Hobby, Photo
Ancient cameras - a short digression into the history
To date, there are a huge number of different cameras, from the already outdated film and ending with digital SLRs. The first picture in the world was received in 1839, on January 7, thanks to Louis Jacques Dagger. He managed to get an image on the salts of silver. Fox Talbot in the same year was invented a negative.
камера-обскура. The history of film cameras began after the obscura camera was invented . представляла собой темную комнату, а потом стала переносным ящиком. Initially, it was a dark room, and then it became a portable box. The first photographic apparatus was invented by A.F. Grekov in Russia. In 1847, S.A. Levitsky created a folding construction. In 1854, I.F. Alexandrovsky came up with a so-called stereoscopic device. Antique cameras began to appear one after another. They were improved and modernized, creating more and more new models.
History of photography
Eastman Dry Plate Company . In 1885, Eastman Dry Plate Company began its operations . This company produced films. And it was discovered by its talented inventor and scientist George Eastman, along with businessman Henry Strong in Rochester, USA. Eastmain patented the world's first roll film. In 1904, the well-known, probably, all Lumiere brothers release the plate for the production of color photographs under the trademark Lumiere.
используется знаменитая 35-мм пленка , пришедшая в мир фотографии из киноискусства. In 1923, invented the first camera, which uses the famous 35-mm film , came to the world of photography from the cinema. In 1935, "Kodak" produces color photographic film "Kodakhrom." In 1942, sales of color films "Kodakkolor" began. By the way, it was this film that became the most popular among amateurs and professionals for the next half century.
The advent of Polaroid cameras in 1963 turned the world of photo printing. . This equipment made it possible to instantly obtain a snapshot . на пустом отпечатке проявлялась только что сделанная фотография. In just a few seconds , an image just taken was shown on an empty print. Until the early 1990's, Polaroid took a leading place in the photo industry and ceded only digital photography.
Sony выпускает на мировой рынок цифровую видеокамеру под названием Mavica . In 1980, Sony released a digital video camera called Mavica to the world market . сохраняются в ней на гибком флоппи-диске, который можно множество раз стирать и перезаписывать. Captured frames are stored in it on a flexible floppy disk, which can be erased and overwritten many times . году первая цифровая фотокамера Fuji DS1P была официально выпущена компанией Fujifilm . In 1988 , the first Fuji DS1P digital camera was officially released by Fujifilm . The camera had 16 MB of internal memory.
In 1991, Kodak replenishes the market with a digital SLR. There is a camera Kodak DCS10 with a resolution of 1.3 megapixels and a variety of ready-made functions for easy professional photography. And in 1995 the company officially stops the production of film cameras.
Soviet cameras
A large-format camera, which weighed more than one kilogram, was replaced by more modern designs, light alloys. Photoart was actively developing everywhere. In the Soviet Union, old cameras appeared in the 1930s.
The first serial camera was released in 1930 - it was "Photocor-1." And the peak of development of Soviet photographic equipment came in the 1950s. "FED", "Smena", "Zenith" - these are the old cameras of the USSR, which became legendary.
"Zenith" began to produce on the basis of the camera "Zorkiy", at the Krasnogorsk Mechanical Plant in the distant 1952. The very first mirror camera was "Sport" which was popular from 1935 to 1941. Nevertheless, it is the camera "Zenith" won the recognition of photographers.
Kodak Camera
In 1988, the first camera of Kodak appeared. In those days, it was already sold on film with a film for a hundred frames and cost 25 US dollars. For those times it was quite large, but affordable amount. Thus, photography becomes available to all categories of the population. The market produces a cheap analogue with a film of only six frames and a cost of $ 1. The additional film cost only 15 cents.
Collectors of cameras
Many admirers of technology collect cameras. Often they collect models of one year of release or one manufacturer. On most rare models, demand does not subside. Today, old cameras go under the hammer for rabid money. за 800 тысяч долларов США . For example, the camera "Daguerreotype of the brothers Suss" was bought for 800 thousand US dollars . It is clear that the price depends on the demand for the model.
And you knew that:
- " были пластины из стекла или меди, на которые наносился асфальтовый лак; The first "photographic paper " was a plate of glass or copper, on which the asphalt varnish was applied;
- и поныне - с ее помощью производятся интегральные микросхемы ; The prototype of a modern camera, a camera obscura, is still in use - with its help integrated circuits are manufactured ;
- ; The first color photograph was taken by James Maxwell in 1861 ;
- цветной фотографии в России запечатлен Л.Н. On the first color photo in Russia. Tolstoy;
- The first portrait obtained by electric light was made by Levitsky in 1879;
- The first role of the tape, which housed 12 photosensitive sheets of paper, weighed no less than 15 kilograms!
Every year the market is replenished with new models of cameras. Today, the art of photography is available to everyone.
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