. It is hard to imagine that during these years he was thinking about the fate of the planet and the dominant role of the Nordic race, especially since he had a serious interest in painting. Attempts to learn the artist did not succeed, in the Vienna Art Academy his abilities were not appreciated, consolingly saying goodbye to the fact that the architect can still come out of it.
All these well-known facts do not give an idea of what kind of person was Adolf Hitler. The biography becomes interesting after the outbreak of World War II. For a long time, Soviet and foreign historians developed the idea that the future Fuhrer was useless as a soldier, and his iron cross received by chance, quickly escaping somewhere with a report. In fact, he had three crosses - I, III and III degrees with swords, which means that he had to fight the corporal, and not to run errands.
Trying to create an image of a stupid neurasthenic, the figures of historical science render the world antifascist movement a disservice. There was neither Adolf Hitler nor cowardice. His biography continued in Munich, where he led agitation among veterans on government orders. This work showed his talent as a speaker, and, apparently, it was in 1919 that he himself felt his ability to entice the masses. Then he meets with the founder of the German Workers' Party Anton Drexler. The latter, having suffered defeat in the dispute with Adolf, was not offended, but invited him into the close circle of his comrades.
The following year, the new member of the party renamed and headed it. The organization grew, stormtroopers marched through the streets in brown shirts, but so far no one has been touched. In 1923, Bavaria, impoverished by reparations and indemnities, was shocked by the military coup attempted by General Ludendorff and Adolf Hitler. The biography of the politician could end after suppression of the putsch, which was caustically called "beer". After nine months of imprisonment (the term was 5 years, but it was "mowed"), the Führer of the German nation finally came to freedom and found that everything he had created collapsed. The stormtrooper fled, there is no money, and there is nothing to buy brown shirts for. The leader with a criminal record, established himself as a bully and a chatterbox, was not needed by anyone. There remained only a book written in prison and several loyal comrades who believe in National Socialism.
The history of Adolf Hitler as a politician at this moment opened its most mysterious page. From somewhere the Führer suddenly had money, and considerable. By 1930 the Nazi Party was represented in the Bundestag, its ratings were higher than those of its main competitors (Social Democrats and Communists). Everything that happened next can be read in any history textbook.
But there is one more aspect of the life of this dictator - his relationship with the main woman in his life. Everyone knows that Eva Braun and Adolf Hitler have formalized their relationship immediately before suicide. But not everyone knows that in fact they were spouses since 1929. (Beauty Eve was only seventeen when they met.)
There is a widespread opinion that Hitler forced his wife to drink poison. In fact, no one was present at their suicide, so there is no one to refute or confirm this version. It is possible that Frau Hitler was poisoned voluntarily, just as the mistress of the Duce remained standing by the wall where he was shot. Clara Petacci reasonedly believed that she would still be killed and, obviously, deliberately chose a quick death. Eva Brown-Hitler could have the same motives.
All this information is incapable of giving any attraction to the image of the demon-possessed Adolf. They are important for another reason. People should not trust politicians who speak beautiful speeches and promise unearthly goods only on the basis of belonging to the chosen nation. Infernal charm does not lead to heaven. It leads, as it should be, to the underworld, where only horror and death.
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